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Closed Game

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About This Game

Secret Wars - Marvel/DC Cross Over

Game System

Marvel Super Heroes



Detailed Description

The powerful entity known as The Beyonder observes the entire multi-verse. Fascinated by the presence of superheroes on Earth and their potential, this entity chooses a group of both heroes and supervillains and teleports characters against their will to "Battleworld", a planet created by the Beyonder in a distant galaxy. This world has also been stocked with alien weapons and technology. The Beyonder then declares: "I am from beyond! Slay your enemies and all that you desire shall be yours! Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!"

Shortly after this deceleration, the collection of Super Heroes and Super Villains are transported to "Battleworld" - where they begin their struggle.

The Battleworld is a patchwork planet that features several elements from various planets through out the Universe including parts of earth. The various Super Heroes and Super Villains soon find themselves in both familiar and unfamiliar regions.

This Battleworld is sure to prove to be as big a challenge as The Beyonders original command of "Slay your enemies".

Now on Battleworld, the Super Villains and Super Heroes prepare to battle it out.

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