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A fantasy nation building game with elements of worldbuilding, pvp, roleplay, and strategy. Always recruiting. New players welcome!

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Detailed Description

Empire!4 Reloaded

GMs: PotatoPriest, Zayuz, Avonthes

With special thanks to Rolepgeek, Minescratcher, Lleban, and Tentreto for writing the rules, 
Rolepgeek, Minescratcher and Tentreto for writing some of our lore posts, 
And the fantastic Lleban for the map.


Welcome to Empire!4 Reloaded! This is an offshoot of the Empire! series of play-by-post worldbuilding and nation building games. The current main title in this series is Minescratcher’s Empire!8This offshoot game is aimed at recruiting newer players and giving them a classic Empire experience with a simpler and more archaic rule set. If you were a player in Empire 1, 2, 3, or 4, we love you but you are ineligible to play in Empire4! Reloaded. 

We aim to recruit around 20 players, and recruiting will remain open until we do, though the game is scheduled to begin on May 26.



One hundred years ago, Dejan the Golden arrived at the site of his final conquest. He had fought in every corner of the known world; broke bread and bones with every people, and united them all under a single banner. His empire, powerful and vast, was to bring an eternal peace to the varied lands of Emjata - but it was not to be. On the eve of his final conquest he was struck down by a bolt of lightning from the sky, and since that day the Avakonian Empire has been in a spiral of decay and misfortune that has allowed new powers to spring to life, as well as the reassertion of the old that have been trampled by the great conqueror. Nobody knows why Dejan was smote by lightning: some say that he was struck down by the gods for his hubris. Others claim the powerful magic of a jealous rival. Others still whisper that in his great valiance he was uplifted to divinity itself, but with time the truth has only become more obscured.


Welcome to the lands of Emjata, where the world once conquered and ruled by the glorious Avakonian Empire has begun to fracture and collapse under the weight of its complexity and decadence. EMPIRE! has the player take on the role of a faction that controls land, resources, and military might over many generations of rulers, the form of which can be as you please. Forge history with and against your fellow powers! As this is a collaborative worldbuilding game, but also a social strategy game, be ready to fight while remembering not to tread on the enjoyment of other players.


Featuring warfare, intrigue, romance and politics, we encourage players to generally follow a tone befitting an analogous fall of the (fantasy) Roman Empire with the expected content being rated 16+. As the writer of your own faction, you may choose the general tone that your writing sets within this sphere. This game also uses a community discord server. Participation in the discord is not mandatory, but encouraged since a lot of political deals happen there.


  1. What's new in this game
  2. “Ah! In hindsight, I should have just drawn you a map. Here, this is Uhrasa.” Elara passed Darian a forearm-length stick, and he carefully outlined an area on the south of the Uhraiya. Darian turned to his two guards with a brisk nod. “Alright then, keep your spears on your back, and help them break camp.” One guard raised an eyebrow but quickly complied. "As you say, Captain," he murmured, exchanging a quick glance with the other guard, who shrugged in return. “We know of the Isle’s existence,” the captain began, stroking his chin thoughtfully, “though not of any detail at all. I believe our most complete maps don’t even wrap the coastline of your home.” He paused, eyes narrowing slightly. “It is strange that you say you traveled here with no ships; for us, horrid walls of mist descended and trapped us for weeks. They finally lifted, and we were deposited upon the shore. Strange, that the ways we arrived are not similar.” A flicker of concern crossed his face. “Were any of your number awake at the time you arrived here?” he asked, leaning forward with interest.
  3. Grete turn to face Fyodor, she had seen him approaching , he still manage to surprise her with a question, instead of an introduction, she stand there watching him for several awkward seconds. Duria has..a rater unnecessarily complex etiquette for meetings, who has to bow to who, who introduce who and when, Fyodor skipped it and now Grete is like a computer stuck on the loading screen. Luckily she know him, not due to his merits, over the years their families have established quite friendly relations and since shes here to meet the Grand Duke she took the time to learn who is accompanying him. Grete delicately grab her gown and perform a curtsy to Fyodor who, in Duria's rankings, is of the same status of a prince. "I hope the Grand Duke will concede me some of his time, there is something i need to tell him and...something i'd like to ask, unfortunately I dont know how to approach the matter without it sounding like an exchange, the two things are...separated" intentionally vague, she doesnt know what kind of relationship the two brothers have, not all families are like hers. "From what i've seen from your sister, House Veira seem to prefer a... direct... approach and.." i'm terrible at it, thats what she should say, her family is the opposite of direct(except Amalie) they circle around a topic for a long time before getting to the point, supposedly it's a way to study their interlocutor, Grete is not even good at that , she rarely speak with people, she's the gloomy introvert of the family...while the Grand Duke is swarmed with people as if he was god's gift to mankind.
