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Pink Jedi Ranger

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About Pink Jedi Ranger

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  1. Ah. I've pre-ordered that. Hopefully it will materialise soon 🙂
  2. And yet the Character Sheet has 20 dots for recording damage, which is more than anyone can ever get. Where's this health-granting Grid Science 3 - Survival Training? Did they change the Blue Ranger's perks while I wasn't looking? That's not what my Corebook says under Grid Tech 3. I'm toying with a couple of ideas. 1 - Morphing gives bonus Health equal to your Ranger form's armour bonus to Toughness. 2 - Add 1 Health on every even-numbered level.
  3. Unless I missed it, player character health seems to be capped at 7 or 8 (1 or 2 from their Origin plus the maximum 6 ranks in Conditioning, which take a while to acquire) with various methods of healing, but nothing else that permanently increases that.
  4. Yes, I know that 🙂, and though the book says "Evasion if the target is trying to dodge, Toughness if they're not", my gut still says that a melee attack should probably beat both to actually hurt the target... but then I have to ask myself what impact that will have on combat - will it make things boring because they take longer, or does potentially shrugging off some of the hits they're taking help players feel more heroic?
  5. A melee attack having to beat Evasion to land and beat Toughness to do damage feels appropriate to me given the number of examples throughout the franchise of a Ranger landing a hit on a villain and the villain not even feeling it. In the case of hitting a basic Putty Patroller (Toughness 13, Evasion 11, 1 Health) scoring 11 or 12 could be described as the Putty shrugging off the blow, but scoring 13 or above would be a hit (or combo as appropriate) that sends the Putty crashing to the ground (hopefully not to get back up again)
  6. Not ready yet (Across the Stars still hasn't arrived and I'd like to know what Silver and Gold Rangers have by default so I know how much to keep) but thought I'd solicit opinions on a couple of things that aren't entirely clear in the corebook. 1. Why do unarmed strikes default to stun rather than straightforward blunt damage? 2. Am I right in thinking that an attack has to beat the target's Evasion defence to land, but Toughness to actually do damage?
  7. Working on setting up my Power Rangers game. Not sure when it will be ready for applications, but hopefully sooner rather than later. Wish me luck.
  8. Perhaps, though as I never got into G.I.Joe, or Transformers particularly, it's a much lower priority for me. In any case, it's good to see interest 🙂
  9. The Field Guide to Action & Adventure? Isn't that the Crossover book?
  10. I've got the Corebook, the Adventures in Angel Grove book, Finster's Monstermatic Cookbook (i.e. the Monster Manual) , and the Space book should be arriving tomorrow. Almost certainly going to order the Time book this week, and the civilian book when it comes out at the end of the month. Good to know there's more interest than just me 🙂
  11. As the title says. While I try to get my own Power Rangers game (using the Essence20 system) set up, I'm also interested in joining an existing one if there's one going.
  12. A combination of not being comfy with the new Mythweavers setup yet, not knowing how many of my former players crossed over to the new Mythweavers, and massive anxiety about the burnout potential that comes from trying to translate the ideas in my head through the tangled mass of vicious circles that make up my psyche, and get them into understandable narrative fun on the page are why I haven't tried reviving any iteration of my Star Wars Saga game. Crippling Depression and anxiety has made me hella rusty. 😳
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