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About This Game

An OSR-style tale of adventure inspired by classic 80's fantasy.

Game System

Castles & Crusades



Detailed Description


You are a hero. Or, at least, you need to be. Some people already know your name, be it from local good deeds or some position of significance that you hold. A figure of note with potential for greatness. But even heroes run into obstacles and right now you are facing something beyond the scope of your usual derring-do. An impossible task, a quest with far reaching implications that will require all that you have to offer and more. It is the 'and more' that has brought you here, to the mountain home of the Oracle of Stone, with the promise of finding aid to make this impossible task...well, possible.


Help design a world of sword and sorcery, a place of unfathomable magic and ancient evils. Work with the other players to craft a setting steeped in that grimy, 80's fantasy nostalgia complete with bad special effects and stilted dialogue. Inspiration for this style runs the gamut from Conan and Krull to Willow and The Dark Crystal. Best of all, be the architect of your own triumph (or tragedy) as you create the ultimate, impossible quest that will guide the characters through a (hopefully) compact and well-paced arc and tell an inspiring story of what it means to be heroic.


Please reference the Game Expectations for general game structure and the How to Apply topic in the Applications forum.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. Never announce your violence ahead of time. That's rookie stuff. While I imagine it ultimately comes down to Val since she's the speaker, you can have made some conclusions as a group about what you want to say. I don't want to assume any specific information is given unless you all confirm it.
  3. Compelling reason: we will murder your asses if you don't let us live. But more seriously, what do we want to do here?
  4. Once again, sorry for the delay. Work has been impossible this month. So, to get our pace back to what we set in the beginning, we don't need to linger on this initial conversation. If you present them with a compelling reason to not kill you, we can move forward to bigger dealings. I am working under the assumption that the group's genuine goal here is to avoid a fight but if you'd prefer to press your current advantage and kill these fools, let me know.
  5. Breaking the Ice With a plan in place, the group splits to each of their respective positions. Wicke uses the depth of the water trench to avoid notice while Neve keeps to the low rubble nearby. Sister Clairese and Val make an odd pair as they move through the gloom with only the priestess' glowing token to guide them. As they draw near to the ruins in the north of the chamber, figures melt out of the darkness ahead of them, keeping to the edge of their globe of luminance. Shorter and less stocky than the surface dwarves they have likely encounter before, these three derro present an obvious aura of menace as they brandish short blades in the womens' direction. "This is Consortium grounds. Your trespass demands blood." Val passes the message to Clairese, who hears the words as something akin to a series of hissing growls. As languages goes, it certainly is among the more guttural and carries similar inflections to the tongue of the orcs. Initial tense moments pass as overtures of non-aggression are made, weapons lowered but not sheathed, as the trio agree to hear words before committing to violence. Clairese's skilled eye for body language reveals no indication of duplicity from them, but the distrust is written all over their faces as they ask for the duo's purpose here. Wicke can make out some of the details from his hiding place. The bright spot up ahead, the five people within it, the possibility of bloodshed. Sound carries in an odd fashion underground, and this chamber is large enough to send echoes of the conversation to his ears. Whether he can understand it or not, the initiations of a dialogue is evident. This may end in death but at least it won't start that way. Listening to the words and the soft trickle of water against the side of the trench, a shifting sound catches his ears. A scrape of stone, a soft exhale, and as he stares into the darkness he can almost make out a slight change in the shades of black there. Another derro, likely, lurking in the dark and watching the situation much as he is. That makes four to their four. An increase in the wrong direction. Neve has it easier with her keen vision. As Val and Clairese speak, the derro seem ready to fight but open to Val's explanations. To her left there is movement, one derro at the base of the broken wall and another crawling along the top. They seem ready to join in any conflict and would certainly tip the scales in the derro's favor should it come to a fight. The only advantage given to the group is Neve and Wicke's hidden positions and losing that might mean death for all involved. It begs the question...is Val serving as a diplomat or a distraction in this moment? OOC Okay, so this is not concrete but I went with what we've established and we can alter things as needed. I went with Clairese's light source since neither she nor Wicke would be able to see anything without it and that would really impair them in this situation. The derro are open to hearing you out, so I'll just need to know what you specifically want to tell them. This is pbp so we don't need a line by line exchange, just post any details you want to provide them and I'll sum up a response next post.