  4. Fyodor wanders the grounds a bit, trying and failing keep to keep his conversations at a minimum given how he is clearly a Velkan nobleman (outside of the fact that he is clean shaven) and rumors spread pretty fast that he was here along with his brother. Part of him wishes someone else could have accompanied Anastasi but with Alina pregnant, Ekaterina busy acting as regent, and Uncle Tomas focusing on spending his last few years in peace, there really wasn't anyone else besides his mother and she politely declined while putting Fyodor forward. Eventually he finally decides to go and find his brother, at least with him people will try to talk to him less since they would focus on him more. He sees his brother certainly, he stands out from the crowd, but he is busy talking to various people so instead Fyodor clings to the wall and moves around the room, stopping near a woman maybe a couple years older than him and looking out at the crowd. This spot is as good a place as any to watch people and keep an eye on his elder brother should he want him to come over while, at the same time, he presumes he won't bother the woman with his presence and people will not be inclined to come over. Though out of the corner of his eye he notices she also staring over at Anastasi and the Empress as if she wants to approach but is held back. "Waiting for the Empress or the Grand Duke?" He asks her out of pure curiosity.
  5. The Grand Duke, as always, could maintain a genial demeanor, even if he doesn't quite trust a lot of the people here, too many vipers as his grandfather would say. Eventually a lull in the current conversation, this one concerning military tactics and lessons learned from his campaign against Khur of all things, causes someone new to introduce himself, it is pretty clear who he is based off of the fact that he is a sea elf, the Tidewarden of Uhrasa. He kisses her hand for the exact amount of time that propriety calls for before letting go and rotating his shoulders and adopts his usual confident smile that, perhaps to some hides something but to most who know him, it is just who he is naturally. "It is a pleasure to meet you both. Dejan willing, my efforts will bear good fruit and help the people of Velka and the Empire... even if there are things I can improve on to bring our efforts to even greater heights my grandfather left an excellent foundation to build upon. My efforts aside, based off of your homeland's successes in the field of trade, it sounds like the two of you have made quite the powerful pair. I would introduce you to my wife but Alina elected to stay at home since our second child on the way, similarly my closest advisor, my twin sister, is serving as my regent while I am away." He strokes his beard in thought for a moment. "Speaking of which, I must say your proposal that Ekaterina brought to me was surprising. It was pleasing since it definitely helps me out and you do stand to gain from it, but it was a surprising one."
  6. Somewhere Unknown, Dinma'ari/Human Camp, ~102 AD "We agree." Xolani said to Darian as he turned his attention back to the human, nodded and looked down to Darian, "Feast, celebrate new friends. We offer aid. Bring our goods as well." Xolani then turned back to Birkii and Faraji, and spoke in the common tongue. "Help humans break camp. Gather all." With that, the Dinma'ari and Aerowen's guards went to work breaking their camp down. Meanwhile, Aerowen stayed with the Captain and his party. "Uhrasa?" Aerowen started, looking at Darian with a spark of curiosity in her eyes. She paused before continuing as she reached down to grab a stick and started to draw a crude, simple map of the known world. Pointing with the stick to the general area of Uhrasa, "On the Uhraiya Sea correct? That is very interesting if so..." She pointed to the crude drawing of a large island on the Ortassa Sea as she continued, "Especially considering we came from here. The Isle of Veyhr. Without any ships. We were traveling through the jungles of Veyhr, and then, we just woke up here."
  7. The air of anticipation hung thick over the Great Palace of Dvanik as the grand celebration approached its crescendo. The sound of revelry and the sea mingled in a harmonious symphony as the nobles and dignitaries from across the realm gathered to witness the crowning of the new Emperor Eulalius. Amidst this congregation of power and prestige, a tall figure of grace makes his entrance. As the sun began to rise, casting golden hues over the Strait of Vratis, a sleek ship cut through the waters with an elegance befitting its passengers. The vessel, a marvel of elven craftsmanship, bore the colors of Uhrasa—the deep blues and golds symbolizing the sea's eternal embrace. At the helm stood Kairos Windrider, the Tidewarden of Uhrasa. Kairos was a Sea Elf, his skin shimmering with a faint cerulean hue that caught the fading light. His long, silver hair was pulled into a careful ponytail, not a hair out of place, and his eyes were the color of stormclouds. Beside him stood his new wife, Lucia Windrider nee Ander, her auburn hair fluttering in the gentle breeze. The two cut a striking figure as they descended from the ship onto the docks, hand in hand, symbolizing both their personal and political union. Long regarded as a figure known only through his letters, it seems that he has made an exception for