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Posts posted by Eternal


     spacer.pngCalvin "Verse" Zheng

    Dgr +1 Frk +2 Sav +1 Sup -1 Mnd 0

    “Hah! Thanks, Charlie,” Calvin chuckles with a slight blush when she vouches for the incomplete group to Temperance. Even if she didn’t understand him, she always made an effort to include him. “I really don’t know what my whole deal is, either. I can do memory stuff. And I guess I’m kind of an energy vampire? Wait… does that mean I suck the fun out of the group?”

    His eyes glaze over while staring off into space, like that one meme where the woman struggles to solve complex math equations. After carrying the one in the air with his fingers, Calvin concludes that this is not likely. He certainly puts the lives of his friends in mortal danger, but death by boredom is the least of their worries.

    Calvin shakes his head to bring himself back to reality. Best not to go down that rabbit hole. Case in point, Charlie was asking him what was good to do around here! Proof positive that good things can come from him after all.

    “We have to take you to Super Score, the retro arcade with all the classics. They even have Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja! And there’s, uh… One of a Find, the vintage clothing store that might be more your style. I’m not very fashionable, but I know that’s popular…”

    He scratches his chin. “As far as saving Twilight goes, we can always stop by the Graveyard and see if Lady Gray has any power-ups we can borrow… I need to check in with her soon anyway.”


     spacer.pngCalvin "Verse" Zheng

    Dgr +1 Frk +2 Sav +1 Sup -1 Mnd 0

    "Aww, man... Thanks anyway...." Even though Dusk's response didn't hit the mark for Calvin, he still deflated like a sad whoopie cushion. The old geezer was supposed to say: "why, yes, m'boy, of course I remember your friend's name!" But why should anything in Calvin's life be that easy? It's not like he could just reload the save point from before Max got taken. There were no cheat codes out of this one. So... what the heck? How was he supposed to beat this level with no strategy guide? What would Weiss Ophidius do, the main character of the manga that he was writing? What would Lady Gray do? Why won't anyone tell Calvin what the hell he's supposed to do!?

    Calvin winced like a dog might with fleas when Earworm started whispering into his mind. He reached out to scratch the back of his head on instinct, slowly digging his nails in deeper. Before he could get too lost in the struggle, Temperance reached out to pull him back to reality with a simple hand on his shoulder. The hairs on his neck shivered like a wary cat before he relaxed into the familiarity of their friendship. This may have been a momentary courtesy for her, but it meant the world to him.

    "Ha! Back at 'cha, Tem!"

    And just like that, both Temperance and Ben were drifting away from him. Temperance was talking to Dusk, sure. But Ben was being taken away from the group by his jerk of a dad? "Yeah. No sweat, man. Is there anything we can do to back you up, or...?"


     spacer.pngCalvin "Verse" Zheng

    Dgr +1 Frk +2 Sav +1 Sup -1 Mnd 0

    "... Prisoners?" Calvin tilted his head to the side. He dropped one arm, keeping the other crossed at the elbow. "Hey, D. Did your intel, uh, say anything about... a codename: Maximus?"

    Max. The name burned up his throat like acid reflux. Surely, the rest of the gang remembered their resident strongman who allowed himself to be captured so Calvin could escape? He was fine. He HAD to be fine. Max was all about being super tough. Could this finally be Calvin's chance to make amends and rescue him?

    "Hold up; this is going down tonight!? But I have a five-page paper due tomorrow for my Honors Tangee History class!" Calvin blathered, unintentionally. He kept so many thoughts to himself that some of them were bound to leak out. If there was one thing scarier than a Tangee prison site, it was scholastic parents who still expected you to get good grades in the middle of civil unrest. Alien invasion or not, the Zhengs wanted Calvin to become a doctor, or a lawyer, or an ambassador. Someone they could be proud of.

    "Right. Sorry! Parents... habit... juststoptalkingcalvin. Go Team Twilight!"


     spacer.pngCalvin "Verse" Zheng

    Dgr +1 Frk +2 Sav +1 Sup -1 Mnd 0

    As they trickle out of the ally and toward 44th & Chambers, Calvin returns to his normal appearance when he thinks no one is looking. He takes his glasses off as they enter the establishment and holds them up to the light for inspection. Thank goodness they didn't break from being kicked around in the electronics store earlier... his dad would flip if he asked him for another new pair this month. Instead, Calvin found himself hopping with a start when Dusk accosted them out of nowhere, He pushed the bridge of his frames back up his nose and toward his furrowed brow. Usually, he might crumple up in this kind of situation, but his powers were a soft spot for him.

