Closed Game
This is a closed game, meaning only members of the club can see content within it.
About This Game
Game System
Detailed Description
It's a 2e conversion of the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path!
The Rules topic includes some houserules, common rule interpretations, and special PbP rules.
The Characters topic is where you can find specific character building rules, ask questions, and is where you should make your application threads.
The Codex topic contains maps, NPCs, and things you discover along the way. It will be filled in as we progress.
Make a character app and ask for review when you're ready. I plan to handle this game mainly through BLDR, with an OOC channel here and another on discord. I might try the google slides method or something to let you guys move your tokens and simplify map updates, or I might stick with my method of moving pawns around in gimp based on your posts.
Looking for players willing to commit to a game for the long term. I can usually post enough to keep up with the party. Sometimes that's multiple in a day, sometimes that's 1/week. It's really up to the party, but I prefer 3-5 DM posts/week of varying size.
Apps close on Feb 21, though I'll give a couple days after to get things finished up if needed while I make final selections. I'll probably go with a party of 5, or I may think about running two parties of 3-4. I'm contemplating keeping everyone in a common world, and streamlining some of the minor encounters by splitting them between parties. Not sure if that'll work with larger encounters though, and I'm open to discussion as we go. Could be fun to mix and match so the group can morph over time to fit post rates and personalities.