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  1. New unified token rings that will be used in Castle WHiterock, please feel free to use them in your posting templates if you like.
  2. New unified token rings that will be used in Castle WHiterock, please feel free to use them in your posting templates if you like.
  3. Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford Noodles was the first to brave the precarious makeshift bridge spanning the yawning pit. As he reached the other side, he scanned the area for a secure spot to anchor his rope. With practiced precision, he began his meticulous search for traps, carefully poking and prodding the floor and walls with his tools. Just moments after setting foot on the other side, a section of the southern wall shimmered and vanished, revealing a hidden passage. From the darkness emerged three more of the imposing Grekian guardians, their eyes locking onto Noodles with an unsettling intensity. The air grew thick with tension as the guardians prepared to confront the intruder. DUNGEONS OF RULTMOORK Dungeon Room #1 500 feet below the surface. 9:43 am Day 3 LEY LINE DISRUPTION 84% * Unless a spellcaster uses a bonus action to make a concentration check to manipulate the twisted magical energies resonating from the badlands when casting a spell other than a cantrip, there is a 84% chance today of an unpredictable result. WE ARE IN COMBAT ROUND 1 Everyone is up!!! OOC Scene Information: One of the guardians is stuck in the bottom of the pit, and the other two are capacitated by the rubble. Active Maps Dungeons of Rultmoork Bookkeeping PASSIVE PERCEPTION Noodles: 17 | Zelda 16 | Deidre 13 | Taborlin 12 | Willowveil 11 | Question 10 INITIATIVE ROUND 1 PCs Grekian Guardians MECHANICS GUARDIAN #1 Has taken a total of 0 hit points of damage. GUARDIAN #2 Has taken a total of 0 hit points of damage. GUARDIAN #3 Has taken a total of 0 hit points of damage. CONDITIONS QUESTION Has a torch lit (25 minutes remaining) TABORLIN Has a torch lit (25 minutes remaining) GREKIAN GUARDIAN #! Is trapped in the pit. GREKIAN GUARDIAN #2 Is incapacitated. GREKIAN GUARDIAN #3 Is incapacitated. DESCRIPTIONS INCAPACITATED An incapacitated creature can’t take actions or reactions. CESSPOOLER Hit Points: 38/38 (Uncanny Dodge) Hit Dice: 5/5 DM Inspiration: 1/1 LYNESTRA "ZELDA" VORAMMAS Hit Points: 29/29 (fey ancestry) Hit Dice: 5/5 Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L Natural Recovery: 1/1 *L Wildshape: 2/2 *S Spell Slots: (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 3/4 2nd Level: 2/3 3rd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 "NOODLES" GOBLINFRIEND Hit Points: 33/38 (gnomish cunning) Hit Dice: 5/5 Psionic Power: 6/6 (d8) Prescience Roll: (20) 1/1 Spell Slots: (+4, DC 12) *L Feather Fall: 1/1 Augury: 1/1 DM Inspiration: 1/1 QUESTION Hit Points: 27/32 (automation) Hit Dice: 5/5 Accelerated Healing: 1/1 *L Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L Portent Roll 1: 6 Portent Roll 2: 10 Spell Slots: (+8, DC 16) *L 1st Level: 3/4 2nd Level: 1/3 3rd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 TABORLIN SOOTHSONG Hit Points: 14/44 (divine health) Hit Dice: 5/5 Channel Divinity: 2/2 *L Divine Sense: 4/4 *L Lay on Hands: 16/25 *L Spell Slots: (+7, DC 15) *L 1st Level: 3/4 2nd Level: 1/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 WILLOWVEIL Hit Points: 12/38 Hit Dice: 5/5 Spell Slots: (+7, DC 16) *L 3rd Level: 1/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 CHILD OF THE BRIAR Hit Points: 15/50 (Vulnerable fire) Hit Dice: 20/20