    "Did you have prune juice for breakfast, or what? 'Cause you're sure talkin' a lot of crap..." Calvin huffed, crossing his arms. "I control my powers fine! I just... need more practice using them, instead of keeping them locked up... dude." Everyone thought they knew best about being Verse. They would do things so much better. Like Calvin didn't spend hours of every day sitting through Lady Gray's lectures, or finding a way to quiet Earworm, or shrugging off the concerned glances his friends gave him when they looked his way but didn't say anything.

    "So, yeah. You hear the ladies. What the hell are you doing here, aside from wasting our time?" It may not have been much, but Calvin did what he could to try and support the team without proving Dusk right by unleashing his powers haphazardly, or worse, out of anger.


     spacer.pngCalvin "Verse" Zheng

    Dgr +1 Frk +2 Sav +1 Sup -1 Mnd 0

    Verse stiffens and winces in preparation for being made into Swiss cheese. He sighs in relief as the HUAC whip their guns away from him and slips into the crowd with crestfallen grace. These normies may not have open fired on him today, but whatever self-image Calvin had of being a hero was shot to heck. He pinballed around today like this was a video game. His teammates took it seriously and actually made a difference.

    With each dispersing civilian that pushed past Verse en route to the others, the Song throbbed through his head, syllable by syllable. He approached Seismos and Zora with a wave, clenching his jaw. The Song salivated on his tongue. He listened to his friends speak, effortlessly, and even Mr. Meowmers had something to say before leaving. Verse shivered like a dog trying to shake off water as they left the scene. He had to say something, anything, to keep himself from going crazy. A trail of idle ramblings trickled off as they went.

    "Hey, yeah, we did stop the riot, and we're all safe, too! I'm really glad no one got hurt this time, y'know, not like that time before when I almost got captured and Alex... I should train more, hey, you guys, wanna train with me when we get back, Lady Gray tells me I should practice more and..."

  6.  spacer.pngCalvin "Verse" Zheng

    Dgr +1 Frk +2 Sav +1 Sup -1 Mnd 0

    Calvin beamed as much as a void mirage could when Temperance text the group back. Of course, she was safe! She was too much of a badass for something like this to keep her down. They all were! With newfound courage, Calvin scooped up civilians like collecting golden rings in the Emerald Zone stage... except these people were... resisting? What the hell! Why would they fight against him!? Unless...

    Pitiful wretch. You are no hero.

    For all his super strength, Calvin felt the pump putter out of his tiny biceps when Earworm finally wriggled back into his mind. He set the girl that he had hoisted over his shoulder down. She slapped him, and his head froze after it rolled along her hand with a twist of the neck. Calvin's allergies must have been acting up, because his eyes started to burn and leak.

    You are... insignificant.

    He felt Seismos' power divide the masses in a fraction of the time it took him to lift 4 people to safety. After the divide, Calvin wobbled over to the HUAC side like a deer to the wolves. They were surrounding him. They were gonna shoot at him! He wiped the allergies from his eyes with the back of his hand. The black scrawl on his leg, proof of Earworm's influence, crept a few notches higher like a Cobra climbing a tree. Its fangs dripped yet more poison into his mind.

    You have but to unleash me, and they shall respect you.

    "No! Do you even realize what you're doing? I'm a good guy! Stand down! I s-said stand down!" Calvin flared his fingers wide and placed his hands perpendicular to his face, like performing a Solar Flare attack from Dragonball Z. The white discs that were his eyes projected a flash of light that briefly blinded those looking at him. With all this might, he called upon his memory manipulation powers to make those trying to attack him forget that he was a threat.

    1. Who is the leader of your team? Whoever it is, Calvin never feels like it's him. He usually looks to Ben or Charlie when things get super-heated.
    2. What is your purpose in this fight? To prove to others, if not to himself, that he can be useful without being dangerous.
    3. Do you mistrust the leader of the team? If anything, Calvin trusts them TOO much! He needs to trust himself more.
  7. spacer.pngCalvin "Verse" Zheng

    Dgr +1 Frk +2 Sav +1 Sup -1 Mnd 0

    Calvin ninja ran to the edge of the main crowd, humming the theme song to the Chemical Plant stage from Sonic 2 under his breath. While he couldn't nearly match Swish the Speedster in MPH, being Earworm's host did bestow upon him a degree of strength and swiftness. The evil jerk probably needed to make sure Calvin could withstand its dark power without breaking. Being 5'4" and 105 pounds of easily winded nerd didn't make for the most durable harbinger of doom.