this, grandest event. Their arrival did not go unnoticed. Courtiers and dignitaries whispered among themselves in speculation as the couple made their way up the stone steps through the royal gardens, surrounded by the sweet scent of blossoms and the soft rustle of leaves. To the 'Master of Joy,' Archpriest of Vilstra The Master of Joy was easily recognizable amidst the festivities, always at the center of things. Draped in vibrant robes and surrounded by a cadre of acolytes, he was the embodiment of the New God of Prosperity, Romance, and Intrigue. Kairos approached with his wife at his side and a disarming smile, nodding respectfully as he spoke. "Archpriest," he began, his voice smooth as silk, "I am Kairos Windrider, Tidewarden of Uhrasa. My people have a great love for our shared lady; It seems that nary a celebration goes by without invoking her blessings. Though my people are enthusiastic, deeply studied in this matter they are not. May I impose upon you to learn the proper rites afforded to the Siren of Wealth and Whispers?” To Ysmondr Greycoat, rising Nobleman Ysmondr Greycoat, the rising nobleman from the south, was known for his keen mind and ambitious spirit. Kairos sought him out amidst the crowd, finding him engaged in conversation with a group of young aristocrats. As Kairos approached, the circle parted, granting him audience. "Lord Greycoat," Kairos addressed him with a slight bow, his expression friendly but with a glint of challenge in his eyes. "I am Kairos Windrider, Tidewarden of Uhrasa. Your endeavors in the south have certainly piqued my interest, particularly your... unique approach to governance. I am eager to hear your thoughts on how you plan to bring prosperity to our realms—perhaps with fewer missteps than have been rumored." To Empress-Regent Aemiliana Rafaela Zhekurus The Empress-Regent, Aemiliana Rafaela Zhekurus, stood as a pillar of authority and grace. As the Oracle of Rieba, her insight was revered throughout Avakonia. Kairos approached her with the respect due to her station, bowing deeply as he introduced himself. "Your Majesty," he said, his voice smooth as silk, "I am Kairos Windrider, Tidewarden of Uhrasa. It is a privilege to stand in the presence of one who has overseen the empire during this challenging interregnum. May I express my admiration for your resilience and offer my congratulations on this auspicious day, as it must be a relief for you to finally relinquish such a heavy burden to the new Emperor. Under your son’s leadership, the Empire will surely find its way back to the glory of its storied past.” To the Grand Duke, Anastasi the New Wolf Grand Duke Anastasi was known for his influence and power within the Avakonian court, a man regarded as a rising star in the servants of the empire. He found the Grand Duke engaged in conversation with several prominent figures and waited for a lull before making his introduction. "Dearest Grand Duke," Kairos began, his demeanor confident, "much have we spoken of, through intermediaries. Trouble you, I must, for a moment of your time. Before we put pen to paper, I simply must introduce you to my wife, Lucia. Her keen insights and discerning mind have been invaluable to me." Lucia stepped forward gracefully, her auburn hair catching the light as she extended her hand to Anastasi. "Grand Duke Anastasi, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person," she said with a warm smile. "I have heard much about your contributions to the empire, and I look forward to seeing the fruits of your efforts firsthand."
  8. Somewhere Unknown, Dinma'ari/Human Camp, ~102 AD The captain patiently waited, though still on guard as a conversation happened before him that he had no chance of interpreting. While he did not expect trickery, he had a duty to his crew to avoid any traps. Once Aerowen had finished speaking, Darian began. "Ah," Darian sighed, "We hail from a land southeast of Avakon. As an arrow, around thirty days walk for a human, if he could walk the seas." He paused, a faint smile tugging at his lips, "It is named Uhrasa, a land of cliffs, ships, and a hearty home to humans and Sea Elves alike. I am a human myself," Darian said, gesturing to his distinctly non-pointed ears. "As demonstrated by these round ears. My First mate Elara is a Sea-Elf, evidenced by her pointed ears and pale blue-grey skin," he continued, nodding towards Elara. Elara awkwardly swept her shoulder-length blonde hair aside to showcase the pointed tip of her ear, perhaps a third of an inch longer than the humans around her. "We are glad of your offer of assistance," Darian said earnestly. "Given time, we believe we may be able to repair our vessels and leave this accursed place. If you show us where your boats are, we will attempt to mend yours as well." He added, "Though, we will encounter difficulties along the way – we are of the sea, not of the land." He shook his head slightly. "Strange places are those we do not often venture." "If you wish," Darian offered with a hopeful tone, "we have food and drink plenty for those of your number." He spread his arms wide, invitingly. "We should feast, with bread, salt, and meat to commemorate our partnership. I dare say that our clients will not miss a barrel or ten of wine, and this is a perfect opportunity to break the casks." He concluded with a smile, hoping to ease any lingering tension.