  4. Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford Riffraff snapped off a cheeky salute as Thodin sternly reminded the team of the perilous nature of their surroundings. With Armando by his side, the two took the lead, meticulously examining the ancient stonework as they ventured deeper into the tunnel. Meanwhile, Allera began her ritual, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air as she sought out any hidden magical auras. PASSAGE OF THE FACE As they cautiously advanced, Armando’s lantern cast a warm glow that soon revealed the tunnel’s end. There, looming before them, was an enormous stone face, its mouth frozen in an eternal scream of rage. The face bore an uncanny resemblance to the near-human, sexless figure depicted in bas-relief on the sarcophagus in the chamber below. Armando and Riffraff quickly noticed several long scratch marks etched into the floor, as if something heavy had been dragged back toward the hole they had climbed up. Though nothing else seemed immediately out of place, the surface of the face was adorned with several large gemstones. Their size suggested they were likely cut crystals, but the lantern’s light made them shimmer with vibrant colors, mirroring the hues of the unlit lanterns in the chamber below. Before they could proceed further, Allera’s voice cut through the silence, her eyes glowing with arcane energy. “Wait,” she cautioned, her tone urgent. “The gaping face ahead is surrounded by two distinct magical auras. One is a common enchantment, likely designed to beguile or mislead. The other, however, is far more unusual—a rare aura of transmutation magic, capable of altering the very nature of objects or beings.” Her words hung in the air, adding an extra layer of tension to the already foreboding atmosphere. The team exchanged wary glances, fully aware that their next steps would require utmost caution and vigilance. THE WHISPERING CAIRN The Cairn HillsThe Cairn Hills refers to the rolling hills and valleys surrounding Diamond Lake, and they are rife with hundreds of burial sites and ruins, the remnants of a civilization long forgotten. Local youth like to dare each other to explore various cairns as a rite of passage, though they have to evade the roving patrols of soldiers from the Garrison and The Bronzewood Lodge to do it. Every decade or so, someone comes across an undisturbed cairn and lives to tell the tale. (Two hours E of ) 10:01 am GodsdayTuesday the 10th of ReapingJuly, 595 CY Scene Information: Map Information: Please use directions (N,S,E,W,NE,SE, etc) when moving. (i.e. I move 2 squares N and 4 E). Active Maps WHISPERING CAIRN UNKNOWN AREA Bookkeeping PASSIVE PERCEPTION Riffraff 15 | Tesh'lor 15 | Armando 13 | Sunny 12 | Thodin 12 | Allera 11 INITIATIVE Not in Use!! MECHANICS Not in Use!! CONDITIONS ARMANDO Has a Everburnign Lantern. DESCRIPTIONS Not in Use!! TESH'LOR GALANODEL Hit Points: 9/9 (fey ancestry) Hit Dice: 1/1 Wild Shape: 2/2 *L Spell Slots: (+5, DC 13) *L 1st Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 ALLERA LORABELIS Hit Points: 8/8 Hit Dice: 1/1 Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L Spell Slots: (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 ARMANDO RAILWALKER Hit Points: 9/9 (gnome cunning) Hit Dice: 1/1 Pact Magic: (+4, DC 12) *L 1st Level: 1/1 DM Inspiration: 1/1 RIFFRAFF Hit Points: 9/9 Hit Dice: 1/1 DM Inspiration: 1/1 SUNNY Hit Points: 15/15 Hit Dice: 1/1 Rage: 2/2 *L DM Inspiration: 1/1 THODIN EVERSHARP Hit Points: 13/13 (RESIST: poison SAVADV: poisoned) Hit Dice: 1/1 Divine Sense: 3/3 *L Lay on Hands: 5/5 *L DM Inspiration: 1/1
  5. Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford “Know of any work for a swordarm or a witchhunter?” Saara inquired of the innkeeper. Though she was more adept at hunting witches, she was competent with a sword as well. She hoped for a busy schedule, but it was always wise to have backup options in case Lord Monder was dissatisfied with their service. Saxlu responded with a knowing smile, “Not the right place for witchhunters… but swordarms, yes. Ships and their crews are always in need of strong hands.” She gestured towards a man sitting alone, an eyepatch covering one eye. “Captain Blimbo over there might