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  1. Indeed! I hadn't realized you could write on the side. Thanks old chap.
  2. floatleft/floatright were very convenient ways to add an image on the fly in a text zone without having to worry too much about how it would look in the end, typically I would use it to have a character portrait on top left of every IC post. I had to resort to tables to organize my first application as I like. Can we have those options on Baldr too?
  3. It's all in the title. I've seen it used on at least one other forum, so you can set your table column sizes in either pixels or as a percentile of the screen size (eg. 1st column 50%, 2nd and 3rd column 25 % each). This could solve some mobile issues, maybe. Just trying to give my 2 cents without really knowing if it's doable on this site.
  4. Be my guest. I don't think I used all of the editor's possibility, I guess we'll learn together. Is there a [floatleft] tag? It was so useful to insert images alongside text.
  5. As a cleric of Tyr, would Alina gain proficiency with the Warhammer like in previous editions? Edit: that would require the War Domain. Would you allow the "Harness Divine Power" as a Channel Divinity option (from Tasha's)?   Other than that, the 1st day's spell selection and minor equipment, I believe Alina is complete.
  6. First post on the new site! Yay.   Alina of House Orlovsky "Civilization is a wall against tyranny." link to sheet theme music   Human Noble Cleric of Tyr (Order Domain) level 2   Appearance Short and energetic, but sometimes clumsy, Alina sheds an aura of liveliness and happiness. She inherited her mother's distinguished bearing, that some would mistake for haughtiness. Her clothes are hand-picked and higher quality, and her armor and weapons furbished with zeal. She wears the symbol of Tyr attached to a silver chain around her neck.   Personality - strong-willed, strong-headed - educated but not very cultured - mostly well-mannered, but can swear a lot when upset - favors action over lengthy discussion   Goals - fight for justice, her House, and whichever city she finally settles in (in order) - challenge her Faith by putting her beliefs in action - make her father proud - do whatever needs to be done to make the world a better place   Backstory Alina was a troublesome kid. She would question her parent's authority, as well as her tutors'. Having two bullies for elder brothers didn't help. Her favorite games at the time was playing knights and brigands with the estate's kids, of course she would always play knight and beat the crap out of her poor playmates. As she grew up, she became aware of her family's position and philosophy as great diplomats. She took an interest in politics by having long conversations by the fireplace with her father when he would come back from one of his frequent long trips. Yet, she also understood that as the third born in the family, she would have to work hard to gain wealth and respect. This didn't shatter her courage, on the contrary, and she began to study and practice even harder.   When she turned 13, Alina was sent in Candlekeep to better her education with the scholars. The teachings of Tyr were a revelation. The very concrete aspects of his gospel appealed to her more than the esoteric concepts of other gods. She wanted to take part in a community to take a pratical approach to what she'd learned. She moved to Baldur's Gate to take her religious education further and joined the Iron Fist to make a living for a few years. She met several men and started some serious relationships, but nothing that really work out in the long run. She would always prioritize her work and her spiritual life over founding a family.   Shortly after she received her holy symbol, a token of her membership in the church of Tyr, she decided to travel the Realms on an initiatory journey. She enrolled to travel along a caravan and protect them.    
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