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  1. Once everyone has posted, the round will advance. Right now, it seems Suibne and Phaedra are holding back a little bit. Need an turn from for Xan.
  2. Early Spring - Day 2, Early Evening The injured are taken care of, compliments of Brother Koji and Doona. Captain Mary Lee, the Northwind, and the Odyssey are watched to sail out of the natural harbor, and turn westwards, heading towards the forest that was learned of while ashore. The belief is that they will return in two days - likely the morning after. Word races through Free Harbor - what was seen, what was believed, and the heroics conducted and exaggerated aboard the Spirit of Philadelphia. Each of the heroes finds themselves lionized in their roles, growing to twice or three times in retelling. However, so too does an undercurrent of "What next?" run through the stories. A Southland vessel, a Free March vessel, and the words of Mary Lee echo through: This outpost is desired. And that makes the situation dangerous. A meeting is called, and the floor is open to all who wish to discuss their collective future.
  3. Avina Culture: Beorning Cultural Blessing: Furious - When a Beorning is wounded in battle, (s)he ignores the effects of being Weary and Miserable for the duration of combat. Calling: Scholar Trait: Rhymes of Lore - Brief compositions in verse created by many cultures to remember significant facts from ancient history. Your knowledge of them can supplement a test of Lore, but is used especially in conjunction with any Custom skill (Courtesy, Song, or Riddle). Scholars may credit much of their knowledge to rhymes. Standard of Living: Martial Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets Traits Specialties: Cooking - You know how to prepare food, from simple bread to your folk's special dishes. Story-telling - You are a masterful narrator of deeds and stories, able to weave plots and facts with passion and vividness. Distinctive Features: Generous - You give with an open hand, always mindful of the needs of others. Proud - You hold in high esteem all of your feats and achievements, or those of your people. Background: Voice from the Past Attributtes Body: 7(8) Heart: 4(6) Wits: 3(6) Vitals Experience: Valour: 1 Wisdom: 2 Damage: Greatspear 9, Axe 5 Parry: 3 (+1 if using shield) Armour: 1d Endurance: 28 Hope: 12 Weary: Miserable: Wounded: Fellowship: Advancement Points: Treasure: Standing: Common Skills Awe: ◈◈◈◇◇◇ Athletics: ◈◈◇◇◇◇ Awareness: ◈◈◇◇◇◇ Explore: ◇◇◇◇◇◇ Song: ◈◇◇◇◇◇ Craft: ◈◇◇◇◇◇ Inspire: ◈◇◇◇◇◇ Travel: ◈◈◈◇◇◇ Insight: ◈◈◈◇◇◇ Healing: ◈◇◇◇◇◇ Courtesy: ◇◇◇◇◇◇ Battle: ◇◇◇◇◇◇ Persuade: ◇◇◇◇◇◇ Stealth: ◇◇◇◇◇◇ Search: ◈◇◇◇◇◇ Hunting: ◈◈◈◇◇◇ Riddle: ◈◇◇◇◇◇ Lore: ◈◈◇◇◇◇ Skill Groups Personality: ◇◇◇ Movement: ◇◇◇ Perception: ◇◇◇ Survival: ◇◇◇ Custom: ◇◇◇ Vocation: ◇◇◇ Weapon Skills Great Spear: ◈◈◇◇◇◇ Dmg 9; Edge 9; Inj 16; Enc 4 Axe: ◈◇◇◇◇◇ Dmg 5; Edge Y; Inj 18; Enc 2 Dagger: ◈◇◇◇◇◇ Dmg 3; Edge Y; Inj 12; Enc 0 Fatigue Equip Fatigue: 11 Travel Fatigue: 0 Equipment Leather Shirt: Enc 4; Protection 1d Buckler:- Enc 1; Parry +1 Great Spear Axe Dagger Virtues and Rewards Twice-Baked Honey Cakes: The honey-cakes of the Beornings are legendary among travelers. You can march far by eating just a little of them, and they are much more pleasant than cram, the waybread that Dale-men make for journeys in the wild. You have been shown the secret of baking such cakes, and can prepare them for the consumption of all members of your Company. Raise your company's Fellowship rating by one point. Additionally, when you are on a journey, you and your fellow travelers reduce the difficulty of all your Fatigue tests by a value equal to your Wisdom rating. Background Avena is an easy-going woman who is happy to explore the broader Middle Earth, in search of ingredients and culinary experiences that could not be found within the realm of Beorn. With the hope to bring these home with the Yule-tide, Avena finds herself in need of an adventuring party to explore ever-further.
  4. Glad to have you! You'll find a strong OSR cadre here as well, and I know some people have definitely pitched me on Mork Borg before. Also, you absolutely can do the more freeform style role-playing, you'd just need to start the game for it!
  5. I'm shocked our web ranking is high enough to be found on Google :D Used to be like... 10 pages deep! I'd also strongly encourage that you join the Discord server, as there is a strong sense of community there that's always welcome to new friends :) No games are run on the Discord, but for things like discussing adventure writing and the like, it's just the right place for what you need, I think!
  6. Yeah, was definitely feeling clunky on my old tower. Was trying to stream to the living room via Steam Link, which wasn't as successful as I had hoped. It did work, but the controls felt sluggish, perhaps from streaming? Uncertain. Might move the tower into the living room again, but haven't made any hard decisions on that yet.
  7. I'm hoping to dip into Fallout: London this evening :o
  8. Welcome! MW was my way back into TTRPGs when I was working in a hospital as well, many years ago! I often remark that one of my favorite things about PbP is that it lets me do things my group would never go for, such as different rules sets, different settings, and big sweeping geopolitical things. There is a ! There's also the Discord server where people chat as well, with people happy to help explain things :)
  9. I think that's where we're at, yeah. I can write up a post for it later today, or if someone else wants to (perhaps Brother Koji with an opening prayer?), either will move the plot forward :)
  10. Day 11 - A Strange Home, Mid-Afternoon - Round 1 The door opens to reveal a dark and foreboding corridor. It is tiled in cool stone, but the whole thing feels ancient. Immediately to the left, a door is closed while to the right, at the far reaches of the light coming from the open door, another closed door can be seen along the wall. The hall itself is wide - an even 15'. Oil paintings dot the walls. The painting immediately to the right can be seen in the light from the door, but the others are harder to make out. The place is otherwise quiet. OOC Please note the round counter at the top of the fieldset. Map
  11. Day 11 - Woods outside Jaston, Mid-Afternoon As the door tries to close, the girl is already running through the house. The door slams on Otto's spear with a surprising amount of force - clearly it is both very heavy and very well balanced for such a young woman to be able to slam it. Now, the group faces a door ajar and a home they are clearly not welcome in. But the dogs did follow the scent here.
  12. Day 11 - Woods outside Jaston, Mid-Afternoon "You are not a welcome guest," the girl states flatly, and indeed tries to close the door quickly. OOC Going to ask for an opposed "Exert" roll to see if Otto can get his spear in there before the door closes. Can add an additional +1 as he was trying to prep for it regardless. Ties automatically go to the player, so nevermind! The least Otto can roll is a 4.
  13. I don't think that the foil matters except to assist with cleanup. I'm very lazy, so easy cleanup is a plus in my book. I think the olive oil amount may seem modest as I used the words "liberal dashing" - if I had to guess, I'd say it's probably a good 4 second pour or so. The presence of it 100% makes a difference, and I think helps more with the texture of them. I'm happy to hear your feedback when you try them! We recently went to the restaurant that inspired us to try to perfect these, and came to the conclusion that at this point, ours were better. I hope you find that to be true as well.
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