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  1. sounds great thanks
  2. I can't give you an infinite supply, but how 'bout 4-5 "batteries" which you can draw energy from treated as wall sockets with 3 uses each. Those numbers could vary, but does the idea sound acceptable
  3. would you allow me to have a kind of light back pack generator. I am crafts/science 3 I could have made it.

    I just need something that I can pull electricity out of so I am not destroying power lines and wall sockets.

    Minor; wall socket 4 (B)

    Major; protective fence 6 (B)

    Severe; junction box 8 (B)

    Fatal; main line feed/subway rail 10 (B)

  4. Hey, Paradox is up and running, are you still in?
  5. Hey, you still alive?
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