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Everything posted by darkhugh

  1. The Setting Location: Media Room A - NERV London Time and Date: 10:11, Thursday, 24th September 2023. Media Room A Emma nods lightly as Mikhail answers her question, she says a brief thank you before taking a seat. Serena then takes the moment to answer Rebeca's first question, though provides no new or interesting information for the reporters before her. "Would you agree that the separation of the original team was to improve training for other pilots throughout NERV in preparation for project Red Kite and your current team is acting as stand in?" Paul quickly raises his hand, making it clear not to answer. "Thank you for the question Rebecca, but once again it appears people are stepping outside of scope." Rebecca indicates that she has another question but Paul has clearly had enough of out of scope questions and signals her to take her seat. He once again opens the floor to questions. "Sadesh, The Line. Has there been an investigation into Mike Saunders death? Should the people of London be worried?" The question is for Serena, and slightly out of scope, though Paul doesn't appear to shut it down. "Silvia, The Grove. Anya, this is not the first time you have come face to face with the Entities, how did it feel approaching them again?" "Simon, Private Eye. Some critics argue that relying on child pilots to combat Entities is ethically questionable. As the team doing the work, how do you respond to concerns that NERV is exploiting you and other young pilots?"
  2. As a note, having internet issues. Ideally will be posting at the weekend if all gets resolved.
  3. The Setting Location: Media Room A - NERV London Time and Date: 10:10, Thursday, 24th September 2023. Media Room A Reporters nod and scribble down words as the pilots respond, though when Serena responds James clearly raises an eyebrow, and quickly directs this next question to Paul. "Paul, in the future will NERV be endeavoring to provided sufficient information on events to ensure the people know what is actually happening and not be forced to ask these questions publicly?" James has clearly just taken Serena's comments and brazenly thrown them to Paul. There is a slow moment as Paul leans into his microphone, "all information is currently released within standards of the internal MoD regulations, and as I always say the DSMA notices should be followed." There is a bit of a groan from the reporters, the answer was a flop and will surely give them something to tug on for more stories. Paul wastes no time in bringing new questions to the table. "Emma, the Bild, Germany." She speaks the words with a perfect British accent, either she is a native or extremely talented. "For Mikhail, how do you find the NERV operations here compared to back in Russia, along with the Mechs here compared to your Bogatyrs?" Mikhail however doesn't even have a chance to reply before Paul is speaking, "I appreciate the attempt Emma, but that is out of scope." She gives a light smile, making it clear she knew she was pushing her luck, though quickly twirls her finger in the air requesting a repeat question, which Paul allows with a nod. "As the only pilot not yet seen on the battlefield, can you describe what people should expect to see from you and your Bogatyr?" There is a moment when Paul weighs up the question, you can see his eyes narrow ever so slightly, but he lets the question through. Once the question is answered Paul welcomes another question, this time selecting Rebecca Jordan. She stands up and speaks. "Rebecca, CNN." She gives a light smile to panel before going into her question. "For Serena, your sudden appointment after Mike Saunder's death is a surprise for many." She lets the comment hang for a moment, "as the Operations Director can you provide some insight on why the original team was split, and all new pilots were gathered?"
  4. I'll be looking to post tomorrow I think, that will be the two days I think. Youlld be good to get a post ?
  5. The Setting Location: Media Room A - NERV London Time and Date: 10:08, Thursday, 24th September 2023. Media Room A The answers for both questions are received with nods and the scribbling of pens, as always there is some light muttering between the reporters as you speak. However, once you have replied to the questions both reporters thank you and take their seats, it is once again back to Paul to find a suitable question and as he opens the floor he points to a few people getting a number of quick fire questions out. "James, The Telegraph. Captain Serena, is it true that Mikhail was not the first choice for his spot. Instead there was a previous pilot," he glances down at this notes, "Tsukiko Mochizuki. There have been reports of a security incident, can you please confirm if this is the case? What is the current state of Tsukiko?" A few reporters quickly write this down, the names of the pilots was never revealed prior to the recent conflict meaning Tsukiko should not be a name that is known, nor should the security incident. Paul's expression doesn't change, though you can all guess this is a type of question he does not like. He waits for a respectable amount of time before turning to Serena, checking if she will reply to the question or not. Once the question for James is answered Paul pulls up another journalist, she gives a light smile before speaking. "Sam, The Times. As young pilots, do you feel adequately prepared and support by NERV to face the ongoing threat of the Entities, or do you believe more training and resources might be needed by NERV or other organizations?" This is a question clearly directed at the pilots, though there is nothing stopping Serena from adding in her two cents. When Sam's question is tackled, Paul invites one more reporter to speak during this round of questions. "Charlotte, 'Hello' magazine. Considering the immense psychological and emotional strain that piloting a Mecha must entail, how are you coping with the responsibility of defending humanity at such a young age? How is it you destress after a conflict?" OOC As a note, feel free to call upon skill checks if you wish to sway people or know you are going to bend the truth, or outright lie. As a general rule, I look at the roll and then apply a small bonus/penalty to the TN depending on your RP/points made etc. You can also make the use of the Trust mechanic, to adjust rolls (where it makes sense, normally social rolls). Some of you may have noticed, that I have been doing secret rolls and informing you of them after the fact. If you want to use a fate point, or an ability, then feel free to flag in the OOC or private thread before posting.