  9. If you haven't seen them already you could take a look at the to see what resources are where, among other things.
  10. Ten years, it's not much for someone who can live centuries like Seshana, but for the humans, especially the young ones, it's a very long time, they change so much. The Hodda spy look stand at her assigned place, she is wearing a nice dress, not as luxurious as one meant for a noble but nice enough to not disappoint, she keep her eyes on the young emperor and follow him around. She cant avoid but think at the last ten years, she met Eulalius when he was a little kid, he had never seen an Hodda and she was among the first inhuman he met, during the first year she felt more like a maid than a tutor: she has seen him laugh, she has seem him cry, she has seen him fall and graze his knee, she has seen him throw a tantrum, she has seen him sad for his mother absence and joyful at her return; in the early years she focused on teaching him awareness, the ability to read the room, the people, to tell when something is off, in the game of politics lies are the norm, doubly so in the empire, Eulalius needed to learn to see thought the deceptions.... and to lie convincingly. And tea, she taught him the fine art of preparing tea, a well prepared tea is a love letter, taking the time and effort to prepare a tea party reveal how important that person is for you, some things are worth more than money. At first she felt pity for the empress who had to pick tutors from so far away, but over the years she learned to respect and even admire her, Aemiliana was thrown into a difficult situation and clawed her way out of it. The velkan's tutor, Sergei Talva, has been a precious addition, he filled a void, the best word to describe their relationship is complementary, but it would be false to say they never argued, Sergei has a pretty common flaw among Velkans and that is -faith- , it make him predictable and exploitable, the fact that Seshana consider it a flaw say a lot about the character but she doesnt try to influence the young emperor on this topic, it's his choice. The young hodda look around the palace, wondering what will happen tomorrow, her gaze stop on a woman whos standing next to the wall, her eyes focused on the grand duke. Grete is standing next to a wall, she is Duria's representative at this event but likely most people dont know her, she has never left Duria, rarely took part to events even in her nation, shes the introvert wallflower of average appearance, basically invisible. But today she isnt completely invisible, she may have an average look but her dress is stunning, made of fine shadow flax, with intricate details, a blue that veer toward purple, few countries have these kind of materials; add the red hairs, a very common trait in the Formareg bloodline and one can tell that she is one of the royals from Duria, even if they probably dont know who. Grete is 24, a young woman, she always had a special gift, the innate power of divination, growing up she has taken interest in it and studied magic, refined her gift, learned to better understand her visions; her family generally pay heed to her warnings even if sometimes they can be quite absurd, this is neither public knowledge nor a secret, something that one can discover, if interested . She doesnt really want to be here, is not interested in the coronation, but her brother, the king, insisted that someone had to be sent, Henrik is busy with his adventurers guild, Amalie is on vacation with her father, the ex-king idea of retirement is a lodge near a body of water and a day spent fishing salmons, long story short she was the only one available. But Grete has her own agenda and intend to use this occasion to advance it, she look at the Grand Duke, wishing to speak with him, but unlike her he is a people person and she doesnt want to barge in, every time there is an opening she take half a step forward but every time someone else end up stopping the grand duke for a chat, the young woman keep doing this strange dance of stepping forward then back, not finding the courage to cross the vast room and talk with the Velka's ruler, being an asocial has some disadvantages and an event like this make her uncomfortable. When he end up talking with the empress Grete sigh and lie against the wall, she'll need to wait some more.
  11. It is not every day a new emperor is coronated and Velka shows that with all the pomp and pageantry expected of such a martial people. Armor gleaming in the sunlight, the Wolf Guard marches and rides in perfect formation with the Grand Duke Anastasi II riding on his wolf alongside his brother Fyodor in the middle of them. Among the elderly people who witness it there are a few nervous glances, some of them remember the last time a battalion of heavily armed Velkans marched into the capital, though that time they were led by the Old Wolf. The Grand Duke covers it well with a smile and a wave to the people but anyone who knows him well enough knows that something is weighing heavy on his mind. Once the group reaches the palace, the Velkans disperse, some to join the celebration, some to set up camp for them, and others to offer their assistance to the palace guard to help supplement the palace's protection for on such a wonderful day no protection is too much. The Velkans are in a very celebratory mood as the coronation of the emperor might as well be a holy day for them. As the two Velkan nobles walk into the palace Fyodor turns to his elder brother. "If it is okay with you, I'll appear where needed but I think I would like to be alone for awhile." He gazes off at the crowds of celebrants, his mouth moving slightly down in distaste. Anastasi gives him a smile. "Of course Fyodor, just remember, I want you to enjoy yourself here as best you can." And at that smile, still not quite hiding that something is on his mind for those who know him well, Fyodor frowns a little more. "Perhaps I shouldn't have told you what I saw." Fyodor murmurs to himself, had he not his brother could truly enjoy this day but Anastasi is quick to cut off that line of thinking. "No Fyodor, you did the right thing." Anastasi tells him with a smile and leans in to make sure no one else is listening. "For now though, we must act like everything is fine. What we know concerns Velka and no one else." Granted the only other people who know about it is Ekaterina and Alina they have agreed that they need to keep quiet. "Right. I trust that you will know what to do for Velka's salvation, I know you can do it." He whispers back with a nod and stalks off, probably to find a place to people watch or the library so he can sit and read. Anastasi sighs a little. He is Fyodor's older brother yes but he half feels like a father who didn't do his best raising his kid seeing as he is around ten years older than him. But it is best to let Fyodor do what he pleases, to give him space given how sensitive and consumed by his own interests he is. Anastasi would never admit it but he is glad he has a son now so that Fyodor is not his heir. For now though Anastasi rotates his shoulders and heads off to make his greetings to those he needs to greet, particularly his old friend Aemiliana and Queen Bisera. The former he finds pretty quickly and he greets her with a smile, still having not lost his youthful exuberance. "It is good to see you Aemiliana. The big day is finally here isn't it?"
