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  1. uhhuh, now that we're free, I finally get a decent roll, lol
  2. πŸ₯• Carrot Top πŸ“œ Feytouched Pyromancer Neutral Half-Eladrin Draconic SorcererΒ² / Genie WarlockΒΉ AC 16πŸ›‘οΈ | HP 27❀️ | Perception 13πŸ‘οΈ | Insight 13πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ | Initiative +3 | Speed 30' Pact Slots ❢☐/𝓒𝓑 | Spell Slots ❢☐☐☐☐/𝓛𝓑 | Spell Attack +5🎯 | Spell DC 13πŸͺ„ Magic Font [2]/𝓛𝓑 | Fiery Step β˜’β˜/𝓛𝓑 | Inspiration ☐ Not finding anything of interest, Carrot rips a scrap of cloth of the fallen figure and begins wiping the muck off his arms and shoulders, muttering DC 5 to recognize Prestidigitation, lol all the while. Ending up surprisingly clean in an amazingly short span, he does everyone a huge favor by putting his clothes back on. "Don't know about you lot, but I'm all for finding my stuff and getting the hell out of here," he replies, looking down the hallway uncertainty before cautiously heading in the direction the guard had come from. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: 5ft step Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  3. πŸ₯• Carrot Top πŸ“œ Feytouched Pyromancer Neutral Half-Eladrin Draconic SorcererΒ² / Genie WarlockΒΉ AC 16πŸ›‘οΈ | HP 27❀️ | Perception 13πŸ‘οΈ | Insight 13πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ | Initiative +3 | Speed 30' Pact Slots ❢☐/𝓒𝓑 | Spell Slots ❢☐☐☐☐/𝓛𝓑 | Spell Attack +5🎯 | Spell DC 13πŸͺ„ Magic Font [2]/𝓛𝓑 | Fiery Step β˜’β˜/𝓛𝓑 | Inspiration ☐ Carrot looks uncertainly at the fallen figure. "Is it dead?" He asks apprehensively, stepping gingerly around the body to grab the keys out of his cell door. Unlocking Beth's cell, he opens the door wide and bows grandly forgetting for a moment he's completely naked and covered in filth. "My lady," Unlocking the other cells, he then turns to nudge the body with his foot before kneeling down and searching for his missing censer or anything else of interest. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: 5ft step Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  4. Technically Nexus is the 'powerhouse' of the group...cause living battery, lol
  5. Nexus πŸ“Android MysticΒΉ AC 17πŸ›‘οΈ | HP 18❀️ | Fort πŸ’ͺ+5 | Refl 🦢+5 | Will πŸ‘³β€β™€οΈ+9 | Per πŸ‘οΈ+7 Spell Slots βΆβ˜β˜β˜πŸ—΅ β·πŸ—΅πŸ—΅πŸ—΅πŸ—΅ | Spell Attack +7🎯 | Spell DC 17πŸͺ„ Vitality Network [10 HP] Nexus eyes Atlas' massive armored chassis and big rotolaser. "I think this one can handle any dangers that may occur. We will focus on the salvage." he agrees with a shrug. "Without a designation or docking location, I suggest we search for any ships brought in recently," Mechanics Main Hand: Off Hand: Action: Your action goes here. Bonus: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Free: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  6. Happy Birthday! My daughter's Birthday is today as well, my precious little girl turned 20 today ... damn, that make me feel old, lol
  7. πŸ₯• Carrot Top πŸ“œ Feytouched Pyromancer Neutral Half-Eladrin Draconic SorcererΒ² / Genie WarlockΒΉ AC 16πŸ›‘οΈ | HP 27❀️ | Perception 13πŸ‘οΈ | Insight 13πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ | Initiative +3 | Speed 30' Pact Slots ❢☐/𝓒𝓑 | Spell Slots ❢☐☐☐☐/𝓛𝓑 | Spell Attack +5🎯 | Spell DC 13πŸͺ„ Magic Font [2]/𝓛𝓑 | Fiery Step β˜’β˜/𝓛𝓑 | Inspiration ☐ "What the hell!," Carrot exclaims in shock as a miniature dragon appears from nowhere. With sparks still flying he risks flinging a fistfull of fire at the hulking brute but stumbles backwards in his hast to put some distance between them. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Fire Bolt Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: 5ft step Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  8. Nexus πŸ“Android MysticΒΉ AC 17πŸ›‘οΈ | HP 18❀️ | Fort πŸ’ͺ+5 | Refl 🦢+5 | Will πŸ‘³β€β™€οΈ+9 | Per πŸ‘οΈ+7 Spell Slots βΆβ˜β˜β˜πŸ—΅ β·πŸ—΅πŸ—΅πŸ—΅πŸ—΅ | Spell Attack +7🎯 | Spell DC 17πŸͺ„ Vitality Network [10 HP] Nexus sighs and rubs his temples in exasperation, a humanoid mannerism he actually mastered quite naturally. "So you purchased a ship you know nothing about, though with a colorful past, and are hiring perfect strangers you don't know either, with promises of unknown compensation, to clear it out of who knows what dangers, in the hopes that whatever it may or may not hold could prove to to be profitable." he looks the vesk in the eyes and lays a hand on his shoulder. "I believe friend Julzakama that you may have a gambling problem, it is often wise to run a risk to return analysis before impulsively jumping into such a venture, but I will of course venture to assist in what ways I am able...for suitable remuneration comparable to the uncertainties of the hazards and difficulties that may be involved ." Mechanics Main Hand: Off Hand: Action: Your action goes here. Bonus: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Free: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  9. INITIATIVE 23 - Bethilda 17 - Carrot 14 - Lazakhal 12 - Drax 10 - Mr Cuddles
