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  1. spacer.pngASTIR NAMEIII

    Approach Core Power: 0
    pick approach pick core Overheating: No
    Description of Astir Part 1 Description of Astir Part 2

    Description of Astir







    A unique move that defines your model of Astir.





    CARRIED Weapon Name iii (range/tags)
    SHEATHED, ETC Weapon Name iii (range/tags)


  2. spacer.pngCharacter Name - Support Playbook


         Defy           Sense           Talk           Clash          Know          Spotlight    
    0 0 0 0 0 0



    You look: -

    You wear:  -

    Your magic is like:

    When fighting on foot, your approach is: -


    Show Gear

    Gear: Description, effects, tags.


    Show Quarters

    Describer your quarters on the Carrier and choose two benefits.


    Show Moves

    Move: Description, effects, etc.



    At three dangersThe dangers that make it harder to defend yourself come in two kinds: risks are temporary things that
    can be resolved during a Sortie (like having the low ground during a fight, being on fire, or being
    distracted), and perils are more permanent issues that must be solved during Downtime (like serious
    injuries to you or your Astir, being heartbroken, being exhausted). A danger to you is a danger to your
    Astir, and vice versa. For all intents and purposes, your Astir is an extension of yourself. Characters
    can be affected by a certain amount of both before they are defenseless:

    • Players, Rivals and Main characters are defenseless at 3 dangers.
    • Side characters are defenseless at 2 dangers.
    • Extra characters are defenseless at 1 danger.

    When a move or other effect says you take a risk or are put in peril, it means you’re being given one
    of those dangers. Sometimes it will be specific exactly what you’re gaining—e.g., ‘take a risk
    (outnumbered)’ means you add a risk named ‘outnumbered’ to your character sheet. If there’s no
    brackets, it means you choose what the risk or peril is. Generally, if you’re asked to take a risk, you
    decide: if you’re put in peril, your attacker decides. Either way, you should feel free to discuss them
    with your Director.

    If you want some examples, there’s some given towards the end of this document. When someone is
    defenseless, it should be obvious—but individual perils and risks don’t need to be so explicit.
    Sometimes, risks might be linked to temporary situations rather than the effects of a move. The most
    common example would be if you’re taking someone by surprise or attacking from a stealthy
    position: the situation puts them at risk, but the second you reveal yourself that risk is no longer
    relevant. An actor who is an extra, vulnerable at 1 danger, could be struck decisively from stealth
    since the situation leaves them defenseless. With anyone else, you won’t be so lucky.

    If you take a risk but already have 3 dangers, replace one with a peril. If you would be put in peril but
    already have 3 dangers, replace a risk with it if you have one—otherwise, bite the dust in
    desperation until the end of the Sortie. Further dangers just trigger bite the dust instead.
    , you are defenselessFor players, being defenseless means your usual methods of avoiding harm aren’t available to you.
    Where you might usually exchange blows or weather the storm to avoid a blow or dodge real consequences, that’s no longer the case—your guard is down, your armor has a hole, etc. When you are defenseless and someone or something tries to harm you, you must roll to bite the dust
    . When threatened with harm, you must BITE THE DUSTWhen you’re defenceless or risk harm so severe you might bite the dust, roll +DEFY;

    On a 10+, they miss, hesitate, or you’re saved by sheer luck—you rally, and clear a risk if you have one.
    On a 7-9, retreat from the Sortie safely, or be put in peril.
    On a fail, that strike sure was decisive. Decide with your Director the consequences of what has happened to you - what was damaged? What have you lost? Who and what is changed by your defeat?

    If you survive, you are changed by your defeat. As well as the above, choose one;
    • Deepen all of your Hooks, as you clutch your ideals tighter and tighter.
    • Loosen all of your Hooks, as you lose faith in that which drives you.
    • Take a burden, as you are saddled with some lingering injury, duty or obligation.
    • Choose a new playbook. Keep what moves you and the Director agree are truly part of your character and discard the others. Replace them with the starting moves for your new playbook. You do not gain its starting equipment.