  12. Velkan Ducal Palace, Zeleza, Ritual Chamber As lines are drawn on the ground with a mixture of chalk and ground silver by his assistants, the young Fyodor Velira consults his reagents and plans one last time, he will not have the chance for many more rituals before he departs for the capital for the coronation. One could say Fyodor was always a bit too curious for his own good, as can be seen by the fact that his studies into scrying is essentially throwing in random ingredients and seeing what happens, but he is just curious and it is unlikely to blow up in his face, plus the room is warded. Velkan magic, despite all its restrictions, is powerful in what is legally allowed precisely because its restrictions means that they worked hard on improving what they could do. One such domain is scrying. Today he tries several combinations of things and some things are interesting on an academic level, such as seeing underwater when he tried several kinds of fish he had shipped in from the coast along with the salt water containing those fish, but, this is probably the most random thing today. Several large blocks of water from the palace's well frozen into ice via magic and containing Velkan soil, wood shavings from a tree of the forests, a small piece of stone that has broken off from somewhere in the palace and a few drops of his own blood along with some broken equipment the commander of the Wolf Guard was willing to give him because they needed replacing anyway. Not the first time he has tried experimenting with blood in scrying for the hell of it but he learned after last time to not use the blood of the abominations that haunt the forests without an armed guard nearby. Or someone who is suicidal, if he had someone like that he could continue on that route because maybe there is a way to stop the beasts from existing, perhaps some secret deep in the forests that they can't reach yet, that is what any Velkan wants and would do whatever they have to to stop. "Right. Let's begin." He mutters to himself as he begins to activate the spell, the circles spanning the room lighting up, silvery light filling the room as the assistants watch on nervously and the offerings are consumed. Time ticks on as he stands motionless, watching whatever it is that he is watching. Eventually, as an hour passes and the assistants think maybe they should end the spell now, it breaks and, without a word yet having a pale face, he turns and makes for the door out. "My lord, where are you going?" One of the assistants asks him. "Record the exact layout of the circles used, I need to tell Anastasi what I saw immediately." He mutters to himself and hurries out while his confused looking assistants stay behind.
  13. I also believe Region 46 has Cypress. Either way, you're likely to be dealing with Duria.
  14. This event takes place at the end of round 5, when Eulalius will be turning fifteen and preparing to take the throne. The Great Palace of Dvanik stand hallowed and tall above the Strait of Vratis, looking down upon the cliffs and the waves on one side and the prosperous city of Avakon on the other. Ships crowd the harbor and preparation for great festivities are underway - for there has been no Emperor in Avakonia for a decade. Today marks the momentous day that will set bring Avakonia back from its slow slide into decadence. With the proclamation of the Emperor Eulalius the rift of church and state shall be healed. The generals will heed his command, and safety shall return to the realm. Though his ambitions have been quiet, there has nary been a young man more educated in the history of the Empire. Despite the weakness in Aemiliana's rule, the court whispers that she has groomed a truly capable heir. Today, all the world is invited to bask in the glory of Emjata's one and only Empire. They are invited to a grand celebration to pay respect to and win the favor of Avakonia. The palace is packed with nobles and wealthy merchants from across the lands, who have come from the far corners of the realm to witness this historic moment. Each and every one of them has ascended the stone stairs through the royal gardens, crossing inside to where the floors are made of immaculate black and white marble. A tapestry hangs by the door, exalting an icon of Dejan's rise to glory with the many territories of the empire at his back. As much as this is to celebrate the Emperor, it is also a time to remind the people what good can be done with a cooperative attitude. Food is already served even hours in advance, and the tables are alight with chatter and revelry. Candles on golden sticks form the baseline for the level of splendor that the court operated from, and today not a coin has been spared on decoration and entertainment. Outside of the dining room there is a great dancing hall from which ribbons and hang from the ceiling and a talented group of bards regale the people in song and dance. Further still a balcony that overlooks the sea, whose weather is calm and radiant as if to appreciate this rare moment of harmony within Avakon. The emperor's three tutors have spent much time with him leading up to the event, the etiquette and expectations having been drilled into him until they were second nature. Usually coronations happened in the All-Gods temple, but today that would put on a show to demonstrate Avakonia's wealth by doing it in the palace, then hosting a smaller, private coronation later. For the last hour before the ceremony was to take place on a platform that stood about a meter above the dining hall for announcements and events such as these, he was given some time alone to pray to the Gods for fortune during his rule. In this, he remains guarded but undisturbed. The many characters of Avakonia are present at this event and happy to socialize with the new kingdoms. They include: Empress-Regent Aemiliana Rafaela Zhekurus, Oracle of Rieba Queen Bisera of Karys, ruler of the matriarchical Karyite Warriors General Oleksandr of the Avakonian Military Ysmondr Greycoat, an upcoming nobleman in the south The 'Master of Joy,' Archpriest of Vilstra (New God of Prosperity, Romance, and Intrigue) The Hammer of Trodje, an adventurer who slays Jalyeong-Bo spirits The Pirate Razzemi is not invited...
