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At great personal risk, and no small financial hardship to myself, which I mention not to guilt my editor into reimbursing me for costs incurred, but simply to impress upon you, dear reader, the hard-won veracity of these stories, I bring to you, the clever and well-informed readers of The Elendel Daily, the most up-to-date stories of the most wonderful world that Harmony, and of course the Survivor, has blessed us with. Do not think these to be the same as those stories of Allomancer Jak! I do not write of my own escapades, nor seek my own aggrandisement beyond that which is fairly accounted to me, but instead think of me as a nameless fly on the wall of great events, for truly I am merely a bug compared to the the Harmony blessed, and Survivor gifted, heroes of these stories, so please read to your fullest in the knowledge these stories are not only entertaining but true.

L. Zh.

The Elendel Daily, 5th of Doxil

341, pg. 1,

continued on pg. 4

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