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  1. Are applications still allowed ? if so I have some ideas, if not, have fun, looks like a great setting.
  2. Are we all good? Are we waiting for anything/anyone to post? wanting to keep table2 motivated and still posting
  3. Brother Koji As the early evening shadows stretched across Free Harbor, Brother Koji stood at the head of the gathered assembly, his presence calm yet commanding attention. The air was charged with anticipation and the soft murmur of many voices, each participant ready to contribute their insights for the future of the outpost. Knowing the diverse mix of races and beliefs among those gathered, Koji prepared to offer an opening that would resonate with all, yet stay true to his own spiritual path. Clearing his throat to draw attention, Koji raised his hands, signalling for silence. The crowd gradually quieted, their eyes turning towards him, reflecting a mix of respect and expectation. "Let us take a moment to centre ourselves and reflect," Koji began, his voice imbued with a respectful authority. "To the spirits of the land that sustain us, to the vast sky above that shelters us, and to the Father who watches over us, grant us wisdom tonight. As we come together to forge our path forward, let us draw upon the strength of our shared spirits and the wisdom that each community brings to this gathering." He paused thoughtfully before continuing, "May we find common ground that respects our differences and builds on our collective strengths. Let us speak with courage and listen with openness, seeking solutions that benefit not just individuals but our entire community. Protect us from divisiveness, and inspire us to act with integrity and foresight." With a final nod, signalling the start of the council proceedings, Koji stepped back slightly, ready to facilitate the discussion. His inclusive invocation set a tone of unity and mutual respect, subtly reminding everyone of their collective responsibility to shape a peaceful and prosperous future together.
  4. So now caught up with the Acolyte finale; having the crystal 'turn' or become corrupted; could that be due to Osha/Mae not being a real creature and being a Force Dyad. Doing things like being able to connect with each other over great distances and wield unique powers. Could that be how it was 'corrupted' as Osha gave in to her anger and tapped into the darkside?
  5. Lady Seraphina Umbravere The Scion of House Umbravere, and her Consort Name: Lady Seraphina Umbravere Description: Lady Seraphina Umbravere is the young and graceful scion of House Umbravere. With her striking bat-like features, she embodies the unique charm and mystical aura of her lineage. Seraphina's large, expressive eyes are a deep shade of azure, often giving her a contemplative and knowing gaze. Her wings are a blend of soft beige and ivory, delicately veined and capable of graceful flight, reflecting her noble heritage. Personality and Skills: Seraphina is known for her intelligence, wit, and deep connection to circle magic and the divine. Trained in the family's unique traditions, she specializes in rituals that draw upon the power of sacred circles and divine energies, making her a skilled practitioner of this mystical art. Seraphina also excels in diplomacy, often representing her house in dealings with other noble families and in trade matters, particularly regarding their logging and shipbuilding enterprises. Role in the Family: As the future head of the house, Seraphina is heavily involved in managing their estates and businesses. She focuses on expanding their influence in New Gotham and ensuring the sustainability of their logging operations. Seraphina's dedication to the arts and culture also makes her a patron of artists and scholars, enhancing the family's reputation as supporters of mystical and divine practices. Lady Seraphina is poised to lead House Umbravere into a new era, balancing tradition with innovation while maintaining the family's esteemed legacy.