be looking for some help.” BLOOD ON THE CROWN Onadbyr On this Selik, the 35th day of Camua, In the 631st year of the Age of Kings 9:23 pm Day 6 Scene Information: It is 2 coppers for the meal, and 1 silver for the cot for the night. If you would like to RP with any of the patrons, etc feel free to do so or we can skip ahead to awakening in the morning. Whichever you guys prefer. The Cheeky Mermaid is #53 on the map. Active Maps Not in Use!! Bookkeeping PASSIVE PERCEPTION Ru'ath 18 | Baldur 15 | Kythera 14 | Amelia 13 | Yaldiled 13 | Saara 10 INITIATIVE Not In Use!!! MECHANICS Not In Use!!! CONDITIONS Not In Use!!! DESCRIPTIONS Not In Use!!! AMEILA KASSICAR Hit Points: 32/32 Hit Dice: 5/5 Sorcery Points: 5/5 *L Spell Slots (+7, DC 15) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/3 3rd Level: 1/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 BALDUR STONEBOW Hit Points: 27/49 (RESIST:poison; ADVSAVTYPE: poisoned) Hit Dice: 5/5 Spell Slots (+5, DC 13) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 CHARACTER #3 Not in Use!! RU'ATH FIRVANNA Hit Points: 15/28 (fey ancestry; RESIST: necrotic; uncanny dodge) Hit Dice: 5/5 Blessings of the Raven Queen: 1/3 *L Shadow Touched Invisibility: 1/1 *L Disguise Self: 1/1 *L DM Inspiration: 1/1 SAARA RENALISH Hit Points: 43/43 (IMMUNE: disease; RESIST: poison; MAGIC RESISTANCE) Hit Dice: 5/5 Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 5/5 *L Form of Dread: 1/3 *L Lay On Hands: 3/20 *L Serpentine Spellcasting: 0/1 *L Spell Slots Paladin (+6, DC 14), Warlock (+7, DC 15) 1st Level: 4/4 *L Pact Slots (1st): 0/1 *S/L DM Inspiration: 1/1 YALDILED GURVYS Hit Points: 11/38 (RESIST:cold; IMMUNE: disease) Hit Dice: 5/5 Bardic Inspiration: 2/3 (d8) *L Breath Weapon: 1/1 *S Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 4/4 *L Lay on Hands: 20/20 *L Spell Slots (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 2/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1
  6. LEVEL UP Advanced 5th Edition with DM BWatford While Sable peered through the door that Good Boy had opened, Lys navigated cautiously around the scattered rubble, making his way to another door in the wide hall. This door, like the others, was worn and weathered. He paused, waiting for Elowen to take her position, her bow at the ready to provide support. Once she was in place, Lys moved to push the door open. However, he froze as the sound of high-pitched squeals and shrieks reached his ears from the other side. It was likely more of the gremlins. RUINS OF GAUNTLIGHT Level 1 1:54 pm Day 1 OOC Scene Information: Lighting is mostly dim light/darkness. Areas of rubble are difficult terrain. Active Maps Level 1 Bookkeeping PASSIVE SKILLS Perception - Sable 15 | Elowen 14 | Good Boy: 13 (16 scent) | Lys: 13 (20 listening or scent) | Elspeth 10 Insight - Elowen 16 | Elspeth 14 | Sable 13 | Good Boy 11 | Lys 11 INITIATIVE Not in Use!! MECHANICS Not in Use!! CONDITIONS Not in Use!! DESCRIPTIONS Not in Use!! ELOWEN TALANIS Hit Points: 11/11 (RESIST: radiant) Hit Dice: 1/1 Maneuver DC: 12 Celestial Intuition: 1/1 *L Celestial Legacy: 1/1 *L Immortal Blessing: 1/1 *L Roll With the Punches: 1/1 *S Spell Slots: (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 2/2 Inspiration: 1/1 ELSPETH NERINEN Hit Points: 6/6 (IMMUNE: sleep; EXPERTISE: charmed) Hit Dice: 1/1 Maneuver DC: 11 Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L Glance the Future: 1/1 *S Spell Slots: (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 2/2 Inspiration: 1/1 GOOD BOY Hit Points: 13/13 (IMMUNE: rattled) Hit Dice: 1/1 Maneuver DC: 12 Rage: 2/2 *L Inspiration: 1/1 LYS MOONSAIL Hit Points: 9/9 Hit Dice: 1/1 Maneuver DC: 13 Knack for the Unexpected: 1/1 *S Inspiration: 1/1 SABLE NIGHTSHADE Hit Points: 12/12 (RESIST: fire) Hit Dice: 1/1 Maneuver DC: 14 Immortal Blessing: 1/1 *L Inspiration: 1/1
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