  6. I think that approaching the Dwarves that we are tracking an Ankeg might be the best start to explain why we are here. It's simple and easier to explain at first than the witch after we get a 'feel' for the Duoro. Explain that's when we found body/message nearby from years ago. Perhaps trade of knowledge? We can always bring up the witch thereafter, instead of leading with a more complicated issue, once we get a better feel for the situation. With any luck, we might establish a relationship if we both have a common enemy.
  7. Yeah, it's been a minute so let me reframe the scenario. The group's primary goal investigating the cave was locating the Witch and returning her to the tower. The evidence from the room in the tower basement indicated she was abducted and that ankhegs were used to tunnel through the wall from this cave system. Investigation of the tunnels provided the following information so far: Evidence of a conflict at a ruined checkpoint/fort structure. Skeletal remains that were likely elven were found there. The tunnel there had been collapsed through some explosive force. A well-like structure that opens to the surface. A pond in a side tunnel that contained the body of a long-dead elf with evidence of murder and documents detailing treaty conditions. A large chamber with an underground river and ruins that are currently populated by derro. A side tunnel leading off from this location is also populated and the chittering growl of an ankheg was heard from down that way at least once. That was as far the current scouting was able to uncover. The elf's body was buried under muck at the bottom of a thirty foot deep pool of cold water with a slow current. If there ever was a smell, it is long gone given that he has been there for somewhere more than year and less than two. The depth of the body and the temperature of the water would have definitely limited any decay odor and the cave itself has a natural musty fragrance from the lichens and mosses growing in it. It is pretty clear that someone made efforts to hide that murder, and derro culture tends to not take issue with murder in general (the strong rule the weak, etc...) so they likely had extenuating circumstances for doing so. It would be reasonable for the group to suspect, given their proximity and the sounds of ankhegs nearby, that these derro are responsible for the abduction. Is everyone good with the placement Terran suggested for initiating the dialogue?
  8. Heck, maybe these Derro know about the ankheg? I guess we can try that sort of route. Does it stink of a dead body in here, per above discussion? I think that'll impact how/if we bring up the corpse in conversation.
  9. Our ultimate goal is to find the witch, isn't it? And the ankheg, presumably? So safe passage or hints as to where to go would make the most sense to me.
  10. I have no clue. Personally, I think they had to have known the dead body was there. It would stink to high heaven, espcially in a cave setting where the gases can't easily escape up into the atmosphere. They may have killed the guy and dumped the body themselves. ___________________________________________________________________________ What is our goal here? To gain safe passage through the area? To get information? We should structure our approach based on our goal. ___________________________________________________________________________ (Sorry can't remember - been swamped at work - Hints appreciated please!) 😀
  11. I like this plan. Sure, Val isn't really looking to try very hard but she'll at least try a little. I'm not entirely sure what we're going to say here, though. Are we trying to make it seem like we're aware of the treaty and here on its behalf (in order to leverage the point)? Are we just going to be like "what are you doing here"? I have a feeling this will devolve into combat quickly, so if our stealth people can get into a flanking position, that'd be most beneficial I think. But I'm happy to defer to your tactics on that area.
  12. Maybe we could enter from the south. This would allow our stealth folks to have a wide field of view into the ruins and around the sides as well. If the stealth group splits, one could take the position behind the rock and cover the left side, plus see into the ruins and provide cover fire if needed. The other member could sneak upstream to a position that would allow them to cover the right side of the ruins, plus also be able shoot arrows into the ruins as well.