  6. House Umbravere House Motto: "Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc" or "We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us." Coat of Arms: The coat of arms of House Umbravere features a bat with outstretched wings perched atop a stylized oak tree, representing their dominion over both the night and the forest. The background is a deep forest green, symbolizing their connection to nature and the logging industry. The tree's branches intertwine with crescent moons, highlighting their mystical inclinations and nocturnal nature. House Personality and Culture Dark Elegance: House Umbravere is known for its refined yet gothic aesthetic, embracing a lifestyle that balances formality with a playful embrace of the macabre. Their estates are filled with ancient tomes, shadowy corners, and opulent furnishings in deep, rich colours. Charming and Eccentric: Members of House Umbravere are charismatic and slightly eccentric. They host grand feasts and gatherings that are mysterious and luxurious, enjoying witty repartee and storytelling with a dark sense of humour. Divinely Inspired: The house has a long tradition of studying the Divine, with expertise in nature, alchemy, and esoteric arts. This knowledge is carefully preserved and expanded by each generation, contributing to a vast family library of secrets. Loyalty and Family Bonds: Loyalty and family are paramount values in House Umbravere. They are fiercely loyal to each other, with strong bonds fostered through shared traditions and rituals. Intelligence, creativity, and a disregard for conventional norms are highly valued traits. Estates The Gloomspire (New Gotham): The main family estate, The Gloomspire, is a grand gothic mansion located in New Gotham. It is known for its towering spires and large windows, offering panoramic views of the surrounding city. The estate includes an extensive library, an enchanted garden, and rooms filled with opulent, dark-themed decor. The Gloomspire serves as the center of House Umbravere's social and business activities, hosting numerous gatherings and cultural events. Woodshade Hall (Ales' Dale): The family's rural estate, Woodshade Hall, is situated near the logging communities of Ales' Dale. This estate serves as the operational hub for the family's logging and shipbuilding businesses. Surrounded by vast forests, Woodshade Hall is both a residence and a workshop, blending rustic charm with the family's gothic aesthetic. It includes facilities for processing wood and building ships, making it a key site for the family's economic activities. House Business and Influence Logging and Shipbuilding: House Umbravere controls several logging communities, focusing on sustainable practices and the harvest of rare woods. They are also renowned for their shipbuilding expertise, crafting vessels from the high-quality timber they harvest. These ships are known for their durability and craftsmanship, catering to both practical and luxury markets. Cultural Influence: The house is a patron of the arts, especially those with dark or mystical themes. They support poets, musicians, and artists, and their gatherings are known for their enchanting and intellectually stimulating atmosphere. Notable Traditions: Moonlit Gatherings: On full moon nights, House Umbravere hosts elaborate gatherings, including ritualistic observances and performances that celebrate the mystery and the macabre. Ritual of Shadows: A secretive family ceremony where members share personal truths and hidden desires, believed to strengthen familial bonds and their connection to the arcane. House Members Patriarch: Lord Mortifer Umbravere Appearance and Demeanor: A tall, slender figure with sharp features, pale skin, and dark eyes. Lord Mortifer has a refined presence, often dressed in fine, dark clothing adorned with silver jewellery. Personality: Mortifer is charming, eloquent, and deeply knowledgeable about the arcane. He enjoys philosophical discussions and is a skilled necromancer, using his abilities to maintain and protect the family's interests. Role: As the head of the family, Mortifer manages the house's affairs with a blend of stern authority and affectionate guidance. Matriarch: Lady Nocturna Umbravere Appearance and Demeanor: Graceful and ethereal, Lady Nocturna has long dark hair and often wears flowing gothic gowns. Her presence is both comforting and intimidating, with a soft voice that carries an undercurrent of power. Personality: Nocturna is nurturing yet mysterious, and known for her healing and alchemical skills. She tends to the enchanted garden and the family's magical research. Role: Nocturna oversees the family's magical and alchemical research, ensuring the continuation and growth of their esoteric knowledge. Deities Worshipped by House Umbravere Selûne: The goddess of the moon, stars, and navigation, Selûne is revered by House Umbravere for her embodiment of the night and its mysteries. She is seen as a guiding force, illuminating the path through darkness and offering protection and wisdom. The house venerates Selûne as the patron of their nocturnal nature, drawing inspiration from her for their practices in circle magic and their respect for the cycles of the moon. Mielikki: As the goddess of forests, nature, and woodland creatures, Mielikki symbolizes House Umbravere's deep connection to the natural world, particularly their logging and shipbuilding enterprises. The family honours her for her blessings on their endeavours and their commitment to sustainable practices. Mielikki's teachings emphasize the importance of balance and respect for the environment, values that are integral to the house's ethos. Galaedros: Known as the Wood God and the Sorrowful King, Galaedros is a deity of nature, wood, and the cycles of life. House Umbravere worships him for his wisdom and his sorrowful vigilance over the natural world. He represents both the decline and rebirth inherent in nature, reminding the house of the importance of preservation and renewal. Galaedros' teachings encourage them to protect their lands and to honour the sacredness of all living things, resonating with their responsibilities in the logging industry. It is Galaedros who is the house's main patron.
  7. Speaking Animal, that's not what the Donkey's name is, that might be what Syn calls it; (good name, goddess of horses.) ;-) Book is on the floor between door and portal, where I left it.
  8. I'm quite interested in Voidrunner’s Codex (level-ups dnd5e-esq sci-fi settings) - it's not out yet, but soon. (Kickstarter being fulfilled I think( it has things like this as spaceships.
  9. so they have hands, but no wings, I was thinking Mephits, but now I'm not sure. But def not going down there, too damn hot.
