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Kain Almasi

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  1. Ohm has no king. The High Priest assumed control over the thrown of Ohm nearly two thousand years ago after the cataclysm that destroyed the city original city of Ethose. The Landsraad, a governing body made up of the landed nobles of Ohm were complicit in turning control of the land over to the church. It is a choice that has not sat well with some of their descendants. Not all landed Nobles are rulers of cities or vast territories, some own small manors and estates. The following list is all of the members of the Landsraad.  Nox, the Orc Chief of Zular. Jovan Brim, Duke of Ebrin. Cadmuss, Baron of Troy.  Ma'et Daga'rot, Count of Arith. Berbane, Duke of Tenibray. Garth Olmyer, Count of Vash. Lister Cod, Count of Bordu.  Elgar, The Hobgoblin Baron of Skaro. Drogan Whiteshield, The Dwarf Baron of Cormar. Feros Tantalis, The High Elf Lord of Illoinai. The majority of the Landsraad has denounced Jovan but a few, like the count of Arith and the Lord of Illoinia, have shown a modest amount of support for him. Tensions are high and the Obsidian Guard is on the move looking for anyone showing the slightest dissent towards the Church, the High Priest, and Iblis. While much of the politics of Ohm seem straightforward there is a web of secrets, lies, and corruption just below the surface. 
  2. The Church of Ibls The High Priest Name; Keldor Loam.  Race: Human. Age; 74.  Keldor became High Priest twenty years ago after commanding the Obsidian Guard for over a decade. Initially from the village of Tenibray and born a commoner, he worked his way up through the ranks of the temple and the obsidian guard. He is respected by his allies and feared by all others, including most people. While he would never call himself a tyrant or Ironfisted, many would. Keldor sees himself as a pillar of the law as much as the five Tenants of Iblis or the Landsraad. This is to a point, true, as the High Priest has all the authority of a King, but Keldor goes far beyond, seeing himself second only to Iblis himself. Keldor has never been a humble man and has never been one to back away from a confrontation but that has changed. Keldor has become secretive and defensive. Many are questioning his choice to have Jovan jailed and put on trial for blasphemy instead of having the Duke's claims investigated.  Keldor has the authority of a king but in the church, he still must listen to five Bishops who can remove him if it is deemed the will of Iblis. The Commander of the Obsidian Guard Name; Shandra Blackheart Race: Aasimar Age; 69 Shandra has always been Keldor's second. She came up through the guard just under him and served as his squire then second for decades. She is the most feared warrior in Ohm, fanatical in her belief in Inlis, always seeking the most severe punishment for proven heretics, and is willing to carry that punishment out herself. Shandra answers only to Keldor.  She is steadfast and ironfisted in the execution of her duties. Many see her as Keldor's lap dog. She sees herself simply as the right hand of the right of her god. She desires to become the High Priestess after Keldor dies.     
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