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  1. Ok. If you don't want anything fancy we can do it the most simple way bequeathed me with an incredible treasure which is a simple grid. There is no map (I mean with some tinkering I'd likely could put one under, but if you want just to try out the character then it's not necessary) just a nice clean grid so it's easy to follow who is where, and how they got there. I planned your character as entering from the South and Enemy from the North. You have one round to exchange insults and buff you're characters or move to the more advantageous position then the fight starts. I chose Centaur since I think it's versatile enough to put you through your paces with high speed and decent Ranged attack on top of his very nice Melee. Do you want vanilla HP or max HP for him too so he can match your max HP? And what do you think in general?
  2. Vanir| AC 17 | Ini: 3 | DC 16 | Hit Points: 16/16 | Size: Small | Speed: 25 ft | Fort: 5| Ref: 8| Will: 6| Perc: 6 Vanir returns a nod with a half smile and a wink "My issue currently is twofold, while I wouldn't dare to besmirch a good name of honored Swordlords...and continue to work in this town. It is kind of given that we have to wrangle control of that wild land with our own hands before we can expect any tangible help from Brevoy. That will be hard as is which means we'd highly benefit from forming a united front before we get underway." "The second thing and one that does not necessarily need to be answered today is the matter of a Lord...King...Chief...Big Cheeze. Forming said a united front will be a fair bit harder if in the group we have a few people aiming for the Big Seat, as someone who saw more than one bloody divide among people who drank as brothers the day before I harbor the inkling of hope that here people can be honest with themselves and others. The only way we can succeed is if some people push their egos behind us so all of us stand behind one member. As a united front, we might succeed against bandits and rival adventures, and even if say Irovetti decides that juggling two crowns is funny. But if there is discord over frankly, at the moment, a meaningless title they can tear us apart from the inside without the need to draw their swords. So would people be honest and place their cards on the table?" He gives a mischievous grin "If you are shy, I'll show mine first. The title would be a burden for me, my place is not best served in the limelight but away from it, and as such I'd be honored to serve as one of the advisors, but even if I don't rise to such a lofty position, people in power always need someone with my skillset for things that need to be done out of prying eyes of public, but you will not find my bum anywhere close to the throne. Now, I would be overjoyed if others were so straightforward and we knew behind who we should rally before we go to sleep. However, that would be a miracle indeed." Tools of the Trade
  3. Lol I found the Dispatch right away but they really squirreled the game part I bookmarked both sites, and I already got the invite, I think it's you Game: Meat at Beyond the Board Scenario: EDH Assignment #1-01 - Meat: the Enemy GM: Curtis Baum Anyway my ID is 00001379
  4. Butch| AC 14 | Ini: 1 | PP: 10 | Hit Points: 13/13 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft | Butch shrugs "We are called when they need an extra level of deniability than even C.I.A. assets and alike allies can provide if caught. We are in the grey area of legality. Frenchy and I worked together before but I had no pleasure in working with you. For how many of you this is first REDEMPTION mission? I don't mean it as a put-down. Frenchy, better known as venerable Profesor Lucard took me on my first mission, not really that long ago...actually when said incident with me eating the cow on LSD happened." Tools of the Trade Equipment He Brought With Him In 2 Bags - Brass Knuckles (Bulk 0) - Hatchet (Bulk 2) - Ballistic Vest, Medium (Bulk 1) - Binoculars (Bulk 1) - Camouflage Clothing (Bulk 0) - Night Vision Devices (Bulk 1) - Trap, shell x 3 (Bulk 0) - Trap camera x 3 (Bulk 0) - Smartphone (Bulk 0) - Faraday Pouch (Bulk 0) - Utility Knife/Multitool (Bulk 0) - Survival Kit (Bulk 0) - Armored clothing (Bulk 1) - Stab vest (Bulk 1) - Survival Kit (Bulk 0) - Armored clothing (Bulk 1) - Sledgehammer (8 lb. hammer) (Iconic Equipment) (Bulk 3) - Stab vest (Bulk 1) - Crowbar (Bulk 2) - Duct Tape (Bulk 1) - Zip Ties x5 (Bulk 0) - Rope, 50 feet (Bulk 1) - Trap, Steel Jaw x4 (Bulk 1) Actions/OOC Free: Bonus: Reaction: Swift: Move: Standard: Immediate: OOC:
  5. I had one more case in another game (lighter case fortunately, it lasted for a week) in my city there are also several cases, it doesn't seem as strong as the original one but it would see it stir again. It would seem that last year some doctor that said we'll have to get used to this as flu season was right.
  6. Well, they did make a nice amount of odd choices. I would not be surprised in the least that you are right. Unless I get that previously mentioned bug where I can't edit anything I usually press enter and then write OOC in the fresh row. Then when I'm done I drag the box up a line and adjust its position. That's how I have the largest percentage of success with OOC.
