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  1. Beaclon's Crossbreeds and Rarebreeds #057. Bethelgeus Fused with Beaclon/Dragon Bug/Dragon Type Pokedex: “The image of its flying in the sky is called ‘Death’s Dance.’” Stats: HP: 120/Attack: 150/Defense: 140/Special Attack: 110/Special Defense: 140/Speed: 90 #059. Melcarba Fused with Beaclon/Hengar Bug/Steel Type Pokedex: “A mechanical monster who was made before Henger.’” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 150/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 80/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 120 #060. Rocklon Fused with Beaclon/Golem Bug/Rock Type Pokedex: “Its rocky body may be hollow inside because it can fly.’” Stats: HP: 120/Attack: 150/Defense: 140/Special Attack: 80/Special Defense: 140/Speed: 90 #061. Centurion Fused with Beaclon/Durahan Bug/Steel Type Pokedex: “Its body is covered with well-designed solid armor.’” Stats: HP: 120/Attack: 150/Defense: 140/Special Attack: 80/Special Defense: 140/Speed: 90 #062. Sloth Beetle Fused with Beaclon/Tiger Bug/Ice Type Pokedex: “It resides in a high mountain region, that is covered in snow.’” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 110/Defense: 120/Special Attack: 70/Special Defense: 120/Speed: 90 #063. KautRoarKaut Fused with Beaclon/Bajarl Bug/Ghost Type Pokedex: “It is used as a means of transportation by some people.” Stats: HP: 120/Attack: 150/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 50/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 90 #064. Jaggernaut Fused with Beaclon/Joker Bug/Dark Type Pokedex: “Its carmine eyes show its wickedness.’” Stats: HP: 120/Attack: 150/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 130/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 90 #065. Ducklon Fused with Beaclon/Ducken Bug/Normal Type Pokedex: “It has a spring that has to be wound each morning.’” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 150/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 70/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 120 #066. Eggplantern Fused with Beaclon/??? Bug/Grass Type Pokedex: “It is said that those who waste food are scolded by this Pokemon.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 150/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 80/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 120
  2. ColorPandora's Crossbreeds and Rarebreeds #052. PeachTreeBug Fused with ColorPandora/Pixie Bug/Fairy Type Pokedex: “It is cute, but you should know that it is a bit too noisy.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 40/Defense: 30/Special Attack: 120/Special Defense: 30/Speed: 110 #054. Liquid Cube Fused with ColorPandora/Jell Bug/Water Type Pokedex: “It is almost impossible to recognize it in the water.” Stats: HP: 130/Attack: 50/Defense: 90/Special Attack: 80/Special Defense: 90/Speed: 110 #055. Dice Fused with ColorPandora/??? Bug Type Pokedex: “This monster has strange patterns on its body.” Stats: HP: 170/Attack: 50/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 30/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 110 #056. Tram Fused with ColorPandora/??? Bug Type Pokedex: “This Pokemon is covered by a house-like pattern.” Stats: HP: 130/Attack: 50/Defense: 90/Special Attack: 80/Special Defense: 90/Speed: 110
  3. Centaur's Crossbreeds and Rarebreeds #041. Ferious Fused with Centaur/Pixie Fighting/Fairy Type Pokedex: “It has the upper body of a Pixie and the lower body of a horse.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 100/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 110 #042. Dragoon Fused with Centaur/Dragon Fighting/Dragon Type Pokedex: “This monster is the mixture of a brave Dragon and a just Centaur.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 130/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 150 #044. Trojan Fused with Centaur/Golem Fighting/Rock Type Pokedex: “It has stone-like hard skin and a stubborn character.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 130/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 150 #045. Chariot Fused with Centaur/Durahan Fighting/Steel Type Pokedex: “It is said that it holds the souls of Durahan and Centaur.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 100/Defense: 120/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 120/Speed: 150 #046. Antares Fused with Centaur/Arrow Head Fighting/Water Type Pokedex: “It is expected to function well both in water and on land.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 100/Defense: 120/Special Attack: 110/Special Defense: 120/Speed: 150 #047. Celious Fused with Centaur/Tiger Fighting/Electric Type Pokedex: “It is a loner and does not like to cluster.