  10. AC: 16 | Hp: 8 | Init: +3 Per: +0 | Ins: +0 | Inv: +0 "Nah, you're too cool for me, you're both just so HOT" Roach sends to the two fire imp things, turning back to the other party members, Roach tells them of what he has found and asks them to "bring things that burn that they can throw down, as well as something they could lower that won't burn, a chain or something metal with a bucket or basket" OOC, mechanics Do they have hands, arms and wings, I've called them fire imps but are they Mephits or something similar? Arcana roll?
  11. Kia Ora Amazing people, l have the best treasure, at least it's not going to be cursed. and yeah, I should be there in at least 3 rounds, by my calculations as well. PS: who is still here, and who is through the portal?
  12. AC 15 | HP 17 | Init +2 | Speed 30ft Passive Perception: 15 | Insight: 13 | Invest: 10 Spells: 3/3 | Inspiration: 1/1 Stats Human(Variant) Druid 2 N Str 10 (0) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis* 16 (3) Int* 10 (0) Cha 10 (0) Attacks Scimitar (Slash/Melee) +4 1d6+2 Primal Savagery (Acid/Melee) +5 1d10 Ice Knife (Pierce/60) +5 1d10 Firebolt (Fire/120) +5 1d10 Fighting Initiate TCoE, pg. 80 You learn one Fighting Style option of your choice from the fighter class. Interception TCoE41 When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 ft. of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10+2 (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction. Fighting Style: Interception: 1 Reaction Initiate of High Sorcery (Nuitari) SotDQ, pg. 32 You learn one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list and two 1st-level spells based on the black moon, Nuitari. You can cast each of the chosen 1st-level spells without a spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast them in this way again. You can also cast the spells using any spell slots you have. Wisdom Your spellcasting ability for this feat’s spells is Wisdom. Fire Bolt(Cantrip) Dissonant Whispers(1st)/Long Rest Hex(1st)/Long Rest Wild CompanionTCoE, pg. 35 As an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to cast the find familiar spell, without material components. When you cast the spell in this way, the familiar is a fey instead of a beast, and the familiar disappears after 1 hours. Wild Companion: 1 Action Wild Shape PHB, pg. 66 As an action, you can magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before twice per short rest. You can stay in beast shape for 1 hours before reverting back to your normal form (or as a bonus action earlier or if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die). Wild Shape: 1 Action Uses: 2/Short Rest Druid Circle PHB, pg. 67 Circle of Wildfire Circle Spells TCoE, pg. 39 You have formed a bond with a wildfire spirit, a primal being of creation and destruction. Your link with this spirit grants you access to some spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Circle of Wildfire Spells table. Summon Wildfire Spirit TCoE, pg. 40 As an action, you can expend one use of your Wild Shape feature to summon your wildfire spirit, rather than assuming a beast form. Each creature within 10 ft. of the spirit (other than you), when it appears, must succeed on a DEX saving throw (DC:13) or take 2d6 fire damage. The spirit manifests for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit points, until you summon the spirit again, or until you die. Summon Wildfire Spirit: 1 Action Summon Wildfire Spirit: Command: 1 Bonus Action Aric accepted the fishing gear from Nesau with a slight nod, appreciating the gesture despite the Wharfinger’s visible displeasure. As Michelle engaged Lanth, helping smooth over any lingering tension, Aric glanced at the fishing poles, nets, and live worms, memories of his past flickering to the surface. Fishing had been a necessity during his days as a street rat by the docks, a skill learned out of survival. The familiarity of the fishing pole in his hands felt oddly comforting, a bridge between his past and the present. As the mayor, Raven, cheerfully announced the start of the contest, Aric couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm and the community’s spirited response. He joined the line of participants, positioning himself along the docks. The sight of the Vingaard River, teeming with life and promise, stirred a sense of nostalgia in him. It was a far cry from the shadowed paths he often treads, but the simplicity of fishing; casting a line, waiting with quiet patience, felt grounding. As he prepared his line, Aric took a moment to enjoy the light-hearted atmosphere. "It seems I've come full circle," he mused quietly to himself, recalling the many times he had fished under less favourable circumstances. Now, he fished not out of necessity, but in a celebration of life and community; a fitting tribute to Ispin's memory and the connections that bound them all together. With a composed and almost nostalgic expression, Aric cast his line into the river, ready to embrace the day’s challenges and joys.
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