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About This Game

Dive into the shadows of a modern metropolis where ordinary people harbor extraordinary powers, uncovering the truth behind the veil of myths and legends in a noir-inspired urban fantasy world.

Game System

City of Mist



Detailed Description

In the heart of this sprawling metropolis lies a hidden underbelly, a place where the lines between truth and legend blur like shadows in the neon-lit streets. You see, in this city, everyone's got a story, but not all of 'em are fairy tales.

I've been around long enough to know that beneath the surface of this concrete jungle, there's a whole world of secrets and lies just waiting to be uncovered. And me? I'm just an old gumshoe with a knack for seeing things others can't. Call it a gift, call it a curse – I call it a damn good reason to keep digging.

You see, in this game, we're not just playing for keeps – we're playing for our very souls. We're different, different than the Average Joe that works the nine to five just to keep food on the table. And while we're all different varieties of freak show we are all more or less the same, folks with one foot in reality and the other in the realm of myth and legend. And let me tell ya, it ain't easy straddling that line.

But hey, who said life was supposed to be easy, right? In this City, you gotta be ready to roll with the punches, follow the clues wherever they lead, and watch your back every step of the way. 'Cause trust me, there are forces at play here that make the Mob look like choirboys.

So grab your trench coat, light up a smoke, and get ready to dive headfirst into the shadows. 'Cause in this City of Mist, the truth ain't always pretty – but it's the only thing worth fighting for. And me? I'll be damned if I'm gonna let the darkness win. Not on my watch.

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