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  1. ~Francis John IV, Prince of All Halflings ~ Francis shivers and mentally steels himself as the pair of gargoyles approach his distant position. Covering his head he ducks, dodges, and weaves his way through the gargoyles menacing claws as he races back to his friends. Once putting some distance between him and the gargoyles, he realizes the two guardians have fled. He calls back to his companions, "Look friends, we have them on the ropes! These gargoyles don't stand a chance!" Move: 20 ft with acro to move 5 south, 20 ft. with acro to move 5 south, 20 ft. to move 10, moving a total of 20 ft. south through difficult terrain to get back to the party. ending on -F11 Move: start dirge of doom, enemies auto shaken within 30 Stats
  2. Do we have anyone who can reliably use the water breathing scroll?
  3. Dakmoor is leveled up aside from that question. Probably would take that rage power either way. Would someone in the party have healed us of 5 hp before bed? Of note: I forgot to fix some of his modifiers last level so he wasn't getting some of his full bonuses on attack rolls and such last level. Oops! I also learned that his nonlethal damage reduction should have been doubled, making him an even greater threat in bar fights. Also of note, he has Fire Resist 1 now. I'm sure we'll all forget about it, and hopefully live to laugh about it in the retirement home.
  4. ~ Dakmoor the Fierce, Shoanti Barbarian of the Sklar-Quah Clan ~ Dakmoor traveled with bow in hand as he traveled to the Misgivings, but switched out to his deadly axe once the manor was in sight. He haughtily chuckles to himself and inquires of the group, "Shall we set it afire now, or later? What a dump." OOC: None Stats
  5. Brawler (Advanced Player's Guide pg. 74): While raging, the barbarian is treated as if she has Improved Unarmed Strike. If she already has the feat, her unarmed strikes deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if she is Small). If I take that rage power, does that convert to Unarmed Combatant under the Elephant Feat Tax rules? Unarmed Combatant (Combat) You are skilled at grappling and fighting while unarmed. Prerequisite: Dex 13. Benefit: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed - you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes now deal 1d6 damage if you are medium sized or 1d4 damage if you are small sized, and you can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you. Normal: Without this feat, you are considered unarmed when attacking with an unarmed strike, and you can deal only nonlethal damage with such an attack. You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver.
  6. Is having Ragyar lone us the money for a scroll of Water Breathing an option? Who's our best bet for casting it? Kormakr has a +2 UMD. What about potions or scrolls of Protection against Elements? Touch of the Sea? Air Bubble? (Sorry for wanting to spend Ragyar's money)
  7. ~ Remi Bréagach, Entrepreneur ~ Remi counters that question with one of his own. "Do you perchance have the ability to magically enchant weapons and armor? Perhaps that would be more immediately beneficial for all parties involved." OOC: none Stats
  8. ~ Elias Tate, Bookbinder ~ Elias finally exhales as somehow beyond measure he is cast as Dentris. Quite humbled by the whole experience, Elias can only say, "No questions from me. See you tomorrow." OOC: None Stats
  9. Thank you GM! Party: What does everyone recommend we get? I have 30gp to spend.
  10. ~ Remi Bréagach, Entrepreneur ~ Remi purses his lips in frustration as he airs aloud his misgivings. "So if she flew... there's no tracks. We'll all end up in Dolurrh before we find her. We'd have a better chance of reversing the Mourning before we catch up to wherever she went..." He slightly smiles as he returns his attention to his hosts. "Might as well give up on that... but I'd presume we'd have a much greater success rate at helping you guys find a druid or one of your 'transfer' points, or whatever their proper name is. As for the barter... what kinds of worldly mortal treasures would you make available? Gold? Jewels? Arcane equipment?" OOC: none Stats
  11. ~ Dakmoor the Fierce, Shoanti Barbarian of the Sklar-Quah Clan ~ Dakmoor continues, "Perhaps we should call it a night. It has been victorious enough as is. Get a few dozen eggs in us tomorrow morning and be off. Maybe the ghouls won't like the daytime as much anyway." OOC: None Stats
  12. ~ Remi Bréagach, Entrepreneur ~ Remi waits for his turn to drink and to speak. After a respectful swig, he asks, "To clarify, you said she flew... do you mean actual flight or that she simply fled in that direction?" OOC: none Stats
  13. ~ Dakmoor the Fierce, Shoanti Barbarian of the Sklar-Quah Clan ~ Dakmoor speaks up, "If this mansion is in fact the source of the ghoul problem, well I think the simplest answer then is to simply burn it down." OOC: None Stats
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