  6. Hopefully you should all be able to download the linked file.
  7. There are word documents for ad Eva character sheets I can share my doc when home, be about 12 hours.
  8. Yep, exactly that. You have already made one however, so I already have that on file etc.
  9. The Setting Location: Media Room A - NERV London Time and Date: 10:07, Thursday, 24th September 2023. Media Room A The room isn't quiet when you answer the question, you can hear the mutterings between reporters, the frantic scribblings of pens. Though it is clear people are focusing on you, and the words you say, they are very focused as they pick apart each of your words one by one. The brutal honesty is something that causes a bit of a stir in the room amongst some of the non-reporters, while the reporters themselves seem to keep a their expression hidden, especially Gary. When it is clear you have all finished you answers Paul speaks out to the crowd, asking if there are any follow up questions, Gary remains standing and raises his hand again. It is clear Paul is weighing up giving the man a second question, but does either way. "Thank ye." He glances down at his notes. "T'e death toll for t'e conflict was higher than most previous conflicts, coming close te three-hundred lives." He gives a brief pause, but not enough time for anyone to reply. "I am surprised to say, it sounds like you all accept that these deaths could not be avoided, collateral is inevitable, that none of you pilots accept any real fault? It sounds like you are almost blaming the victims?" The last portion of the sentence is clearly directed to Zelda, though the question is open to the whole panel. Though it does seem more posed to the pilots, as opposed to Serena. Paul glances down the table at you all, wondering if he will need to redirect the question or not, once again looking out for the tapping of a pencil. Once you have had your chance to reply Paul is quick to ask who else has questions, trying to shift the attention of the reporters onto the next topic. He picks out someone from the back, who proceeds to stand and speaks. "Hailey, Sunday Mercury." She gives you all a flat stare as she places her pen on the notepad. "Within the conflict, it was seen that Emiko's Evangelion sustained substantial damage. Will the mecha be repaired prior to the next conflict, or will assistance be required from other bases?"
  10. Can I ask people that haven't put their character stats into a sheet to please do so, mainly due to the fact that the different formatting's between 3-4 players makes it difficult for me to find things that should be easy, increasing the amount of time it takes my posts etc. If you already done it in a sheet, then ignore the above.
  11. The Setting Location: Media Room A - NERV London Time and Date: 10:06, Thursday, 24th September 2023. Media Room A As the questions Jennifer remains standing, notepad and pen working away as you all speak, though she doesn't take her eyes off of whoever is speaking at the time. After Serena has spoken Jennifer says her thank you and takes a seat, the crowd continue to write their notes. Between the masses of people you spot a few familiar faces, such as Caroline Broome and Bo Huang, though they remain at the back and out of the way. "Who has follow up questions?" His question made it clear the reporters needed to stay in the same ball park of topic, and due to this less hands were raised this time. Eventually Paul points to a smartly dressed gentleman, "Gary, your question?" The man stands up and proceeds to introduce himself, "Gary, T'e 'erald." His accent makes it clear he is Scottish, it is almost thick enough to make understanding him a little difficult for those not use to it. "On yer first day 'ere yous came face te face with not one, ney, two of those Ejits." The last word is said with pure malice, it is clear Gary wanted a stronger word but chose not to show his true command on the English language. "Though you were able te beat them there was substantial damage, both te parts of London an' human life. People will want te know why this happened, and how you can promise future conflicts will not be so." When the question comes to an end Paul glances towards Gary, "for Serena I presume?" Gary shakes his head from side to side, he intends the question for the entire panel...However Mikhail might struggle to awnser, but the question is open for in input. With that Paul turns to you all briefly, looking for a response from you all or for you to tap the table with the pencil as an indicator for him to avoid you.