  15. Approved. Would be nice to know what species the locals are, and add the description of moon opals' properties and uses to the economy section (currently it's in faith). Approved.
  16. The Avakonian Empire And her Vassals, the Purulosii Archonate and Grand Duchy of Velkia Regions 16, 17, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 63, 64, 65, 66, and 67 Ruled by Empress-Regent Aemiliana Rafaela Zhekurus, Oracle of Rieba D:5 M:5 E:4 F:9 I:4 Round 1 Actions [Diplomacy] Host an Event, [Diplomacy 5] [Military 5] [Military] [Faith] [Faith] [Faith] News and Rumors Non Actions
  17. Region 31 - Varqua Ruled by Galva Savak Kurqynuk D 5 | M 10 | E 5 | F 1 | I 3 Finally, the untamed eastern wilds are subdued, and Galva Savak Kurqynuk can turn his attention to other matters. Most of his reign so far has been dedicated to conquering those lands, and many are surprised that he allowed the dwarves of KarakDurong to claim them as part of their domain. But the death of his beloved General Darryqyn and his first taste of waging a military campaign have lit a fire in him, and he has new ambitions. Action 1: Establish an Embassy with KarakDurong (Diplomacy) Following the establishment of their military alliance and successful coalition to suppress the wildlands between their borders, Galva Savak further strengthens the bonds between the people of Varquari and the dwarves of KarakDurong by establishing a formal embassy within their capital. He assigns a young Varqi anthropologist named Pryduk Guruqi to be the Hegemony's chief ambassador to their neighbors, citing the young scholar's intelligence, levelheadedness, and sincere interest in dwarven culture. Hopefully, this will mark the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership--and, moreover, ensure that the Hegemony's eastern border will remain secure for the foreseeable future. Action 2: Construct Fortress in Region 31 (Military) Turning his attention westward, Galva Savak announces that Wysluk, a fortress near the western edge of the Galkurra Mountains that guards the most commonly-used passages into both the Vardohn'kur highlands of the Varqi and the Sadohn'kur lowlands of the Sadi, will see a vast expansion and renovation. Having lost more than half his forces in the campaign, Savak will need to rebuild his military once again. To that end, the Great Fortress of Wysluk will become both the impregnable first line of defense against incursions from the west and the center of the Varquari military. Recruits from across the Hegemony will come here to train, and the greatest military minds among both the Varqi and Sadi will call the citadel home. It's an ambitious project, to be sure, but one building on an already formidable stronghold that would have undoubtedly held the Avakonian Empire off for years had Savak's ancestors had the will to resist them. Action 3: Buyout TP 2 (Horses) in Region 49 (Economy) Galva Savak once again upsets the traditionalists on the Council when he announces his desire to establish a corps of mounted Sadi scouts and shock troops to serve in the Hegemony's military. This decision has clear implications: horses are largely useless in the dense jungles of the Sadohn'kur and the rugged terrain of the Vardohn'kur, but in the open fields that lie west of the Galkurras? They could be very useful indeed. Merchants laden with coin and tin are dispatched to Karys in the Avakonian Empire in hopes of acquiring a breeding stock of fast, agile mounts to match the lithe Sadi warriors who will ride them. Action 4: Buyout TP 3 (War Chariots) in Region 68 (Economy) Further merchants are dispatched to the plains on the Empire's eastern borders, a land known for the crafting of fine war chariots. The sava, the huge rams the Varqi breed as mounts, are exceptional in their native terrain. However, the heat of the lowlands tires them quickly, making them sluggish and lethargic. To solve this problem, Galva Savak intends to create a squadron of heavy chariots, each pulled by multiple sava to divide the load among them. With room on the open plains to maneuver, these vehicles can be made wider and heavier than would be functional in the highlands; if built correctly, they could prove absolutely devastating in a massed charge. Yet more Sadi merchants are dispatched, along with Varqi engineers armed with blueprints and designs to discuss with the master chariot crafters. Action 5: Diplomatic Action (Cultural Exchange) with League of the Hundred Pearls (Diplomacy) As Galva Savak nears the tenth anniversary of his ascension to leadership of the Varquari Hegemony, he makes an unexpected but not unwelcome announcement: in recognition of their heroic attempt to rescue General Darryqyn and their generosity following her death, Savak intends to establish closer ties to the League of the Hundred Pearls. This will begin with a cultural exchange between the two nations; students and scholars from both realms will travel to the other to learn more about the history, culture, beliefs, and traditions of their hosts. Savak hopes this will foster improved relations between their people and might, eventually, lead to a trade or even military alliance. Non-Actions: None yet. Ruler Improvements: Diplomacy +1, Economy +1
