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Closed Game

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About This Game

I keep hearing an all cleric party could be very powerful, which I am inclined to believe, and so I want to try it out. This is a clerics only game. With the many cleric subclasses and the powerful cleric chassis I think this is quite doable.

Game System

D&D 5e

Detailed Description

The world or Farin is ruled by two deities, Eldwalth and Orgob. The first is good while the second is evil. The church of Eldwalth is also known as the Church of the Flame Eternal as Eldwalth is often represented by flame. That is because Farin was created by the Flame Eternal which only Eldwalth can use. The Church of Orgob is also known as the Church of the Dark Smoke. It is said Orgob corrupted Farin with the Dark Smoke of Orgob . 

You are members of the Church of the Flame Eternal , looking for the hidden members of the Church of the Dark Smoke. Most members are bandits, assassins, crooked merchants and tyrants. They can appear as anyone and anything so be careful.

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