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Closed Game  ·  4 members  ·  Game Expectations

Bad Seeds

Closed Game

This is a closed game, meaning only members of the club can see content within it.

About This Game

Bad Seeds is a 5e homebrew interworld adventure, set on an unknown prime world in the great expanse of the prime material plane. The world teeters on the brink of an apocalypse as good and evil battle for world domination. An adventure for characters level 10 - 13, looking for 5 new players to join the existing adventure. A mysterious angel is offering redemption for past sins. For many it is an opportunity for redemption about something in the characters past... Check out the game expectations for more info.

Game System

D&D 5e



Detailed Description

a n . I n t e r w o r l d . a d v e n t u r e

On a distant world...

It was a dark and stormy night over a small farming hamlet high up in the hills. A small boy awakened to the loud boom of thunder and looked out the small window next to his bed...

High above in the chaos and darkness of a terrible storm an epic battle was being waged between the forces of good and evil. Sheet lightning lit up the sky revealing a moment in time where angels were fighting devils and demons of all types. Bolts of lightning crackled down from the heavens above through the gleaming swords of angels smiting large swathes of the dark enemy before them.

The small boy looked on with wide eye's in fear and trepidation as he saw there was far too few beacons of light in the sky amidst all the darkness. It was not long before one of the bright nimbus' of light was consumed by the darkness surrounding it.

There was too much darkness...



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