  13. My last post in the game thread has the most recent map of the caverns. You are all gathered in the northeastern chamber where the ruined structures are.
  14. I'm sorry. Where is the easiest place to find the map? We should have both a verbal and non-verbal signal for attack (and other actions if desired), as well as initiate combat if the two diplomats engage in combat.
  15. Okay, working through some unexpected work delays here but I think I'm following the plan. Are we good with Val and Clarise making the approach? If so, do they want to move into the little area of ruins at the north or do they want to call out and bring attention to themselves in the more open area instead? And , how do you want to approach them about this? Are there specific things you want to say to initiate this parley? Neve and Wicke, I believe you both have ranged options on you, right? Knowing that Derro can see in the dark, you'll both want to have something to obscure yourselves. There are still small piles of rock and discarded stone in the south of the chamber where you are currently situated that could provide you opportunity to remain hidden. Is the signal to open fire simply someone doing something aggressive or do you want to make something more specific? Per your prior question, the skull iconography is not something significant in a legend lore sense but it is definitely a crest for a family or group so it could be useful in identifying the prior owner.
  16. Sounds like a plan, assuming both PCs in the stealth role have the ability to make readied ranged attacks within the range of their hiding distance at a moment's notice should things go awry. If not, then a PC without long ranged attacks should be in the closer formation, or so stealthy they can hide within melee range.
  17. Hmmm. So statwise I think it's all gonna be a wash - we're ALL CHA +1. Stealthwise Edgewick and Neve both have that skillset, Neve can speak dwarven, Edgwicke potentially can if we want Gregorotto to speak the language . . . I think the split is Val and Clarise approach and talk? Val is an elf which adds some weight to the approaching under a banner of truce. Plus, if things go pear shaped they're our primary melee combatants and they'll already be in close and ready to swing. That leaves Edgewicke and Neve as hidden backup. We'd be out of sneak attack range but would be able to hail arrows (Edgewick) and crossbow bolts (Neve) into the melee as needed. And this was Neve can interpret the negotiations for Edgewicke without having to burn his one free language. This does put the two PC's least likely to want to parley in charge of it's success, which is one of those serendipitous moments where we can try, reliably fail, then roll into a combat confident we tried everything. Truly, we can have it all 😄
  18. Sounds like a good plan. If i recall, Val isn't terrible at stealth but I'm willing to go wherever. I don't have any sneak attack.
  19. It might be helpful to keep one person who speaks Dwarven in the negotiating party and the other in the hidden stealth party, so both group can understand what is being said (assuming they are close enough to hear).
  20. I also have a spare language I left unchosen for just such an occasion, so I'm fine taking Dwarven if no one else wants to burn a language. Do we need to roll or are we keeping our previous stealthiness?
  21. It seems like we're more in favor of trying to hash this out via RP, no? Why don't we post up a couple of sneaky people and see if a parley ends up on its head or not?
  22. Unless the Dwarves were absent for an extended period, it seems doubtful that they would fail to smell the fumes from a rotting corpse so close to their encampment as the dead courier decomposed. And by time, I was referring to the amount of time that has passed between the sending of the message and its delivery which entails a presumption that the sender feels exactly the same as they did when the message was sent out years ago. It was not a reference to longevity of life, just that most things and positions tend to change over time and so might the original basis of the treaty. Not that it can't be presented, just that we can't ensure that it still relevant and accurate.
  23. Ditto on speaking dwarven; as for the dagger . . . @DoNotFearToTread, would my Legend Lore boon be sufficient to identify the make, or is it of insufficient legend/historical note to be identifiable? As for it being some years ago; true. But both races involved are long lived. Could go either way absent more info and it boils down to is the element of surprise worth losing for a peaceable solution?
  24. Turns out i speak a fair amount of languages! Common Elf Dwarf Gnome Goblin Halfling Orc
  25. Does anyone even speak Dwarven? Do we know anything about the dagger given the special pommel? Plus, given the amount of time that has expired and the collapse of the tunnel, diplomatic situation might have changed and a treaty moot.
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