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Custom Rules

  • Rolling Luck: When something should be left up to fate (the weather, traffic, cell reception, etc) the Keeper will ask you to roll Luck. Your Luck is 2d6 plus half of your remaining Luck points, rounded down.
    • On a 10+, the stars align, and things are exactly when/where/how you need them to be.
    • On a 7-9, luck is not on your side, but neither is it against you. Things are not laid out in your perfect scenario – but neither are they laid out in a way that will negatively impact your planned actions.
    • On a miss, fate is against you. There is sun when you need rain, bad traffic when you’re in a hurry, and only AA batteries when you need AAA.
  • Highlighted Ratings: Your highlighted ratings are always your two worst ratings. (If there is a tie, you may choose between them). You mark Experience whenever you roll using those ratings. You also mark Experience if you fail, in the usual way
  • Alternative weird moves: If you are not a spellcaster or otherwise magical, you may select an Alternative Weird Move from the Tome of Mysteries supplement. It should match your character's theme and abilities. If you select this, Use Magic becomes Big Magic for you.
  • Take a Move from another Playbook: You can only take a Move that's not already in use, and it needs a narrative justification. You can also take extra Alternative Weird Moves, subject to these restrictions. (If you gave up Use Magic, you can take it again - provided there is a good narrative justification).
  • Firearms: the use or sight of firearms in Oxford City Centre is very likely to draw police attention.
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