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 100/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 170 #048. Bazoo Fused with Centaur/Bajarl Fighting/Ghost Type Pokedex: “It resides in a harsh location, and has its own values.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 100/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 110/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 150 #049. Reaper Fused with Centaur/Joker Fighting/Dark Type Pokedex: “It was created by Joker, but it even hates him.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 100/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 150 #050. Trotter Fused with Centaur/??? Fighting/Psychic Pokedex: “It has an excellent reputation as an excellent runner.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 100/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 170 #051. Blue Thunder Fused with Centaur/??? Fighting/Electric Type Pokedex: “This tribe is considered to be the descendant of Thor.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 100/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 150
  4. Dragon's Crossbreeds and Rarebreeds #026. Tiamat Fused with Dragon/Pixie Dragon/Fairy Type Pokedex: Everybody agrees on its strength, but few agrees on its looks.” Stats: HP: 80/Attack: 130/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 100 #028. Corkasus Fused with Dragon/Beacon Dragon/Big Type Pokedex: “It is difficult to find it since it hardly leaves its homeland.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 170/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 130/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 90 #029. Tecno Dragon Fused with Dragon/Hengar Dragon/Steel Type Pokedex: “They say it was made with all the ancient technologies.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 170/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 130 #030. Stone Dragon Fused with Dragon/Golem Dragon/Rock Type Pokedex: “It is afraid its destructive powers may affect others, and hides in a cave.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 170/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 90 #031. Armor Dragon Fused with Dragon/Durahan Dragon/Steel Type Pokedex: “They say it was used by humans for the ancient battles.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 170/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 90 #032. Crab Dragon Fused with Dragon/Arrow Head Dragon/Water Type Pokedex: “It inhabits the lake and rules that lake.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 150/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 90 #033. Hound Dragon Fused with Dragon/Tiger Dragon/Electric Type Pokedex: “It has a habit of hiding things like a dog.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 140/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 160/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 90 #034. Gabriel Fused with Dragon/Gali Dragon/Ghost Type Pokedex: “Its head is like holography, for it has a kind of deity.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 130/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 160/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 90 #035. Oscerot Fused with Dragon/Kato Dragon/Normal Type Pokedex: “This monster keeps a collection of oil pot in his house.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 140/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 160/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 130 #036. Dodongo Fused with Dragon/Bajarl Dragon/Fighting Type Pokedex: “This dragon can only be seen in the desert area.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 170/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 130/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 90 #037. Gidras Fused with Dragon/Metalner Dragon/Steel Type Pokedex: “This dragon has the mysterious power of Metalner.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 100/Defense: 150/Special Attack: 110/Special Defense: 150/Speed: 90 #038. Death Dragon Fused with Dragon/Joker Dragon/Dark Type Pokedex: “It is said that this dragon was resurrected by Joker’s power.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 130/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 160/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 90 #039. Ragnaroks Fused with Dragon/Monol Dragon/Rock Type Pokedex: “They say the ancient culture might have been destroyed by it.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 150/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 90 #040. Moo Fused with Dragon/??? Dragon/Flying Type Pokedex: “This dreadful-looking dragon hardly appears even in legends.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 170/Defense: 110/Special Attack: 160/Special Defense: 110/Speed: 90
