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The Firkraag

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Everything posted by The Firkraag

  1. Oh! I guess it doesn't matter. Were my games merged as well? And thank you. I was able to get back in briefly after we spoke and then promptly forgot my new password. When I was unable to reset my password, I let it slide for a while since my players could still log and they were accessing the material I had posted. Actually, it looks like my game forum has disappeared, so, I guess I would like The Firkraag please.
  2. Oh! I guess it doesn't matter. Were my games merged as well? And thank you. I was able to get back in briefly after we spoke and then promptly forgot my new password. When I was unable to reset my password, I let it slide for a while since my players could still log and they were accessing the material I had posted.
  3. Hi folks, I recently received some help getting my account recovered after losing the password. However, I have the correct account associated on the old site. On this site, somehow, when I log in, it logs me into an old secondary account and I can not seem to access the new website using my correct account. The old username I wish to use is The Firkraag, but I am being logged in as Siggurd. Can someone please assist? Thanks.
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