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  • Open Game  ·  6 members  ·  Last active

    This will be an asynchronous Mage: The Awakening game (1e) set in a modern day New York. By asynchronous I mean that there is no specific expectation that the PCs will be a cabal or working together. Each character will be experiencing their own story that may or may not cross paths with any or all of the other PCs. New York is a city that is constantly in motion, and this game will be as well. There are likely going to be events that all of the PCs will need to react too, but they will not necessarily be directly involved in the specific actions around that event. Some characters will be mundane and just being Awoken to the truth of the world. Some may be young mages aware of their power, and looking to establish a foothold. Some may even be established powerhouses or significant figures within the various orders within the city, each will be pursuing their own Path to Truth.

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