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Malkavian Grin

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  1. Myycky HP 3/4 | AC 15 | Ammo 10/12 | Luck 3/10 | Art. +0 | A.I. +2 | S+0 A+0 S+1 P+0 I+1 L+0 | Speed 30 | Pure-Strain Human | Occ. Hunter | The Clan of Cog Making a grimacing face at Fern, Myycky said, "Ohhh, sorry! I was just messing with it! But it said something about parameters being incompatible..." The hunter tapped at her temple as she thought a moment on the words. She was sure she knew what they meant. "Hang on, Fern, you're Human; what if it wants something not Human? Hey Bunnie, c'mere! This machine has something to do with your glow stuff, I think!" she tried to say convincingly. Bunnie HP 4/4 | AC 9 | Luck 10/10 | Art. +0 | A.I. -4 | S-1 A-2 S+0 P-2 I-1 L+0 | Speed 30 | Mutated Gibbon Ape (white fur) | Occ. Hunter | Children of the Glow Bunnie stepped back into the room and looked at the big glassy structure. "If you think so, then I will find out," the white-fur covered woman said as she stepped inside and Myycky did was she had just done with the console. Bunnie held her hands out above her in acceptance. "I wait for the Glow," she said. Gruza HP 3/3 | AC 14 | Ammo 10/12 | Luck 17/17 | Art. +0 | A.I. +2 | S-1 A+0 S+0 P+1 I-2 L+2 | Speed 30 | Pure-Strain Human | Occ. Gatherer | The Clan of Cog "Gruza guard," Gruza say. Stay outside. Not like machine! Make scary noise! []
  2. Thanks for keeping things civil, everyone. I know lore-discussion can get pretty heated. Honestly, I think the best way to handle lore with a game is to establish expected stuff so everyone starts at the same place, but then from that point forward let things just happen. Let what happens in the game be it's own version of the lore. I think that's all you can really do when telling a collaborative story like this, with a random element of dice. (I once used this theory for a two-shot game featuring a zombie plague on a space station and then a planet with an weaponized atmosphere that prevented ships from leaving) To me, the best part of telling a Star Wars story is that you start with this magnificent-yet-imperfect gemstone. It begins with many facets, but your stories become further facets upon the surface. I'm getting too philosophical now *sagely nod*
  3. HP 6/6 | AC 13 | To Hit +1 | StatsStr 14 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 9 Wis 13 Cha 12 | SavesDeath/Poison.....12 Wands................13 Paralyze/Stone...14 Dragon Breath....15 Spells.................17 | Arrows x25 "Yes!...Oh shit," Cyrus said with a sudden sobering of his enthusiasm. "Allen, Tharn, you're surrounded!" the archer stated the obvious as he let another arrow fly smoothly. He'd try to fix that a little. OOC I'll attack the rat directly between Zavie and Allen. If needed to avoid some kind of melee-on-archer violence, I'll take a step back first before firing (I still don't remember if there's Attacks of Opportunity here).
  4. Y'all should step back and then have BD toss that flask, assuming those in melee go before the rats.
  5. So i think I'm going to have to pass here. I've had fun but i can't keep the pace. My apologies.
  6. Sounds like you have...personal experience. Are you too from here? (I love 2 hours from Chitown). I love the winters around here. I was actually thinking about how well you could make a Highlander game work with something rules lite only a few weeks ago. I think i was looking at PbtA for it or perhaps FATE.
  7. Myycky HP 3/4 | AC 15 | Ammo 10/12 | Luck 3/10 | Art. +0 | A.I. +2 | S+0 A+0 S+1 P+0 I+1 L+0 | Speed 30 | Pure-Strain Human | Occ. Hunter | The Clan of Cog With a wicked gleam in her eyes, Myycky pushed the buttons and pulled a lever whilst saying, "Oohh what does this button do?" []
  8. But there's precedent for it in real life. Take lab grown diamonds for example. It's the same thing but forcing nature to Do it your way. But like zeone infers, i think people prefer naturally grown ones better for whatever reason. Can't say i agree about midichlorians either. I feel they enhance the sci fi flavor of it all. I hate nondescript hand-waved "mystical" stuff because everything has an explanation even if you can't fathom it. It's likely because this all feels very similar to how mitochondria are used in one of my favorite pieces of media, Parasite Eve.
  9. Gotcha; trading one for the other makes sense to me. Thanks!
  10. I actually quite like the idea that Sith forge their own. It shows a kind of laziness/cheat to their nature with follows with the taint of the Dark Side. Take the easy route to power. It's like one more jab at the Light Side and how to naturally attain a crystal by having it choose you (if I recall the lore properly). I think that flavor pairs well with the mystical side the Jedi lean toward; it furthers their clash of ideals.
  11. Lmao i see you weren't a fan of The Acolyte. I've only seen all the memes about it. Don't worry, you're in good company here. Re: 5e I personally don't like nor understand 5e. It's still going to give superhero vibes which I'm not about. I've only ever played the WEG version like twice. Don't remember much about it other than force users tend to get a little OP if i recall. The FFG version with the strange dice could possibly be a good contender. I understand the dice thanks to a one-shot game i played this Spring. It's very reminiscent of Powered by the Apocalypse in how the GM interprets the dice. I like the upgrade system it uses when you form a dice pool to roll. Sigh...I'm still no closer to figuring out what to do. I'll likely just go back to saga after i get feeling better.
  12. Bunnie HP 4/4 | AC 9 | Luck 10/10 | Art. +0 | A.I. -4 | S-1 A-2 S+0 P-2 I-1 L+0 | Speed 30 | Mutated Gibbon Ape (white fur) | Occ. Hunter | Children of the Glow Bunnie continued to watch the downward ramp from outside the room whilst others searched. Gruza HP 3/3 | AC 14 | Ammo 10/12 | Luck 17/17 | Art. +0 | A.I. +2 | S-1 A+0 S+0 P+1 I-2 L+2 | Speed 30 | Pure-Strain Human | Occ. Gatherer | The Clan of Cog "Gruza guard," Gruza say. Stand outside. Watch with Bunnie. Myycky HP 3/4 | AC 15 | Ammo 10/12 | Luck 3/10 | Art. +0 | A.I. +2 | S+0 A+0 S+1 P+0 I+1 L+0 | Speed 30 | Pure-Strain Human | Occ. Hunter | The Clan of Cog Having opened the door, Myycky stepped inside and stared at the weird, white structure. She walked up to it and tapped it with her weapon gently, getting the sound of glass back. "Weird glass thing. Huh. Hey, what's in here?" she asked, turning her attention to the metal box on the counter. She tried to open it. []
  13. OOC I'll use my to fire on the rat attacking 'ole Tharny. That's a 15 to hit with 9 incoming damage.
  14. Is it possible to do a dual held action of sorts? I.E. I hold my action to fire at a rat, unless it looks like a horde of them will barrel straight toward me in which case I instead run away? XD
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