  5. Hello everyone. I finally finish my story Degrassi: The Dot. This story is about Hlal Dragoon and her triplet siblings Aasterinian and Garyx working at the popular restaurant working at The Dot where they discover the ups & downs of the workplace. Here's the link of this story:
  6. Pixie's Crossbreeds and Rarebreeds #002. Diana Fused with Pixie/Dragon Fairy/Dragon Type Pokedex: “Because it is of the legendary blood, it has high pride.” Stats: HP: 90/Attack: 110/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 190/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 120 #003. Unico Fused with Pixie/Centaur Fairy/Fighting Type Pokedex: “It is the most earnest Pokemon in the Pixie species.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 100 #004. Jilt Fused with Pixie/Wracky Fairy/Dark Type Pokedex: “It is known that Jilt likes to tease men.” Stats: HP: 50/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 140 #005. Granity Fused with Pixie/Golem Fairy/Rock Type Pokedex: “It has a cold atmosphere maybe because of its strong will.” Stats: HP: 80/Attack: 110/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 150/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 100 #006. Dixie Fused with Pixie/Zuum Fairy/Dragon Type Pokedex: “It likes wild life because it was born in a jungle.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 80/Defense: 90/Special Attack: 130/Special Defense: 90/Speed: 140 #007. Janne Fused with Pixie/Durahan Fairy/Steel Type Pokedex: “It is brave but its heart is a little bit too delicate to defeat enemies.” Stats: HP: 80/Attack: 110/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 100 #008. Mint Fused with Pixie/Tiger Fairy/Electric Type Pokedex: “It has charming bluish hair and a cute tail.” Stats: HP: 50/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 140 #009. Lepus Fused with Pixie/Hare Fairy/Fighting Type Pokedex: “In winter, warm air is held in its fur and keeps it warm.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 100/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 110/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 140 #010. Angel Fused with Pixie/Gali Fairy/Ghost Type Pokedex: “They say Angel is the most merciful Pokemon of all.” Stats: HP: 50/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 110 #011. Kitten Fused with Pixie/Kato Fairy/Normal Type Pokedex: “A musical based on Kitten’s life has played a long run.” Stats: HP: 50/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 140 #012. Jinnee Fused with Pixie/Bajarl Fairy/Fighting Pokedex: “It is sloppy by nature and sleeps often.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 110/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 130/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 140 #013. Futurity Fused with Pixie/Metalner Fairy/Steel Type Pokedex: “Its looks may be what humans look like in the future.” Stats: HP: 50/Attack: 80/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 100/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 110 #014. Vanity Fused with Pixie/Suezo Fairy/Psychic Type Pokedex: “The name was given by Dr. Maccots when he found it.” Stats: HP: 50/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 110 #015. Snowy Fused with Pixie/Jill Fairy/Ice Type Pokedex: “It is mentioned in the legends of some northern countries.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 110/Defense: 80/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 80/Speed: 120 #016. Lilim Fused with Pixie/Joker Fairy/Dark Type Pokedex: “It can be best described as a little witch.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 110 #017. Nagisa Fused with Pixie/Jell Fairy/Water Type Pokedex: “‘Nagisa Skin.’ This admiring word is derived from this one.” HP: 50/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 110 #018. Dryad Fused with Pixie/Mock Fairy/Grass Type Pokedex: “This Pokemon is a tree fairy. It inhabits in the forest.” Stats: HP: 150/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 110 #019. Serenity Fused with Pixie/Plant Fairy/Grass Type Pokedex: “In spite of its photosynthesis ability, it loves to eat.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 110 #020. Silhouette Fused with Pixie/Monol Fairy/Rock Type Pokedex: “It has a shield wrapped around it in the FIMBA area.” Stats: HP: 50/Attack: 80/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 110 #021. Night Flyer Fused with Pixie/Worm Fairy/Bug Type Pokedex: “Some people consider its beautiful feathers grotesque.” Stats: HP: 100/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 110 #022. Allure Fused with Pixie/Naga Fairy/Poison Type Pokedex: “They say that it sucks the life force out of men.