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Closed Game

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About This Game

AEGIS says they are protecting Earth from the Aliens? Are they? And have they in the past? Is this government conspiracy even real? SHIELD says they and their ancestor organization, the SSR, have protected Earth from threats the public wasn't ready to know about, and continue to do so, including the threats the Avengers just fought in New York City. Are they telling the truth? And then there is the perennial favorite conspiracy subject, the "Black Book", and its infamous "Majestic Clearances". Supposedly controlling aliens on Earth, this secret government conspiracy that has existed since before the Roswell Incident has managed to avoid the control of SHIELD and its World Security Council by the simple expedient of not showing up on any official paperwork. Or so the conspiracy theorists say... The truth is a little more complicated. You all, as a cell of the organization AEGIS, are aware that something is WRONG with SHIELD, and of course, the BLACK BOOK (otherwise known as the National Defense Directorate, the NDD) has been corrupted, as they WORK WITH aliens, in alliances with the invaders. Your job rarely gets you thanks, but you can definitely see the benefits of your missions.

Game System

Conspiracy X 2.0

Detailed Description

The Party will be a cell of AEGIS Operatives, well-supported, and of moderate rank in AEGIS.

This a world that draws from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, up to Avengers: End Game, starting in 2012 before the Battle of New York City forces SHIELD Director Nick Fury to fully reveal the Avengers to the public.

The Party can expect interaction with both Black Book (their traditional conspiracy opposite number) and SHIELD, as well as various potential points to guide Black Book and SHIELD to interact with each other.

A book is not required, I have posted modified Character Creation Rules in the forum.

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