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Chaotic Weevil

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Everything posted by Chaotic Weevil

  1. Hey all, sorry for the silence. Some more family issues came up (a continuation of prior events that I had to handle) that took me out of work/hobbies for a while. I'm back home for the time being and will try to catch up on everything as soon as I can tonight or tomorrow. If I fail to respond to anything for more than 2 days, please feel free to have Baldin be on autopilot, quietly contemplating the glory of Lathander.
  2. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Passing Finwe is a relief for the cleric as it shows things are not dire. Baldin will continue to the other stairs and check the downed allies to see if any form of healing can be done to save them. Afterward, he will work on trying to heal those most in need of it for both groups. OOC Use my last 2nd level spell slot on whoever is most hurt (guessing Daltin or Yohan?) CMW I will use the five orisons I have to stabilize anyone who is critical and needs it.
  3. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Seeing the remaining foes retreat, Baldin quickly glances around the room to assess everyone's situation. Seeing that their side is at least stable, he quickly moves to where the other group is stationed. "I am going to check on the others. I have very few blessings left, but I will try to heal those who need it most once we know the threat has passed." OOC Current HP: 50/40
  4. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Baldin quickly maneuvers around the rear to touch Daltin on the back and channel some healing into him. OOC Current HP: 50/40 Move: Move to be behind and to the side of Daltin. Action: Cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Daltin. CMW
  5. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Happy that one of the cultists will soon be experiencing the desire to start ripping off their armor, Baldin is unsure of what else to do with his few remaining spells. Seeing everyone seem somewhat stable, he reinforces his body for any upcoming close combat. OOC Divine Vigor on self: +10 movement / +10 temporary HP
  6. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Frustrated at the failure of his turning, Baldin is surprised to see the undead wink out of existence. Doing his best to adapt quickly, Baldin pauses in his planned healing of Daltin and instead tries to work on hampering the remaining cultists by letting them experience another "blessing" of Lathander. OOC I am casting Heat Metal. I'm a little confused about the targeting rules. If the circle option can affect metal held by people, then I want the circle to overlay all four cultists. If the only way to effect metal in someone's possession is by the first target rule, then I will target the two back cultists.
  7. Sorry, one two more questions. Are the cultists wearing metal armor and are their weapons metal?
  8. With the angle of the stairs, can Baldin see the casters?
  9. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Running low on spells, Baldin tries again to channel Lathander's glory and turn the remaining undead to aid the others. OOC Turn Check Turn Dmg
  10. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Hearing the chanting of spells, Baldin decides to hinder that complication and calls out for another gift of Lathander, creating a bubble of silence directly in front of the casters. OOC Casting Silence at where I put an arrow down on the map, directly in front of the casters. I kept trying to make the 40' circle, but it was making it solid white.
  11. Side question: would anyone have any insights on why my character image keeps failing when I post? Whenever I do the clone, it shows it before I post, and after it just breaks. Not sure what is happening.
  12. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Baldin is surprised at the other's response to the wall, having expected the idea of being able to buy time plus disorient their enemies to be well received. Yohan's sprint and rapid return through the wall cause the cleric to halt his plans. He mentally dismisses the wall, as requested, while bending down to heal the fallen paladin. OOC Dismiss Wall of light. Casting Cure Serious Wounds on Yohan. CSW
  13. Just getting settled, the trip was not the best. I will try to catch up on everything and post ASAP.
  14. I thought we could use it to buy time for the others to handle their side and join us if needed and the baddies would have to either push through into concentrated fire (with -1 fighting now) or try to take blind pot shots on their end if they wanted to stay behind (since they can’t see either) if you are actually wanting to charge through the wall I’ll just drop the spell as a bad idea.
  15. I think it is just line of effect, is the line of sight listed somewhere else? Searching on phone while waiting for an Uber so definitely could be missing it.
  16. Oh I thought I just needed line of effect not line of sight. If I'm allowed too I'll change it.
  17. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Baldin nods to Beldas, "I can still see through it." He then quickly describes the hovering threat just beyond the wall and cautions the warriors to step back if the creature has some breath attack. Seeing the other creatures, Baldin quickly raises his holy symbol and spits his contempt toward the undead as he channels Lathander's will. OOC Greater Turn Undead (If I turn them, they are destroyed) Turn Check Turn Dmg Max turning of 5HD, 17HD destroyed, up to 60' out.
  18. Baldin Human (Chondathan), Cleric of Lathander Seeing the situation, Baldin calls out to the others, "I am going to place a wall of light in front of them. They won't be able to see through it and anything that passes through will be slightly blinded as they come to us." Finished with his warning, the cleric casts his supplication. OOC Wall of Light directly in front of the opponents, so they would all have to step through it if they wanted to proceed.
  19. Just a heads-up, I unexpectedly have to head out of town until about 4/2. I won't have internet access during the day, but I will try to check in at night. Feel free to have Baldin go auto during combat so as not to hold anything up. He will use whatever spells he can to buff others (save his mass lesser vigor for healing) and then combat.
  20. I’m happy changing baldins heading if it looks like Yohan wants to stick together.
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