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 80/Defense: 90/Special Attack: 130/Special Defense: 90/Speed: 140 #023. Poison Fused with Pixie/??? Fairy Type Pokedex: “They say it is hysterical. But the truth is unknown.” Stats: HP: 70/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 110 #024. Kasumi Fused with Pixie/??? Fairy Type Pokedex: “Its breasts tend to get more attention than its battles.” Stats: HP: 80/Attack: 110/Defense: 130/Special Attack: 140/Special Defense: 130/Speed: 100 #025. Mia Fused with Pixie/??? Fairy Type Pokedex: “It draws many people’s support with its cute charm.” Stats: HP: 50/Attack: 80/Defense: 60/Special Attack: 170/Special Defense: 60/Speed: 140
  7. Now I'm finally done with the Monster Rancher 2 Pokemon purebreeds. I'm going to do the crossbreeds and rarebreeds as well. The crossbreeds and rarebreeds have the same attack list as the purebreeds but they have different stats compared to purebreeds. 😃😈👍🏿💪🏿🥰🐲🐉
  8. #390. Naga Poison Type Pokedex: “This one’s cruel fighting style horrifies other Pokemon.” Stats: HP: 120 Attack: 160 Defense: 130 Special Attack: 100 Special Defense: 130 Speed: 110 Attack List: Belly Punch Lv. 1 Thwack Lv. 1 Stab Lv. 14 Poison Gas Lv. 15 Tail Assault Lv. 15 Energy Shot Lv. 17 Pierce Lv. 19 Drill Attack Lv. 23 Energy Shots Lv. 24 Eye Beam Lv. 29 Turn Assault Lv. 45 Life Steal Lv. 50
  9. #376. Worm Big Type Pokedex: “Its abilities are all in balance and it has no weak points.” Stats: HP: 180 Attack: 100 Defense: 90 Special Attack: 110 Special Defense: 90 Speed: 60 Attack List: Sting Lv. 1 Bite Lv. 1 Tusk Slash Lv. 17 Pierce Lv. 18 Tail Lash Lv. 19 Pierce-Throw Lv. 20 Somersault Lv. 26 Two Lashes Lv. 27 Poison Gas Lv. 28 Injection Lv. 28 Pinch-Throw Lv. 29 Somersaults Lv. 30 Three Lashes Lv. 34 Wheel Attack Lv. 44 Roll Assault Lv. 50
  10. #364. Ape Normal Type Pokedex: “There are many legends regarding this one’s laziness.” Stats: HP: 150 Attack: 160 Defense: 140 Special Attack: 20 Special Defense: 140 Speed: 100 Attack List: Slap Lv. 1 Thwack Lv. 1 Sneeze Lv. 16 Boomerang Lv. 18 Grab-Throw Lv. 18 Bomb Lv. 19 Blast Lv. 26 Big Bomb Lv. 26 Roll Assault Lv. 27 Big Banana Lv. 28 Tasty Banana Lv. 40 Swing-Throw Lv. 50
  11. #354. Monol Rock Type Pokedex: “It will separate into pieces to cushion against enemy’s attacks.” Stats: HP: 110 Attack: 130 Defense: 220 Special Attack: 140 Special Defense: 220 Speed: 10 Attack List: Charge Lv. 1 Flattening Lv. 1 Flattening-L Lv. 1 Flattening-X Lv. 1 Sound Wave Lv. 17 StrangeLight Lv. 18 Scratch Lv. 20 Needle Stabs Lv. 21 Beam Lv. 24 Screech Lv. 25 Spike Stabs Lv. 27 Spike Bite Lv. 29 Double Beams Lv. 29 Knock Lv. 35 Ray Lv. 35 Tentacles Lv. 37 Double Rays Lv. 40 Triple Beams Lv. 40 Two Knocks Lv. 45 Triple Rays Lv. 45 Three Knocks Lv. 50
  12. #340. Plant Grass Type Pokedex: "Thought it’s not powerful, it can win by attacking repetitively.” Stats: HP: 160 Attack: 40 Defense: 70 Special Attack: 120 Special Defense: 70 Speed: 100 Attack List: Jab Lv. 1 Slap Lv. 1 Root Attack Lv. 13 Jab Combo Lv. 18 Seed Gun Lv. 21 Root Combo Lv. 21 Plant Combo Lv. 25 Toxic Nectar Lv. 26 Seed Gatling Lv. 27 Toxic Pollen Lv. 35 Face Drill Lv. 35 Life Steal Lv. 50
  13. #329. Ducken Normal Type Pokedex: “This toy-like Pokemon is an artifact of the ancient era.” Stats: HP: 70 Attack: 80 Defense: 50 Special Attack: 130 Special Defense: 50 Speed: 100 Attack List: Flutter Slap Lv. 1 Beak Thrust Lv. 1 Bound Lv. 15 Falling Back Lv. 17 Missle Lv. 19 Ducken Dance Lv. 19 Eye Beam Lv. 26 Surprise Lv. 27 Boomerang Lv. 28 Bound Charge Lv. 30 Two Missles Lv. 31 Bombing Lv. 33 Beam Shower Lv. 35 Big Missle Lv. 39 Maximal Beam Lv. 40 Frantic Beam Lv. 45 Explosion Lv. 50
  14. #324. Mock Grass Type Pokedex: This tree-like Pokemon has a crooked character.” Stats: HP: 200 Attack: 70 Defense: 40 Special Attack: 140 Special Defense: 40 Speed: 60 Attack List: Leaf Gun Lv. 1 Head Butt Lv. 1 Leaf Cutter Lv. 18 Twig Gun Lv. 18 Leaf Gatling Lv. 23 Twig Gatling Lv. 30 Twister Lv. 45 Energy Steal Lv. 50 Twisters Lv. 50
  15. #318. Niton Water/Rock Type Pokedex: “When something surprises it, it hides in its shell quickly.” Stats: HP: 90 Attack: 40 Defense: 160 Special Attack: 30 Special Defense: 160 Speed: 50 Attack List: Whip Lv. 1 Stab Lv. 1 Numbing Stab Lv. 1 ElectricStab Lv. 1 Sound Wave Lv. 16 Shock Lv. 19 Numbing Whip Lv. 19 Niton Ink Lv. 20 ElectricWhip Lv. 20 Sound Wave-L Lv. 24 Severe Shock Lv. 26 Shell Attack Lv. 35 MaximalShock Lv. 35 Sound Wave-X Lv. 35 MillionWhips Lv. 35 Spiked Shell Lv. 40 ViolentShell Lv. 50
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