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Closed Game

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About This Game

This is a Dungeon Punk game of powerful adventurers/nobles plundering the depths of the Underdark under the shadow of an oncoming apocalypse that will reshape the world as they know it. Will you come out on top? Or will you be one o those people who died so that the victors could write themselves into the history books?

Game System




Detailed Description

The Game Ad (Playtest of homebrew PbP game)

Welcome to City Conflicts, a Dungeon Punk Grand Strategy game, where you plunder the Hidden Realms of the Underdark to expand the Surface Races' access to magical components for enchanting and creating valuable magical items. It is in this dark place that only Azurite, Spirit Flowers, and Spirit Beasts can be found and collected. A place jealously guarded by the Dead and the Damned, who seek to cut off the Celestial’s supply of magical resources in preparation for the inevitable war that ends the world and determines who charts the beginnings of the next. It is an apocalyptic war with no winners, only the one who loses the least.

That said, the victors write history, and the winner of each Cycle will determine what history survives to inform the next generation of the past. Future generations will only know what the victor decided they should know, and it is through this process the Dead, the Damned, and the Celestials influence the mortal populations in favor of their gods who seek to take full control of the World one day.

The current state of the game is simple and limited. There are 3 conflict types (Espionage, Combat, Magic) that a character can specialize in and 3 very, very limited economic trees (Azurite, Spirit Flowers, Spirit Beasts) that produce items you can wield mechanically to provide your characters with mechanical advantages.

Azurite compasses allow you to influence your visits to the Underdark.

Potions from spirit nectar and beast cores allow you to gain better rolls, better loot, or simply ignore the mana costs of enhancing your other skills with magical power.

These concepts will be expanded on in the next iteration by adding a single Legendary Item per character as something you can acquire (or start within the 3rd iteration, depending on Cycle modifiers) and adding Cycle Modifiers to be chosen by the winner for the next game. For instance, you can choose for every character in the game to start with a legendary item instead of needing to find them.

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