    Danger Danger Danger
    Risk/Peril Risk/Peril Risk/Peril



    GRAVITY Clocks

    GRAVITY Trigger: Words

    Clock Name Clock Name Clock Name Clock Name
    Rank Rank Rank Rank
    Level (1-6) Level (1-6) Level (1-6) Level (1-6)



    Character Hooks

    Hook 1:  Description. Loose/Normal/Deep

    Hook 2:  Description. Loose/Normal/Deep

    Hook 3:  Description. Loose/normal/Deep



  3. spacer.pngCharacter Name - Channeler Playbook


         Channel           Defy           Sense           Talk           Clash          Know           Spotlight     
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0



    You look: -

    You wear:  -

    Your magic is like:

    When fighting on foot, your approach is: -

    When you launch your Astir, you say: -


    Show Gear

    Gear: Description, effects, tags.


    Show Moves

    Move: Description, effects, etc.



    At three dangersThe dangers that make it harder to defend yourself come in two kinds: risks are temporary things that
    can be resolved during a Sortie (like having the low ground during a fight, being on fire, or being
    distracted), and perils are more permanent issues that must be solved during Downtime (like serious
    injuries to you or your Astir, being heartbroken, being exhausted). A danger to you is a danger to your
    Astir, and vice versa. For all intents and purposes, your Astir is an extension of yourself. Characters
    can be affected by a certain amount of both before they are defenseless:

    • Players, Rivals and Main characters are defenseless at 3 dangers.
    • Side characters are defenseless at 2 dangers.
    • Extra characters are defenseless at 1 danger.

    When a move or other effect says you take a risk or are put in peril, it means you’re being given one
    of those dangers. Sometimes it will be specific exactly what you’re gaining—e.g., ‘take a risk
    (outnumbered)’ means you add a risk named ‘outnumbered’ to your character sheet. If there’s no
    brackets, it means you choose what the risk or peril is. Generally, if you’re asked to take a risk, you
    decide: if you’re put in peril, your attacker decides. Either way, you should feel free to discuss them
    with your Director.

    If you want some examples, there’s some given towards the end of this document. When someone is
    defenseless, it should be obvious—but individual perils and risks don’t need to be so explicit.
    Sometimes, risks might be linked to temporary situations rather than the effects of a move. The most
    common example would be if you’re taking someone by surprise or attacking from a stealthy
    position: the situation puts them at risk, but the second you reveal yourself that risk is no longer
    relevant. An actor who is an extra, vulnerable at 1 danger, could be struck decisively from stealth
    since the situation leaves them defenseless. With anyone else, you won’t be so lucky.

    If you take a risk but already have 3 dangers, replace one with a peril. If you would be put in peril but
    already have 3 dangers, replace a risk with it if you have one—otherwise, bite the dust in
    desperation until the end of the Sortie. Further dangers just trigger bite the dust instead.
    , you are defenselessFor players, being defenseless means your usual methods of avoiding harm aren’t available to you.
    Where you might usually exchange blows or weather the storm to avoid a blow or dodge real consequences, that’s no longer the case—your guard is down, your armor has a hole, etc. When you are defenseless and someone or something tries to harm you, you must roll to bite the dust
    . When threatened with harm, you must BITE THE DUSTWhen you’re defenceless or risk harm so severe you might bite the dust, roll +DEFY;

    On a 10+, they miss, hesitate, or you’re saved by sheer luck—you rally, and clear a risk if you have one.
    On a 7-9, retreat from the Sortie safely, or be put in peril.
    On a fail, that strike sure was decisive. Decide with your Director the consequences of what has happened to you - what was damaged? What have you lost? Who and what is changed by your defeat?

    If you survive, you are changed by your defeat. As well as the above, choose one;
    • Deepen all of your Hooks, as you clutch your ideals tighter and tighter.
    • Loosen all of your Hooks, as you lose faith in that which drives you.
    • Take a burden, as you are saddled with some lingering injury, duty or obligation.
    • Choose a new playbook. Keep what moves you and the Director agree are truly part of your character and discard the others. Replace them with the starting moves for your new playbook. You do not gain its starting equipment.

    Danger Danger Danger
    Risk/Peril Risk/Peril Risk/Peril



    GRAVITY Clocks

    GRAVITY Trigger: Words

    Clock Name Clock Name Clock Name Clock Name
    Rank Rank Rank Rank
    Level (1-6) Level (1-6) Level (1-6) Level (1-6)



    Character Hooks

    Hook 1:  Description. Loose/Normal/Deep

    Hook 2:  Description. Loose/Normal/Deep

    Hook 3:  Description. Loose/normal/Deep


  4.                     The New Hunt                   


    Formed in reaction to the Faces Of Progress seizing the Isle of Repose, The New Hunt is a loose militia of a few dozen resistance cells, doing what they can to prevent their foes gaining any more of a foothold in the archipelago.


