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  1. Appearance Statblock Cyrienne Alenuath, Chaotic Good Female Wood Elf Cleric of Sune Cyrienne laughed with joy when Mariposa sang to the music and beamed all over her face when she finally put her lyre away. The required tokens were starting become more special. She could go back through the thorns and probably find the flower, but the feather would be more complicated. If any feather would do, she might just take a discrete stroll around the pyramid with Eku, but Cyrienne doubted that a coutl-feather would do. She shook her head to shake the thoughts off and highlight her red mane. "Eku, do you have any idea where we could find such feathers - nesting places for these birds? I would prefer not to harm them." Cyrienne was going to fetch the flowers they needed, but first she was going to walk around the pyramid on the current platform. Maybe there was a clue somewhere or she would notice the nesting places of those parrots.
  2. Appearance Statblock Mareen Ulicci, Chaotic Good Female Human Swords Bard, Harper Scout Mareen methodically grabbed another bolt, reloaded, and unleashed Sanguinus crossbow over his shoulder. She didn't show any reaction when the goblin finally fell - she was relieved, but she needed her tension for the ongoing fight. On Sanguinus suggestion, she quickly launched the loaded bolt once and, doing so, responded with a sharp, abrupt "Let's fall back behind the next narrow point." Mareen was a little worried about him. He was already wounded, even a slight injury might be fatal now. They shouldn't try their luck any longer and while she wasn't sure how utilising the cages might work, a controlled withdrawal would be a good start. "Falling back behind the next corner, covering your retreat from there." OOC Last Round Action: Crossbow Attack on AA1 Current Round Action: Crossbow Attack on AA1 Move: Withdraw behind the next narrowing to a width of 5 ft., if possible, but no further away than 60 ft.
  3. The enemy messenger doesn't return to Lady Michelle's allegations, but you hear a croaking, hollow laughter from the cliff above the gate. Three more knights with lances were observing the situation from there. The two disappeared behind the cliff as their companion rode out of sight. Once gathered in the Brass Crab again, Raven asked for the notice from Michelle and paced restlessly to through the room, once she had it. "We'll have to give in to their demands and hope for the best. They watch our every move!" Cudgel picked up immediately: "No! I've seen what happens when a village is occupied by a hostile force, even under the best of circumstances, and this enemy..." "I will rather die to become a pleasure slave to these monsters after all!" Cathra interjected, speaking up for the first time, supporting Cudgel's position with an outburst of feverish passion. "And believe me, any young woman who's seen their brothers, parents, and beloved once being brutally slaughtered for their sinister pleasure will do the same." She gestured wildly to Michelle. "The gods are with us again! These is not the time to falter! We must prove ourselves worthy of Mishakal's favour!" She swiftly turned to Aric: "He's right, the village must burn, however hard it may be, and it must become a death trap. If we delay them for but a day, that might save somebody's life. If we kill but one of them, that is one brutal savage that will never oppress and murder anybody in the name of their dark goddess!" Becklin, the knight watching over Vogler, grimaced, crossed her arms and glanced with a sigh to Cathra, and then to everybody else. "I would have phrased it differently, but she's right. Any concession we make to the enemy will only hasten our own demise." She nodded into the direction of the note that Raven was still holding. "They might as well have added: 'Comply and die sooner.' to the writ. Question is: How do we get all the people out in time and stop them from noticing it. I don't suppose any of you wishes to catapult themselves onto their vanguard?" Enemy position:
  4. Yes... Sorry that I haven't been around. I will post asap.
  5. Appearance Statblock Mareen Ulicci, Chaotic Good Female Human Swords Bard, Harper Scout The dagger, thrown by the goblin hit Mareen, but it was like the echo of Sanguinus inspiring words during the last break gave Mareen the speed and awareness to catch it harmlessly in a leather fold of her jacket. "Cute," she returned to the the goblin. "Now, allow hasten your demise with some heavier gear." She grabbed the crossbow that Sanguinus had mentioned from his backpack, loaded it (with an hopefully also available bolt), and unleashed it over the priest's shoulder towards the goblin. OOC Object Interaction: Grab Crossbow and bolt from Sanguinus Move: Ready Crossbow Action: Crossbow attack on the goblin
  6. Appearance Statblock Cyrienne Alenuath, Chaotic Good Female Wood Elf Cleric of Sune Cyrienne was a little surprised that this actually worked; she half expected there was more to it. She put the flower very carefully behind her pointy ear into her hair and decided ignored the fact that the colour didn't really look good on her. Giving the chwinga with the triceratops mask a smile she addressed them: "Thank you for you help, that was very kind of you. How about we play a little song for you as a thank you and who knows, maybe we can persuade you to help us going forward?" She winked to the spirit, pulled out her Lyre and started to tune it. "I mean," she mused doing so, "b'Lep can just jump up and I do have a silk rope and a grappling hook for the rest of us..." she avoided looking at Eku, "but it's not that simple, is it?" Having tuned her instrument, she turned to Story: "Do you have a nice song about to play for this kind spirit? I'll accompany you on my Lyre..." Some concern showed in her face, when Najya tried to climb it. Cyrienne paused to see how Najya's attempt would go, even though Cyrienne wasn't strong enough to dare and catch Najya in case she slipped. OOC Cyrienne would like to play a song in order to keep the spirit's favour. May seem like an odd moment for it, but he might like it.
