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  1. A quick Google on Tasers results in two types. 1. Civilian Grade: Max range 15' 2. Law enforcement Grade: Max Range 30' Both would be ranged weapons IMO   Stun "guns" are more of a melee weapon, you have to touch someone with them, similar to a touch attack, for the jolt of electricity to be effective.   Of course this is the current state of these weapons, not the future state.
  2. OK gents, I found a pic that struck a little chord to awaken some creativity. Dexam the Unshakeable is coming to form. Dragging and dropping a pic was pretty easy, I was even able to figure it out without help! Now I have no idea how to size it or offset it to right, left or center, but at least I have started.
  3. Dexam The Unshakeable Dexam is impeccably calm and impeccably dressed at all times. He sees, but not necessarily with his eyes, movements and expression of those in his presence. Friends and enemies often wonder if he can read minds, which often works in his favor during negotiations. Whether he is strongly empathic or there is something supernatural, he will never say, but there is no doubt that Dexam is a master at reading a room and everyone in it. A person could wave a hand in front of his eyes and he would never blink, as if he could not see it, but once, a rival ambassador tossed him an apple just to see what would happen. Dexam deftly snatched the apple out of the air, polished it on his suit and took a bite as if this was a regular occurrence. His allies call him Dexam the Unshakeable, his potential adversaries have several less savory names for the man. One thing is for certain, no delegation is happy to find out that Dexam will be on the other side of the negotiating table or in the room at a delegation soiree'. His presence can be a little unsettling.   Then there was that one time (at band camp 😁) that someone spilled cocktail sauce on his leisure suit. The normally calm man came out of his shell that night and rumors have abounded for years and have grown to almost rival Homer's The Illiad. Dexam only smiles his disarming smile when he hears the latest rendition of the story and a twinkle appears in his otherwise milky and opaque eyes. This diplomat will never tell the true tale, he will keep that close to his silk vest for just the right moment during just the right negotiation.
  4. I have a character I have wanted to play for over 20 years, Captain Bill Pulsifer. He is more of the dashing captain kirk type. Doesn’t really seem to fit with this premise.  I am going to roll with my communication/linguistics pitch. Name and sex TBD, probably by a good pic that speaks to me
  5. @Grudge I have a couple of more questions. What year are we working with? To make that a little more specific, what is the technology level? Are we say, year 2050 where technology has advanced just a ways beyond where we are in current real life? Are we at current technology that is relevant to today? Or are we around 2475 where the technology has the possibility to be advanced far into futuristic stuff like Star Trek/ Star Wars, or even beyond? I ask that question for several reasons to help build the story, but also in how it relates to my character specifically and for Fiery and Thram to work with. The direction I was thinking with my character was something like Neo in the Matrix. He/she with their study of meditation and martial arts has learned something about how to warp or bend time and spatial relations on a limited basis. To give that a visual, Neo gets shot at by a bad guy and somehow his mind slows down the bullets and he is able to bend his way around them and kick the bad guy in the face.   Thoughts/feedback?
  6. I am leaning toward a linguistics/communication officer that on earth is a translator/mediator/ambassador type. Roughly the equivalent of a Face with High diplomacy in 3.PF.  As a twist, this character would almost be a pacifist who tries to negotiate or avoid confrontation in most situations but actually has a strong meditative martial arts background. SO, if he/she really gets backed into a corner, the can of whoop ass can be opened. Gender and background are yet to be determined. I will probably start to nail that down once I have time to search for a pic that speaks to me. What are you thinking? @Fiery Gift What about you? What is your muse telling you?
  7. Ditto. I consider myself a fairly smart dude, but the setup here confuses the crap out of me. I can't find anything. I have made multiple forays into the site and always close my laptop scratching my head. I either have to get over it and try to get comfortable or walk away from PbP. It's a coinflip right now
  8. The "Falling out" was not near as dramatic as it sounds. I am just going through a pretty big priority change in life ATM and when Grudge asked me to do a freeform game here on Baldr I had a hard time saying no to a dear friend. Then he unloaded on me (Justifiably) for not showing up. :) Couple that with Baldr just annoying the shit out of me because for some reason I just really have a hard time navigating it. I shall endeavor to give this a whirl and quit being a whiny little B. But I will caution that my posting rate will not be like the Root of 2017-2020. For the last two years I really struggled to carve out some designated time for posting in my games as my life got crazy busy.   So, with that out of the way, how are you guys? I need to put some thought into a character. I need to figure out a profession and skillset that I have some RL knowledge of (not any science or really high brain stuff). I am thinking some mix of security, engineering, or communication/linguistics.   @Grudge Would you be so kind as to make a sample template of a character and stats kind of like DJ did when we started Dying Light? It might help me figure out what you are looking for. Also, I liked the intro. Am I correct in assuming that the rest of us will be joining Hannah to kick off the game?
  9. Probably a human or elf wizard type. But honestly, if life does not lighten up for me I may not be able to add this game. All my gams are suffering for my lack of participation as it is
  10. Thanks Stumpy! Man Light beach is such an improvement on the eyes!  
  11. I don't love the site so far either, but I want to reserve judgement until I get a lot more familiar with it. Right now i don't like it purely because it is change and I can't find anything I want to find and am confused by the layout, especially on mobile.   As for making it VTT. I agree that droves of people want that, but not those of us that enjoy the essence of what Play by Post is, which is writing and actual role playing. To me, playing in a live game on Roll 20 or Fantasy Grounds is an entirely different experience. They are fun but they are different and I see them as apples and bananas, two entirely different fruits.  
  12. Pardon my ineptitude, I have trouble finding anything on the new site due to lack of time playing around on it. I am sure this has been posted somewhere, but can someone explain where to go to set which theme we want? Thanks in advance  
  13. Strahd was my vote because I have never played in any game even related to Ravenloft. Phlan would be my second vote but really I could play any of them and be content
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