  12. House Rules The Dungeon doesn't play by your rules. While playing this game we will be using a variety of house rules, at the moment the following are in play but more will become apparent as the game evolves. These house rules are open to change as we play, if players find something doesn't work then we can make modifications. The rules below are what make the game that of a rouge-like experience. Immortality Overview Perhaps at first your characters see this as a good thing, but soon they will learn that with the gift of immortality they are locked within the cavern. Through means not yet known to the party, you are all linked, when one of you dies the Rot begins to set in, quickly killing off all remaining characters. The team is then revived and a new run begins. When you revive you will always have you 'base equipment', this is what you started the game with at character creation. Through the game this can be changed, making your initial load out stronger. However, most things you collected during your run will vanish...Such as, if you got a strong weapon off an enemy you will lose that after death (unless certain 'things' are done, which you will learn in game). Mechanics When you revive you will always have you 'Bound Equipment', this is what you started the game with at character creation. Through the game this equipment can be changed, making your initial load out stronger. However, most things you collected during your run will vanish...if you got a strong weapon off an enemy you will lose that after death (unless certain 'things' are done, which you will learn in game). Some resources will persist through runs, though you will find out which ones in game. Inspiration This is a standard thing within a lot of rouge-like games, such as Curse of the Dead Gods and Dead Cells. Immortality allows for the continual runs to be possible for the characters. Insanity Overview As a player you will want to keep your characters health above 0, and their Insanity below 40. This is a persistent threat that permeates through the caves, within the darkness your characters cannot help but feel a chill down their neck every now and even. Mechanics Insanity increases as you move through the dungeon, and can be generated by certain traps, enemies or magical items. It will slowly tick up through the game, and will be unique for every player. However, when a player's Insanity reaches 40 the entire team receives a Curse and a few things happen. The person whose Insanity hit 40, resets to 0. Everyone else halves their Insanity, rounding down. The Curse is determined and is in play immediately. Inspiration The mechanics for Insanity is based off of the rules developed by FiggyGlyph, but is modified for this game. No need to read the document linked. The feel and story part of this mechanic is derived from Curse of the Dead Gods. Curses Overview Throughout a run, you are going to hit 40 insanity and you are going to becomes Cursed. These curses symbolize dark forces pushing against you, something trying to impede your progress. Throughout the game you may discover what is causing them. These curse introduce new minor gameplay mechanics, perhaps how the dungeon acts, or how your characters interact etc. Almost always, this is a double edged sword, you get a penalty but also get a benefit. Though, the penalty is normally heftier. Mechanics Firstly, a player hits 40 Insanity and does what is noted within the Insanity section, after this the below happens. Is there already a curse in play? If yes, strengthen it, and continue with the game. If no curse in play, or strengthening is not possible continue to next point. Randomly generate a new curse and explained to the players. The Curse is in play immediately. Example Curses Below are a brief idea of curses, behind the DM screen curses are split into different levels. As you get deeper into the cave, curses get stronger. Character cannot critical on a natural 20, roll an extra 1d10 on critical damage. Characters gain 1 Insanity for every 2 rounds of Combat. One of the players is possessed and is a traitor (and informed by the GM), everyone knows there is a traitor amongst them. The traitor must be found and exorcised. Inspiration This is from Curse of the Dead Gods, though the curses will be different. Blessings Overview These will be the opposing force of curses. Though not available at the start of the game. Mechanics Players will unlock a variety of blessings in the game, these can then be assigned at the start of a run and changed from run to run. These will be smaller bonuses that stack up with time and allow you to explore different play styles. Wounds and Injuries Overview Surviving fight after fight is intended to be difficult. In this game I do not want someone to be nearly beaten to death in one fight, and then back to full strength the next. Instead, if you had a hard fight there should be a sign it happened, something that might cause the team to change tactics in the next room. Mechanics Within the previously mentioned Darker Dungeon pdf by giffyglyphs, there is a section named Wounds & Injuries. We will be using the following sections. If a person falls below half health, they gain the status/tag of `Bloodied`. This status by itself does not impose a penalty, but can change how certain monsters, traps etc act. Bloodied is removed once you are half health or above. More mechanics will be revealed