  7. Yey, Darlis insisting that I roll paid off after all. 😄 Thanks 🙂
  8. Butch| AC 14 | Ini: 1 | PP: 10 | Hit Points: 13/13 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft | Giant's hand immediately opens at the tap as by conditioning "Despite the looks I'm a laid-back guy, but you don't put a hand on another person without permission." His eyes narrow a bit "No matter how trained in close quarters you think you are. Learned that a hard way." He looks at an Asian guy, by attire and general demeanor judging him to have some experience in one of myriad of Legal or Grey Information Gathering Agencies. "He's either high or has a muscle fetish saw both plenty of times on account of my unusual physique. You can call me Butch, everyone does, my real name is a tongue twister and people stopped trying after my first year in college. Better properly said nickname then so butchered the last name that it makes my family line do 180 in their graves." He places his two large bags in the convenient corner with the sound coming out of them indicating that most of the stuff inside is made of solid metal, then looks around for a large enough space to accommodate him. Tools of the Trade Equipment He Brought With Him In 2 Bags - Brass Knuckles (Bulk 0) - Hatchet (Bulk 2) - Ballistic Vest, Medium (Bulk 1) - Binoculars (Bulk 1) - Camouflage Clothing (Bulk 0) - Night Vision Devices (Bulk 1) - Trap, shell x 3 (Bulk 0) - Trap camera x 3 (Bulk 0) - Smartphone (Bulk 0) - Faraday Pouch (Bulk 0) - Utility Knife/Multitool (Bulk 0) - Survival Kit (Bulk 0) - Armored clothing (Bulk 1) - Stab vest (Bulk 1) - Survival Kit (Bulk 0) - Armored clothing (Bulk 1) - Sledgehammer (8 lb. hammer) (Iconic Equipment) (Bulk 3) - Stab vest (Bulk 1) - Crowbar (Bulk 2) - Duct Tape (Bulk 1) - Zip Ties x5 (Bulk 0) - Rope, 50 feet (Bulk 1) - Trap, Steel Jaw x4 (Bulk 1) Actions/OOC Free: Bonus: Reaction: Swift: Move: Standard: Immediate: OOC:
  9. Gwain mechanically has a twofold test, The first one is trying out his Wolf as the tank since until he pushes his Str to at least 10 his Scimitar is useless, and the other one is his defense. Since Rudolf did review you probably didn't notice but he has no armor and at this level no armor-giving items. I did my math (something I'm awful at) and somehow convinced myself that actually I'll be fine with my Dex armor, 2 Psionic kinds of armor, and Druid natural armor, and when I get my hands on some Wizard Gauntlets of Armor I'll be a tank. And truth be told when all works my armor is around 26 at level 3 which is not bad at all. So find some high-hitting monster of CR3 or even 2 of CR2 to address the action economy if you can find some with high attack.
  10. No problem wanna chose monster so I don't accidentally choose something subpar or something with tricky DR or something?
  11. Butch| AC 14 | Ini: 1 | PP: 10 | Hit Points: 13/13 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft | The ride was likely uneventful because sleeping was good, almost placing him as close to the normal state as someone ripped from one of the most important moments in his life. He passed through. They checked his bags as expected but upon not finding anything technically a weapon and not a house demolishing tool they raised an eyebrow, and he raised his eyebrow back. He won. Finally, they pushed him in with others. Two guys he had never seen and Professor, a French brainiac. He formulates his first sentence "Frenchy, been a while. You think you could cook up some of that virus we used last time, but...you know...to leave the target alive. I'm officially cutting weight, I need something that will help me lose 200 pounds when this is over." He notices a hippy-looking guy mumbling and trying to touch him. Faster than it should be possible nearly the entire Johnie's forearm vanishes in a large fist. Butch doesn't actually grab his arm just narrows his hand so Outlaws movement, especially one toward him is arrested. He lifts his eyebrow at Emile. "I thought we stopped using LSD after I ate that cow in Bogota?" Tools of the Trade Equipment He Brought With Him In 2 Bags - Brass Knuckles (Bulk 0) - Hatchet (Bulk 2) - Ballistic Vest, Medium (Bulk 1) - Binoculars (Bulk 1) - Camouflage Clothing (Bulk 0) - Night Vision Devices (Bulk 1) - Trap, shell x 3 (Bulk 0) - Trap camera x 3 (Bulk 0) - Smartphone (Bulk 0) - Faraday Pouch (Bulk 0) - Utility Knife/Multitool (Bulk 0) - Survival Kit (Bulk 0) - Armored clothing (Bulk 1) - Stab vest (Bulk 1) - Survival Kit (Bulk 0) - Armored clothing (Bulk 1) - Sledgehammer (8 lb. hammer) (Iconic Equipment) (Bulk 3) - Stab vest (Bulk 1) - Crowbar (Bulk 2) - Duct Tape (Bulk 1) - Zip Ties x5 (Bulk 0) - Rope, 50 feet (Bulk 1) - Trap, Steel Jaw x4 (Bulk 1) Actions/OOC Free: Bonus: Reaction: Swift: Move: Standard: Immediate: OOC:
  12. Well if the Tujan prison fight finishes in a timely manner Finn would fit right in here. Gwain is free, but you know Gwain and bad people 😋
  13. Rand and Seren can pass each other up he going to 5 she going to 6 I think the distance is the same. We would still draw statue on two different sides
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