  18. In the second chapter Kassandra travel across the empire, she see the good things realized by the deity but also the negative ones, the blood of the weak taint the deity's hands. An attentive spectator may notice that the troupe never use the word Dejan, or Dejanism, Kassandra's enemy is always called the deity, putting Dejan and deity in the same sentence might cross that line that should not be crossed. A new character is introduced, a teenager human girl, an orphan who at first attack Kassandra, by throwing a stone at her, but then quickly surrender when the queen corner her, the difference in skill is such it's not even worth to call a fight. The girl is portrayed by the rarely seen fifth member of the Swan's Fortune: Cardinal, the more loyal fans would point out that Cardinal do show up in many plays, but in minor roles, brief appearances with few lines, her acting is the weakest of the group, making her a somewhat average actor, shes also the youngest(mid 20s) and with the right makeup can pass for a teenager. What people dont know, but it's worth stating for the sake of completion, is that Cardinal is the main writer. Astrid Nygaard, thats the girl's name, she thought Kassandra was a bandit and... hoped to, well...kill and take her bow. Amused and in need of information Kassandra talk with the girl who narrate her story. "I come from a small village near the mountains, we belonged to the deity, free citizens...but of lesser value, scorned in our our nation but we lived in peace, tending the land and hunting for food and pelts, one day the deity came to our village escorted by many soldiers, i was only six but i remember their armors glitter under the sun, a soldier stepped forward to speak with my father, the head of the village , the deity needed people to work in the mines, to extract precious stones, our village was granted the honor to provide all the able bodied men, my father objected, without all the men the village would have been doomed, a lot of work need to be done to survive the harsh winter, he asked them to reconsider" A grim expression appear on Kassandra's face, she know where this is going, Astrid continue with the narration "...the soldier walked back to the deity and, after a bit, returned to my father..and stabbed him, people screamed but i didnt, i couldnt breath nor move, i simply stood there" "All the young and the adults were taken, that was the last time i saw my brother, most of us didnt survive the winter and during spring my mother and I left, heading south, looking for a new home, she died when i was 11, i almost died too, but someone saved me..." "I want revenge, i want to kill the deity, no matter the cost, this is why i wanted to take your bow" "You wont, because -I- will do that" Kassandra words surprise Astrid, she didnt expect such reply "bring me with you! i'll help, i'll do anything, anything!" Kassandra throw her backpack at Astrid "Carry this... and tell me more about these lands" And this is how Kassandra ended up adopting a sidekick. They travel for around an year, hunting for the deity, during this period Kassandra acquire a bow for Astrid and train her, the human show a dedication bordering to obsession, enough to impress the queen, Astrid practice every day and while she'll never reach Kassandra's mastery the teen turn into a very, very accurate archer, The end of the journey come close, in the distance they spot the city where the deity is celebrating the latest victory "The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed. Are you?" She know that this is probably a suicide mission with low chances of success. "I died a long time ago.... what you see... is a spirit of vengeance" Kassandra smile.
  19. In contrast to Nightingale's portrayal of her, the real Holy Khaleesi Kassandra looks nothing like a warrior tonight in her seat above the theater. The campaign to conquer Draknor had been long and arduous, leaving her excited to take a break from ruling the Khaliphate even if it was just for a short period. The victory festivities had been joyful thus far, and the Swan's Fortune's show had been well anticipated despite some mixed reviews elsewhere in Drakkis. Kassandra was dressed in a soft white evening gown and simple sandals in her perch. Surrounding her was a small group of guards and house servants. She observed the theater performance quietly at first, showing little in the form of emotion. The rest of the audience was similarly devoid of life, speechless and focused, until the green arrow pierced the champion's eye. A smile formed on Kassandra's face and she clapped softly, mouthing, "Bravo." The gathering erupted in a thunderous applause.