throughout the game. Ammunition Die Overview This will avoid you needing to count out exactly how many arrows and bolts you have, instead a shrinking die mechanics is used. Mechanics Taken from Darker Dungeon pdf by giffyglyphs, a character starts with a 1d12 worth of ammo. Every time they use their weapon they also roll this ammo die, on a 1 or 2 it shrinks. You keep going till you have no ammo. 1d12 -> 1d10 -> 1d8 -> 1d6 -> 1d4 -> 1 -> No Ammo Ammo can be regained, when done I will tell you how many die to increase your stock by, Dungeon Generation Overview The dungeon itself is ever changing, each time you delve into the dungeon itself the rooms, monsters and NPCs you encounter will change. The dungeon is split up into 'rooms', so once you complete a room(s) and the challeneges within, you will gain a number (normally 1-3) possible routes to follow. Going backwards will not always be an option. The rules for this are hidden, but all you need to know is no two attempts should be identical. There will be similarities, with the intention being as you play through you as players and characters learn things that assist you through the game, e.g. "We know these plants are actually explosive, so we can use them against the enemies now" or perhaps "that last time we rested at this shrine we woke up even stronger, we should rest here now instead of moving on." As a note, for room generation I will be using a 3d6 system. So some room types are more common than others, you will learn this as you play, but it also means what rooms/events occur are also random. Inspiration Basically every rouge-like you have ever played, however the map and room design is based on the Curse of the Dead Gods game.
  13. House Rules The Dungeon doesn't play by your rules. While playing this game we will be using a variety of house rules, at the moment the following are in play but more will become apparent as the game evolves. These house rules are open to change as we play, if players find something doesn't work then we can make modifications. The rules below are what make the game that of a rouge-like experience. Immortality Overview Perhaps at first your characters see this as a good thing, but soon they will learn that with the gift of immortality they are locked within the cavern. Through means not yet known to the party, you are all linked, when one of you dies the Rot begins to set in, quickly killing off all remaining characters. The team is then revived and a new run begins. When you revive you will always have you 'base equipment', this is what you started the game with at character creation. Through the game this can be changed, making your initial load out stronger. However, most things you collected during your run will vanish...Such as, if you got a strong weapon off an enemy you will lose that after death (unless certain 'things' are done, which you will learn in game). Mechanics When you revive you will always have you 'Bound Equipment', this is what you started the game with at character creation. Through the game this equipment can be changed, making your initial load out stronger. However, most things you collected during your run will vanish...if you got a strong weapon off an enemy you will lose that after death (unless certain 'things' are done, which you will learn in game). Some resources will persist through runs, though you will find out which ones in game. Inspiration This is a standard thing within a lot of rouge-like games, such as Curse of the Dead Gods and Dead Cells. Immortality allows for the continual runs to be possible for the characters. Insanity Overview As a player you will want to keep your characters health above 0, and their Insanity below 40. This is a persistent threat that permeates through the caves, within the darkness your characters cannot help but feel a chill down their neck every now and even. Mechanics Insanity increases as you move through the dungeon, and can be generated by certain traps, enemies or magical items. It will slowly tick up through the game, and will be unique for every player. However, when a player's Insanity reaches 40 the entire team receives a Curse and a few things happen. The person whose Insanity hit 40, resets to 0. Everyone else halves their Insanity, rounding down. The Curse is determined and is in play immediately. Inspiration The mechanics for Insanity is based off of the rules developed by FiggyGlyph, but is modified for this game. No need to read the document linked. The feel and story part of this mechanic is derived from Curse of the Dead Gods. Curses Overview Throughout a run, you are going to hit 40 insanity and you are going to becomes Cursed. These curses symbolize dark forces pushing against you, something trying to impede your progress. Throughout the game you may discover what is causing them. These curse introduce new minor gameplay mechanics, perhaps how the dungeon acts, or how your characters interact etc. Almost always, this is a double edged sword, you get a penalty but also get a benefit. Though, the penalty is normally heftier. Mechanics Firstly, a player hits 40 Insanity and does what is noted within the Insanity section, after this the below happens. Is there already a curse in play? If yes, strengthen it, and continue with the game. If no curse in play, or strengthening is not possible continue to next point. Randomly generate a new curse and explained to the players. The Curse