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  1. The bristling opossum recites poetry in Esperanto.

    You know what to do.

  2. The green eagle flies at midnight.

    You know what to do.

  3. I just noticed that you lost your job as Death Star Latrine Attendant and are now a fugitive from justice. Sorry to here that. :(
  4. Thank you for purchasing Das Kapital as I requested. However, you are now in possession of unauthorized Communist propaganda. Please head straight to the nearest termination booth.


    Thank you in advance for your quick compliance. Have a great daycycle!

  5. The twelfth marmoset curls up on the blue rug.


    You know what must be done.

  6. Clearly, you don't know the difference between if and is. Neither did Luke Skywalker, apparently. That's probably why he's such a whiner. LEARN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, JERKFACE!
  7. "Your overconfidence if your weakness"?

    Clearly your weakness is spellcheck.

    *triple snap!*

  8. Pff, your overconfidence if your weakness, sir. A weakness I shall exploit to wind up the victor!
  9. Don't let my lack of posting confuse you into thinking you're winning.


    In our eternal, world-destroying battle, I shall always enjoy the advantage. Such is the Power of The Torrance.

  10. Are you seriously a Death Star Latrine Attendant?! That is so freakin' cool!
  11. You, sir, are a handsome man.
  12. The weathered chair is beside the tea kettle.


    You know what must be done.

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