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  1. "Keep scales from alchemist. Scales likes drinking potion too much. Too much! Might get... ideas. We tell Peter not to make anything for scales," Eizan proclaims, then nods at her wisdom. "You live now. You see? We are not bad. You no hurt anyone. Ok? You no hurt, you live. You hurt, you will not be happy."
  2. "Arrogance was your undoing! Can we trust you?" Eizan asks, a bit rhetorically, as she's glancing to her companions to see what their reactions are to this turn of events. She's not keen on killing a foe who surrendered, but could they reliably lock up this creature?
  3. "Don't waste any dinky magics! No-Name is strong! Tough! Strike to kill or cower in fear," Eizan proclaims drawing her bow and with a flurry of dexterity she has yet shown she shoots a volley of adamantine arrows at the foul lizard. This must be part of what she trained in the crown - and despite having rarely used a bow in her life, she now does so as if she'd be born with it.
  4. "That thing is VERY strong! It is strong against magic, weapons, and can even heal itself! Be wary!" Eizan shouts, clearly incredibly shocked at how strong the thing is. She decides not to attack it and instead decides the vials it wants are far too dangerous to survive. The Arequin chants, summoning the primal energies of the world to ignite! She summons a wall of fire on top of where all the vials are - or at least where most of them are - in hopes of destroying them.
  5. "Stop or I'll root!" Eizan shouts and she isn't kidding around! Unfortunately there are no plants in the area to entangle with, so she casts something else instead and pretends she meant to do that the whole time. She casts on the foe! (No save)
  6. "Stop right there, weird lizard creature! Those vials belong to us now!" Eizan proclaims and readies her bow to shoot at the weird creature. "Intruder!" she shouts even louder.
  7. "Yes, yes, respiratories and inkwarries. Good, good. Time we do our job! I will check secret throne room one last time and then we go. Be ready," Eizan indicates to her companies before scampering off with her animal and spirit companions to check the secret throne chamber. She's only mildly concerned the other 'pods' have opened. She will just need to look in and leave. Simple.
  8. "Yes, Peter will stay in his chamber and research. Peter, do not wander about. You must stay safe. Others do not understand your powers of alchemy, so you must not use those powers in front of people while we are gone!" Eizan explains before looking to her companions for support. Peter would be a liability if he wandered around the compound 'helping'.
  9. "Yes, yes! Ishino is right! Is there an alchemy item that kills bad trees quickly? ONLY BAD TREES! All other trees are SACRED!" Eizan finishes this with a pointed glare at everyone else despite no one suggesting hurting any other trees. It's just part of being a Shaman and of her people. She doesn't mean any ill will... unless the group are senseless tree killers!
  10. I'm sorry folks, I have been having some personally issues the past month with motivation (depression). I think I need to bow out. Hoverfrog, you're a great DM and I really appreciate you stepping in to take over when we needed the help. You really saved this game. I also appreciate all the players, new and old to the game, for being amazing and contributing to an awesome experience for me. Melonie has been one of my favorite characters to play and I will miss playing her. Try not to get yourselves killed like Melonie almost did a dozen times xD
  11. Same, but I really need to get on a consistent posting schedule for myself. I get so overwhelmed with all the stuff I juggle xD
  12. "Ah! Ah! Peter, make me a cure light wounds potions. With haste! Fredrick will see your glorious work once more," Eizan barks, flailing her arms to distract the man from the inquiry Fredrick just made. She then throws about 50 gold coins on the floor before turning to her companions. Certain Peter is unaware of his surroundings while performing 'alchemy', Eizan speaks plainly about her concerns to her fellows, "Peter is nice, but Peter is not brain-good. He is like diseased dog playing fetch. We like him, but if he is distracted from being a good boy he might eat someone! Maybe he is cursed. We find him cure, but until then we keep him happy and away from people."
  13. "It is ok. It is ok. Peter is . . . special. He . . . it . . . they mean no harm!" Eizan insists to Ishino. She understands what it looks like and she herself is pretty shocked at the sudden transformation - after all, he hadn't done that in front of her with the plates. But as long as Peter wasn't attack them, they would be fine . . . wouldn't they? "Is holy water really made of rocks? That explains why clerics are so stiff."
  14. "Alright, well, we'll deal with any... chores... when my other companions wake up. Just try not to cause a fuss for a day or two, yeah?" Eizan leaves the fellow to finish her nap. ((I think we should jump to when everyone is up and around. It seems Vald and I should get the larger group together first.))
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