is in play immediately. Example Curses Below are a brief idea of curses, behind the DM screen curses are split into different levels. As you get deeper into the cave, curses get stronger. Character cannot critical on a natural 20, roll an extra 1d10 on critical damage. Characters gain 1 Insanity for every 2 rounds of Combat. One of the players is possessed and is a traitor (and informed by the GM), everyone knows there is a traitor amongst them. The traitor must be found and exorcised. Inspiration This is from Curse of the Dead Gods, though the curses will be different. Blessings Overview These will be the opposing force of curses. Though not available at the start of the game. Mechanics Players will unlock a variety of blessings in the game, these can then be assigned at the start of a run and changed from run to run. These will be smaller bonuses that stack up with time and allow you to explore different play styles. Wounds and Injuries Overview Surviving fight after fight is intended to be difficult. In this game I do not want someone to be nearly beaten to death in one fight, and then back to full strength the next. Instead, if you had a hard fight there should be a sign it happened, something that might cause the team to change tactics in the next room. Mechanics Within the previously mentioned Darker Dungeon pdf by giffyglyphs, there is a section named Wounds & Injuries. We will be using the following sections. If a person falls below half health, they gain the status/tag of `Bloodied`. This status by itself does not impose a penalty, but can change how certain monsters, traps etc act. Bloodied is removed once you are half health or above. More mechanics will be revealed throughout the game. Ammunition Die Overview This will avoid you needing to count out exactly how many arrows and bolts you have, instead a shrinking die mechanics is used. Mechanics Taken from Darker Dungeon pdf by giffyglyphs, a character starts with a 1d12 worth of ammo. Every time they use their weapon they also roll this ammo die, on a 1 or 2 it shrinks. You keep going till you have no ammo. 1d12 -> 1d10 -> 1d8 -> 1d6 -> 1d4 -> 1 -> No Ammo Ammo can be regained, when done I will tell you how many die to increase your stock by, Dungeon Generation Overview The dungeon itself is ever changing, each time you delve into the dungeon itself the rooms, monsters and NPCs you encounter will change. The dungeon is split up into 'rooms', so once you complete a room(s) and the challeneges within, you will gain a number (normally 1-3) possible routes to follow. Going backwards will not always be an option. The rules for this are hidden, but all you need to know is no two attempts should be identical. There will be similarities, with the intention being as you play through you as players and characters learn things that assist you through the game, e.g. "We know these plants are actually explosive, so we can use them against the enemies now" or perhaps "that last time we rested at this shrine we woke up even stronger, we should rest here now instead of moving on." As a note, for room generation I will be using a 3d6 system. So some room types are more common than others, you will learn this as you play, but it also means what rooms/events occur are also random. Inspiration Basically every rouge-like you have ever played, however the map and room design is based on the Curse of the Dead Gods game.
  14. Here you can chat about anything OOC.
  15. Alrighty. I will be wanting to move on Friday/Saturday.
  16. Character Creation Questions Below is a collection of questions that have been asked OOC, along with my response.
  17. The Setting Location: Media Room A - NERV London Time and Date: 10:05, Thursday, 24th September 2023. Media Room A When Serena indicates that Paul can fill the pilots in he glances towards them for a moment as he considers his words, "like most people out there she is just another reporter. She is looking for a story, they will ask questions and hope you give them something interesting. She might ask tricky questions, but that is her job, keeping us all honest." When it is clear no one has questions he nods to Oliver, "I will leave them with you for a bit then." The youngest gives a nod as Paul glances back to the five of you, "I will be checking the main room, if you need me then feel free to grab me." With that he bids you all farewell and takes his leave from the prep room and vanishes from sight. You are kept in your seats for about thirty minutes as the make up team does their work, though conversation between you all is fine and doesn't disrupt the artist's work at all. Eventually, at about 11:35 you are free from your seats and able to get a stretch in, Oliver takes you briefly next door to see the main room, he takes some time to point out the cameras, lights and various other aspects about the set up to help you get comfortable. Eventually however you simply need to sit and wait in the prep room, where a TV is turned on so you can see exactly what is being filmed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At about 10:55, just as Paul said, you watch the TV as the media begin to enter the main room. There are a total of perhaps twenty reporters, a few of them with their own support staff such as photographers. The room quickly fills up to about fifty people, with all the camera crews, NERV security and other mixes of people. You can see easily