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Closed Game  ·  1 member

Ruins of Sol

Closed Game

This is a closed game, meaning only members of the club can see content within it.

Game System

Pokemon Tabletop Adventures

Detailed Description

The year is 2271, and humanity has colonized the solar system to escape the hellhole that is Earth. For most people, there's only one way to get out: sell themselves into employment with the Starlynx corporation. Whatever your reasons- escape to the stars, evade the law, naively believing Starlynx's propaganda, or simply because you wanted something different to do- you signed a contract, and now find yourself shouldering an ever-growing mountain of debt. The only way you can pay it off is by salvaging valuable Pokemon and items from the ruined spaceships, space stations, and even asteroids that are hauled into your salvage yard. There's no way back, and only one way out. Now don your spacesuit, quick- you're on the clock now.

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