  20. Region 2: Draknor History and People Draknor, so christened by the conquering Khaleesi, is mostly inhabited by feudal human societies that long ago chased the native goblin and kobold tribes into the surrounding mountains. Various noble houses feuded relentlessly amongst each other over the region's silver mines for centuries before finally uniting under Dejan's conquest. During the Avakonian Empire's occupation, these houses gradually fell under the sway and power of Abhidi pilgrims who set about turning the region into a home away from religious persecutions elsewhere. The various Kings, Lords, Ladies, and Knights of Draknor gradually and willingly gave up the daily responsibilities of rule until the monks practically ran every aspect of the region for them. Peace reigned as well as religious corruption, even if it was not to be prolonged. Under the black and violet banners of the Kalipsa Khaliphate, the Abhidi feudal states were replaced with a new holy order at the cost of many lives. The site where Kassandra's armies met the armies of the monks in their final battle remains blackened and bloodied, a massive stain of rotten ruin leftover from the clash. All of Draknor's original ruling families kept their seats after bending the knee to the Goddess of the Sun and the Moon though they are held in line by their Drak'ow overseers. Even the most devoted of Abhidi have proven themselves capable of becoming ardent worshippers of Kassandra after viewing her holy might. Those who won't convert, face severe persecution. Geography and Wildlife Similar to Drakkis, Draknor features a wooded coast that is divided by a large and rolling hilly steppe from the mountains that make up its eastern border. Draknor's forests are largely deciduous and thick with deer, bear, and an assortment of other woodland critters. The steppes are largely barren save for wild horses and scavengers, having long been brought to heal by the men that inhabit the region. The mountains remain wild, save for scattered mining villages, and have already proven a great home for the wyverns that have followed their masters south. The most dominating feature of Draknor is a massive volcano rising out of southern Draknor tall enough to cast a shadow over the rest of the land. The abhidi fear the site, filled with the ruins of an ancient temple, and refused for generations to go near it. The Drak'ow have named it Dragon's Womb, and immediately set about studying its magmatic passages. Economy A rather fine and elegant metal, silver becomes a key decoration in Drak'ow weaponry and armor. Ornate inscriptions and beautiful garnishments are but a taste of the wealth this resource potentially brings to the Khaleesi's war machine. Regional Resource: Silver.
  21. Region 21: The Bleeding Steppe (Formerly the Crystal Steppe) Pending Approval Faith Jalyeong-Bo permeates every facet of the 'Crystal' Steppe, with the locals assigning spiritual value to every single thing in the region, whether it be animals, to the moon opals they peddle. Used as grounding stones to better commune with spirits, the Maghyri quickly began to ascertain the truth of these stones, and found their supposed magical properties to be a falsehood. Though the court of eyes now rules the land, they have made no concerted effort to destroy or convert the locals, allowing them to believe whatever they wish to believe in their blissful ignorance of the true way of the world. Geography and Wildlife A largely flat steppe stretching out from the mountains to the north, it blends seamlessly into the Nezran border of the east, slowly gaining more foliage before meeting the great forest. The Bleeding Steppe boasts a healthy ecosystem of all kinds. Lynxes prowl the mountains in the north, while herds of antelope and bison wander the plains. Buzzards and owls fly overhead, and small creatures, herbivorous and carnivorous alike run every which way. Yet in the east, the animals closest to Nezra begin to show the telltale signs of their proximity to the nightmares within.. and with the steppe passing into 'new management', it is only a matter of time before the more heinous beasts begin to journey into the peaceful plains. Economy "What use are these petty gems to us? Acquire what we can, but take care to keep the markets intact. They will serve just fine for our future plans." Regional Resource: Moon Opals. History Once the pride of the local regions for their strength of arms, the people of the Crystal Steppe were fiercely defensive of their people's way of life. Nomadic merchants that wandered the steppes, the people organized into great caravans defended by well-trained guards. Against the horrors unleashed from the depths of Nezra however, many turned tail and fled, and those that did not found that defending merchants from wolves and bandits was not the same as defending them from unending hordes mutant thralls and their vampiric masters. While the territory is now under Nezran control in an official capacity, the Maghyr have done little to keep the realm 'actively' oppressed, and the smartest of the merchants have already begun to fan out in favour of new lands. It is a shame then, that there is no true safe haven for them in this world.
  22. The Dryads of the Misty Wood Queen Atlantia of the Oaken Dynasty Region 22 Turn 5 Diplomacy (5), Military (2), Economy (7), Faith (8), Intrigue (3) Actions 1. Military - Raise Unit 2. Faith - 3. Faith - 4. Faith - 5. Faith - Convert Region 32 to Dryadic Mysticism Non-actions - TBD News and Rumours -TBD Bookkeeping Next Round: Diplomacy (5), Military (2), Economy (7), Faith (10), Intrigue (3) Capital: Region 22 Faith: Dryadic Mysticism Embassies: 1 Region 25 - Court of Eyes Trading Posts: 4 Region 20 TP 1 - Horses Region 22 TP 1 - Paper Region 24 TP 1 - Slaves Region 32 TP 1 - Clay Military Units: 0 Treasure: 1
  23. And once again, conversion resistance fails. Old Gods still going to remain a minority I believe
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