that each of the guests has their own temporary ID badge which sticks out like a swore thumb. The media quickly get settled, though there is clearly a bit of energy within the room, not every day a reporter gets to be the first to meet the new NERV-London team. Paul is soon on the stage and like a conductor at a concert begins to control those before him, he is obviously well known to most of these people and comfortably has a joke with the crowd as he lays the ground rules and scope; he tells the reporters this is a time to get to learn about the team and their recent experiences within NERV, not a chance to question them on the dealings of NERV itself. He makes it clear there are five of you, which doesn't catch any of the reporters off guard, they clearly knew about Mikhail as the newest addition. For the next ten minutes he takes a number of generic questions. "Are NERV planning on ignoring Turiel until it is too late?" "As you know, we are bound by various rulings within the Valentine treaty and other legislation. Interfering with Turiel physically is currently not possible, though we are looking at all possible ways to assist in protecting people without breaking the pre-set regulations of the treaty." "How is the development of NERV-05 Progressing, can a location be revealed yet?" "I can assure you that development of NERV-05 is progressing as expected, though a location cannot yet be revealed. However, as we can all agree, enhanced coverage by NERV benefits us all." "With the introduction of Pilot Mikhail, does this mean we will see a stronger integration of Class C and Bogatyrs?" "It is still early days, however the sharing of personnel, resources and development is a strong step in the right direction." The questions continue on for a little longer, though get into topics which are not the most interesting. Eventually Paul calls a cease to questions, and the reporters listen, clearly eager to meet each of you. At this point, Oliver indicates to each of you to follow him, he takes you out of the prep room and to a door which will lead directly into the media room, opening up next to the stage and table. He puts his hand on the door handle but doesn't open it, "when he says you name, I will open the door and you simply go in and take a seat and smile. Then let Paul control the questions." Through the door you can clearly hear Paul speaking. "Without further delay let me introduce the team. Leading the team of pilots, and the recently appointed operations director for NERV-London, is Captain Serena Silver. As you all know, a well decorated veteran both pre and post Androsk." The door is opened up by Oliver, allowing Silver out. As she moves into the room there is the flash of cameras as Paul gestures her to a seat with a smile. "Our first pilot is Anya Links," the door opens up to let the young teenager out, "pilot of unit RX-0. One of our youngest pilots to graduate from the Neo spartan program into field duty." Once again, a flash of cameras bombards the young pilot. "Our second pilot is Emiko Junsuina," the name is pronounced perfectly as the door is opened up for Emiko, "the pilot for the Class C unit Amaterasu, as known she is the AT tactician of this group." Flash, Flash, Flash. The cameras do not falter. "The newest member of the group, Mikhail Razumovsky," once more Oliver opens the door with a smile, "joins NERV-London from Russia with his Bogatyr Svyatogor." Looking directly at the crowd is difficult, with the magnitude of cameras flashing at you. "Lastly, though not least, Zelda Hooper." The door is opened by Oliver as he wishes you words of luck. "The pilot for Unit-17 and recently appointed pilot lead of this team." The flashes don't stop, though you are sure you can hear the muttering of words and see the scribbling of pen on paper. With you all out he glances at each of you sat at the table, and gives you a reassuring smile as he stands at his podium. Turning to the crowd he speaks out. "So, let us begin." As soon as says that the crowd before you erupts as hands shoot up and various people call out to Paul, he eventually points to one person and the crowd respectfully falls silent. "Jennifer, your question." "Jennier, Metro Newspaper. Thank you Paul. A question for each of the panel, could you briefly describe to my readers how you first felt when you discovered you were becoming part of NERV-London, as a pilot or the operations director?" As her question comes to the end the flashing of cameras continues, and various people put pen to paper as they await your responses.
  18. Let me know once you guys are done in the current scene.
  19. So, DM veto chat. What a player (pilot or OD) is given access to is limited, one thing that was meant to be the aspect of the 'spy' part of the game is "how do I get access to things I shouldn't." Honestly, if the pilots can access what the OD can, I am not too fussed as I expected the OD to leak info back to them anyway. In regards the scheduling outings, got no issues it still follows the limits set by Kirsty, they might find it odd the first time Zelda submits something but then it will become the norm. The outing request is not something I will be hard lining often, but is something I will have in my back pocket to make life harder and the game more interesting etc.
  20. Power of friendship version 2.0, also known as 'the guilt trip.'
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