  7. A dry laughter, dampened by the helmet comes from the red knight. "You're quite the spitfire. There is a place for you at the feet of the Dragon Queen. Keep up that fire, but do as your ordered, or everybody you incite with it will be properly burnt, and you will watch." He made his horse take a few steps closer and offered Michelle the scroll. "These are orders for all villagers. We're coming tonight. If we're displeased with your hospitality, so will be the Dragon Queen, and we'll have to increase the sacrifices to be made in her name accordingly. Now, got to work." The text on the scroll reads: Scroll People of Vogler, By the orders of Belephaion, the Voice of Takhisis, you will quarter the soldiers of the invincible Red Dragon Army this night. Refuse and die. This is the Dragon Queen’s will. As soon as Michelle accepts takes it, he lets his horse step back and turn, apparently he's about to ride away with waiting for any further reply.
  8. Appearance Statblock Mareen Ulicci, Chaotic Good Female Human Swords Bard, Harper Scout 'I hear you,' Mareen send her thoughts back to Audren, hoping that her ability to communicate worked like a message spell. 'Let's just get rid of the goblin and then attempt a tactical repositioning.' She didn't say that out loud because she didn't want to tip off the goblin. The Red Dancer tried to hide her concern under a mask of grim determination, but didn't entirely succeed in doing so. Mareen was unfortunately unable to take out the goblin from a distance, she could merely disrupt him with a psychic attack. She glared at the goblin and invoked the power of her dance: "Behold the futility of your existence, goblin, as your death draws near. Your toys struggle in vain as we come for you." Mareen was well aware how hollow the threat was, but her words echoed only biting disgust for the pathetic creature and smashed as a wave of psychic energy towards the goblin. OOC Move: 5ft. east Action: Vicious Mockery on the goblin, see below for damage roll, Wisdom Save DC 13 to avoid
  9. Oh, sorry about that. Ridomir "Cudgel" Ironsmile feels just horribly guilty for all the harm that the traitors, but ultimately mercenaries of her company caused, and tries to do anything to make up for it. She might even be a little overeager to confront the enemy. Jeyev Veldrews tries to play cold and tough, but what really bothers him most is how this affects his honour and integrity. He really hates the traitors; he would love the chance to punish them and is a little said that that Gragonis is already dead, so the captain of the scouts can't kill the half-ogre. He is not quite as concerned about the fate of the villagers as Cudgel, but, similar to Becklin, concerned about the larger implications of this new enemy's presence. As a scout he's heard and seen his share of strange things.
  10. Well, those who want to engage the goblin at range would better not expose themselves to melee attacks if it can be avoided and thus not stand on the line, but otherwise yes. The problem with relocating are the opportunity attacks one might be facing. Krone would definitely have to disengage, so she will neither be attacking nor dodging.
  11. Sorry, if I put this the wrong way: I just thought that's what we should have done. Whether it's still such a good option, especially considering that we want to take out the goblin first, maybe everybody who can shoot should just shoot whatever they have at the goblin, rather than reorganising the line. If we wanted to destroy the animated armours as well, we should better reorganise, of course.
  12. We wouldn't dodge to force a disadvantage, but we they would only have half the number of attacks that they have now and the advantage that we have is that all our offense would come to bear. They could target squishier characters, but that's kinda how melee works: Both ways. And if anybody wants to fall behind the line, the only two fields we need to occupy to block them are the two in the center.
  13. What I was hoping for is that we stand on the line that I marked in blue, so that only two enemies could attack us in melee. That is why I put my character on the line, alas, Mareen's abilities in ranged combat are limited to none-existent (given the information that the armours are immune to psychic damage). In the time she used to two "Vicious Mockery" she could as well have used four melee attacks; not particularly powerful attacks, but better than nothing. However, I approve of trying to kill the goblin first though. There is little my character can do of course - do 1d4 damage if it fails a Wis Save DC 13; not sure what it has on Wisdom, but whatever it is, the expectancy value is less than 2 damage / round. But maybe then we can order the sets of armour to stop, or we find a means to exploit their a potentially limited intellect, such as with the cells. I still would prefer to somehow overcome them, so we can search the smithy and potentially pass through it, but one step at a time.
  14. Updated @SMARTAgentKC @8w_gremlin @Kamishiro_Rin
  15. At that, the scouts did return. They step forward and immediately confirm the report of an army with more than a thousand soldiers camping nearby, strictly organised in neat rows. The soldiers all wear cloaks and were difficult to make out over the distance in the twilight, but based on the descriptions it quickly becomes clear that about half of them are indeed draconian. Raven dismisses the scouts once they’re done. Becklin’s expression becomes ever more worried as she listens to the report, and she weighs her comment carefully, but just as she wants to speak up, Cudgel bursts out first: “So that’s who Gragonis dealt with. Listen, the Ironclad Regiment and I will do anything to make amends for what happened yesterday. This time, we will stand firm against the invaders.” Becklin slowly shook her head, clearly considering the Cudgels words: “I do not doubt your bravery but based on the reports you’re hopelessly outnumbered.” She nodded to Aric: “Similarly, I doubt you will successfully infiltrate their camp. This is a well organised army, if the reports and rumours are heard are true, not a band of bandits.” “We’ll have to do something,” Raven interjects, tapping her foot. “We need more information, so while we try to reinforce the village, so, I approve of Master Nightshade’s plan.” At that, a girl from the village burst into the Brass Crab. “A messenger! A red knight on a horse with a message at the River Gate!” The little war council immediately (including the player characters unless they have other plans) rushes to the River Gate at the north end of the village. Beneath the carvings of leaping fish etched into Vogler’s open wooden gate, a human in black-and-red scale mail sits astride an armoured warhorse. She holds out a rolled parchment and calls out, “Who among you speaks for this village?” Intelligence (Religion) DC 12
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