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About This Game

3.5E sandbox lots of options. As well as modern sandbox avaliable.

Game System

D&D 3.5e



Detailed Description

3.5E sandbox play by post/by chat.

Appendix N:

Diablo. Starcraft. Turok, dinosaur hunter. DOOM. Heavy metal magazine. Heavy metal movie. Warhammer, 40k. Old world of darkness. Lovecraft, Poe, Hitchcock, king, schopenhauer, nietzsche, Feyerabend, and kazinzki And a whole lot of existential dread.


Changes: Max hp per level. Mana points from unearthed arcana. Crafting is skill based, not feat based. You don't need feats to make things. However you still need to be able to cast spells to make Magic stuff. Crafting system from the Everquest books. DragonMech Book. Only roll to confirm crits when using keen weapons. No player can see in the dark. Elves are not immune to sleep and charm.



Players start with a hovel of a house, either in the city, or a hut outside. Houses can be upgraded and built on. Players may eventually buy castles and kingdoms using the pathfinder kingdom maker supplement for 3.5


Starting wealth 3000 GP.

Players all know of each other, even if they have never actually met. This makes it easier to role-play without having to find obnoxious reasons and having you all chase each other and feign ignorance about one another. This does not mean you know the history, gear, secrets, where they live or other information in an attempt to exploit said player.

P.v.P works if both players are willing. If one player isn't willing just ignore it and it will be handled.

You know each other in the sense that "hey they are at the market often" or "that's the dude that got arrested for running naked through the streets.

Transparency: 90% (made up statistic) of the time, I believe in being fair. I will always provide source material, most of the time, I will use core monsters. I will provide maps, ect. After the fact, to handle any disputes about things being too "coincidental". 10% of the time however things will be altered by DM magic, to be antagonistic, or adversarial. There will be no alteration to core rules, only things to be excluded or Included. If there is an error in rules, please provide the page, and book name of an offical non-internet source.

Books are different from the SRD sometimes. In the event of a DM error, events will be rolled back, to before cataclysmic consequences have occured. Only monsters will be altered sometimes, rules won't be changed on the fly. And I will make posts for things I forget as I am reminded. Rules as written always over rules as intended or implied. Any changes made to the game that would have altered a players creation choices, players will be given compensation or allowed to re-roll.



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