    Leader: The New Hunt has no overall leader, with cells acting largely independently


    Aesthetic: Monster bones, horns and teeth. Recycled driftwood, iron chains and bolts. Colourful paintwork, kill tallies and trophies.


    King’s Isle Couriers (Guerillas): Once upon a time, the KIC were your best bet for getting packages quickly and safely across the Isle of Kings. With the Faces of Progress on the scene, they’ve turned their pathfinding skills and secret routes to slightly different ends.


    Tapped?: No



    The Beached (Military): An offshoot of a mercenary company, The Beached washed up on shore after getting caught in crossfire during the Faces’ initial invasion. In following with their company’s code, they quickly set about converting their wrecked ship to a local HQ and scheming against their accidental attackers.


    Tapped?: No



    Sif’s Sleepers (Strange): Many were displaced when the Isle of Repose was seized, including the many priests that tended to its restful temples. Those young and angry enough to turn their sorcery against the Faces banded together as Sif’s Sleepers.


    Tapped?: No



    The Reaches Unity Fund (Suppliers): With the Reaches’ actual military slow to mobilise, many influential and resourceful individuals collected together to form the Unity Fund, a thinly veiled operation to financially back the various resistance cells of The New Hunt.


    Tapped?: No



    Calistone (Bandits):Calistone were a small-time band of thieves who just happened to have a very well-hidden route in and out of Repose at the time of the invasion. Though the route was only good for one heist, the spoils of Progress were enough to take them from an amateur group to a well-tooled organization.


    Tapped?: No



    Loreth Tidal Guild (Scholars)The Tidal Guild is responsible for maintaining a system of dams and locks that keep Loreth Island habitable following an magical accident that sunk it a few meters below sea level. Their engineering expertise also made them naturals at disrupting arcane fortifications and Astirs belonging to the Faces Of Progress.


    Tapped?: No


  5.                     The Faces of Progress                    


    The Faces Of Progress, having recently grown from ‘vampiric cohort’, to ‘cabal of industrial magnates’, to ‘sovereign state’, is quickly becoming the production center of the known world. Their factories produce everything from cutlery to armed Astirs, in dizzying quantities. To keep this up and expand even further, they find themselves in need of new sources for raw materials, a need they see fit to address by force. The Ghost Reaches is merely first on their list: once it has been strip mined and levelled to make room for factories, Progress will be made somewhere else.


    Leader: The invasion of the Reaches is led by Galinn Juriss, a former mine foreman who proved himself as a natural military leader during the Faces’ violent transition from business to nation. Rumor has it the Faces’ true leadership has shared a certain sanguine gift with him.


    Aesthetic: Porcelain, damage repaired with gold lacquer. Leather padding and patterned silks. Golden trims and ornamentation. Exposed tubing and scarlet liquids.


    The Juriss Company (Military): Galinn Juriss’s personal expeditionary force, sent to claim the Ghost Reaches for his vampiric masters. Galinn is eager to improve his position: there are few within the Faces of Progress who have their own armed Companies, but there are fewer with their own lordships

    Actors: Galinn Juriss


    Progress’s Promise (Curator): Members of the Promise dedicate their lives to recording and preserving evidence of progress: where ‘progress’ is the many conquests of their vampiric masters. This typically involves plundering the lands taken by the Faces for artifacts and heirlooms to study... or just put on display.



    Artery #23 (Resource): The many Arteries of the Faces Of Progress transport goods, weapons, and that sweet, sweet sanguine wherever they are needed. #23 is tasked with aiding and abetting the Juriss Company in their many endeavors.

    Actors: Sinnh Renere


    Onlookers were stunned today as armed swords-for-hire made landfall on the northern shore of Mermaid’s Isle, commonly known by locals as Watcher Beach. Bringing a number of constructs with them including a large Astir, these sell-swords quickly set about making a camp and raising a small stake wall. Their ship, which seemed to this scholar to be damaged quite heavily, was brought high on the beach and stripped for wood.


    It is unknown from what company these mercenaries hail, but those of Mermaid’s Isle are hopeful they will not cause trouble in the coming days of the Progress’s occupation. 







    Excerpt from ‘The Reach Gazette’, Silt-town Publishing, YA212.M3.D13

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