  10. Nexus πŸ“Android MysticΒΉ AC 17πŸ›‘οΈ | HP 18❀️ | Fort πŸ’ͺ+5 | Refl 🦢+5 | Will πŸ‘³β€β™€οΈ+9 | Per πŸ‘οΈ+7 Spell Slots βΆβ˜β˜β˜πŸ—΅ β·πŸ—΅πŸ—΅πŸ—΅πŸ—΅ | Spell Attack +7🎯 | Spell DC 17πŸͺ„ Vitality Network [10 HP] The human looking android reaches into a pocket and pulls out some sweetened kava nuts along with some stray bits of lint and offers them to the bright blue Skittermander. "From Azlanti space you say," he says making a show of rubbing the short stubble of his beard thoughtfully in the human manner. "Has the vessel yet been identified? I have fascination for the ancient empire" he asks, leaning against the light post trying to look relaxed and attentive at the same time. Mechanics Main Hand: Off Hand: Action: Your action goes here. Bonus: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Free: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  11. I think pretty much everyone was ready for action... except apparently Carrot
  12. I'm pretty sure Carrot is about to get killed anyways lol
  13. πŸ₯• Carrot Top πŸ“œ Feytouched Pyromancer Neutral Half-Eladrin Draconic SorcererΒ² / Genie WarlockΒΉ AC 16πŸ›‘οΈ | HP 27❀️ | Perception 13πŸ‘οΈ | Insight 13πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ | Initiative +3 | Speed 30' Pact Slots ❢☐/𝓒𝓑 | Spell Slots ❢☐☐☐☐/𝓛𝓑 | Spell Attack +5🎯 | Spell DC 13πŸͺ„ Magic Font [2]/𝓛𝓑 | Fiery Step ☐☐/𝓛𝓑 | Inspiration ☐ "Save me," Carrot moans pretending to stumble, not having to fake his perfectly real terror. As soon as the guard steps into the cell with Carrot, the naked man looks past the guard in sudden alarm and screams girlishly, darting forward while the warden is distracted to hook a finger in the ring of keys and fey step outside past the guard into the smouldering straw which flares sending sparks burning the guard, and kicks the door shut behind him locking the warden inside. Edit: Discovering to his dismay the he totally missed the keys leaving them still in the lock. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Grab keys Bonus Action: Fey Step, 5 fire damage Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: close door
  14. πŸ₯• Carrot Top πŸ“œ Feytouched Pyromancer Neutral Half-Eladrin Draconic SorcererΒ² / Genie WarlockΒΉ AC 16πŸ›‘οΈ | HP 27❀️ | Perception 13πŸ‘οΈ | Insight 13πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ | Initiative +3 | Speed 30' Pact Slots ❢☐/𝓒𝓑 | Spell Slots ❢☐☐☐☐/𝓛𝓑 | Spell Attack +5🎯 | Spell DC 13πŸͺ„ Magic Font [2]/𝓛𝓑 | Fiery Step ☐☐/𝓛𝓑 | Inspiration ☐ Silhouetted by the illusionary smoke and flickering flame just accentuates just how big their captor really is, and standing there naked covered in muck, the young man feels his confidence begin to waiver. Swallowing to clear he lump in his throat he tries one last desperate ploy. "You have to let us out before we're all burned to a crisp," he beseeches the hulking warden, taking a step back while attempting to look vulnerable, and perhaps alluring if the guard swings that way. "The master wants us alive," he adds guessing as an afterthought. 'Otherwise we'd already be dead.' This is mostly smoke and mirrors a he doesn't really expect the hulk to actually open the cell, but you never know. He's frantically looking for the cell keys hanging from the guards belt before committing himself to the next stage of the plan. Show plan Not a bad roll. IF the guard takes the bait, opening the door and stepping into the cell with Carrot, the intent is to the grab the keys and fey step outside past the guard kicking the door shut behind him. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Grab keys Bonus Action: Fey Step, 5 fire damage Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: close door
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