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Closed Game

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About This Game

Assume the role of an occultist from one walk of life or another as you delve into mysteries and strange occurrences perhaps best left untouched.

Game System

World of Darkness

Detailed Description

"You can feel it, can't you? The itch behind your eyes, the burning in your chest. Reason abandoned, desire demanding. It might hurt, it might even kill you. But you still have to know, don't you? You have to know."

We Dwell Between is a game of occult investigation set in modern times. Seek out old secrets, unearth hideous and forgotten truths. Discover how far you are willing to fall to obtain the unknowable. Open your eyes to the darkness, and drown in its loveless embrace. The gods will be watching.

Maximum Group Size: 4 Player Characters
System Specifics: (New) World of Darkness (First Edition). Only the core system and books relevant to the core system will be used (No V:tR/W:tF/etcetera). No prior experience with the system, or resources are required.
Playstyle: Collaborative Narrative. There are no dungeons to be crawled, and combat encounters will be rare, quick, and, in most cases, horrifyingly lethal. Help us craft a story you want to be a part of.
Tone: We're going to be poking around with scary things that most definitely go bump in the night. However, brevity has a place in all things, and is welcomed here. That being said we're aiming for more of an X-Files/Twilight Zone feel, and not Scooby Doo.
Inspiration: The themes and style of the game are based loosely around The Magnus Archives. There will be no actual occurrences in relation to characters or events in the Magnus Archives, and no prior knowledge of its narrative will be required.

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