    The ground started shaking and threw Calvin off his groove. He slid to a halt, whipping his eyes around the scene to catch sight of Temperance. Why hadn't she checked in yet? Did she forget to charge her phone? Was she being trampled on by a stampede of rioters??

    { Midnite, U OK girl?? 🥸 }

    Once he caught wind of Ben at work, Calvin ran a hand through his hair and rubbed at the back of his neck.

    "Right. Chill out, dude. It's just Seismos. You're fine. She's fine. Y'all got this."

    Calvin weighed his options. Charlie hadn't made her move yet. Temperance was MIA. He could pop into center stage, go nuclear, and memory wipe the conflict from the collective consciousness? He could do that, right? Earworm remained silent. Whatever. It must have been a bad idea because it sounded too easy. He'd probably fry everyone's minds a little too hard on accident, anyway...

    Instead, Calvin resolved himself to snatching up any straggling normies to safety with his touch of strength and speed. There were always innocent bystanders in these hostile takeover situations.

  8. spacer.pngCalvin "Verse" Zheng

    Dgr +1 Frk +2 Sav +1 Sup -1 Mnd 0

    Answeritansweritanswerit. Answer me. Answer us...

    Calvin sighed as he fidgeted with his phone in reply to a notification ding. On one hand, Ben's text was staring back at him. On the other, Earworm continued to solicit its unwanted opinion, twisting the text in Calvin's mind to form the lyrics of the Song in his head. Calvin flicked up the volume on his AirPods to drown out his thoughts.

    { OMW }

    He slipped his phone into his blue hoodie and made one last pass at the used game section of the cheapo electronics store before heading out.

    If anyone knew that time was of the essence, it was Calvin Zheng. He was like an evil genie's lamp: an itty-bitty living space for an explosively malicious power. He didn't need Ben adding to Earworm's stress right now. Was the mission important? For sure! Did Calvin need a copy of Tecmo's Deception for PS1? Well, no, but he refused to die before playing one of the greatest horror survival games of all time.

    No sooner did he turn down the TV aisle was he shoved out of the way and into a pile of toasters. Apparently, an enraged man had a baseball bat to pick with Blaire Zeal, and Calvin was in his way. Calvin's long raven hair flapped in his face while his glasses popped off and skittered across the aisle. He dropped to the floor on instinct and shimmied by the ends of his elbows to retrieve his round frames, propping his butt on the floor and his back to the shelves. The bat man continued his assault around the store. Calvin felt his fingers curling into his hands as he watched him.

    Why do squirm when you could DESTROY? You have power. You ARE power. USE IT.

    "Why don't you shut up for once!?"

    Calvin slammed his fists into the ground beneath him, causing the shelves nearby to rumble. The bat man raised an eyebrow and snorted in Calvin's direction. He diminished into a sheepish smile, pushing himself away with the heels of his sneakers and the flat of his palms. Once out of sight, Calvin stood up, and swiped his hand over his face. It warbled into a black flame void with two glowing orbs where his glasses should be. Rather than rely on a costume, Calvin used his memory manipulation power to make people who looked at his body forget what they saw.

    Yes... Enjoy a moment of silence. I shall conserve my strength for when yours falters. Max is not here to save you this time.

    Calvin hard stopped at the venom behind that memory. True to its word, Earworm went strangely silent and left Calvin with his own thoughts for once. He took a few big breaths before walking, jogging, running to find one of his teammates. He needed them more than ever right now. For the first time since Earworm wriggled into his life, he felt truly alone.


    • What is Verse's Heroic Drive? Does being a hero give him a rush, or does he dream of living a normal life when everything is done? Does being a hero give him a rush, or does he dream of living a normal life when everything is done?

    Despite having an expiration date, Verse loves being a hero. It's nice to know that he can make a real difference in the city, rather than spend his life taking orders from adults and Beaks. Right now, he's more concerned with helping others because it distracts him from the reality of his situation. He may be doomed, but he doesn't have to spend his life in doom and gloom, if he can help it.

    Besides, Verse has three pillars of support: the team, Gray, and the fact that he only has one doomsign so far. He falls apart when he's alone, or when he can't escape / distract himself from his impending responsibilities.

    As for returning to normal: I think Calvin realizes that this is likely the only way for him to survive, if it's even possible. Given no other choice, he would sacrifice his powers in the end. Whether or not he would be able to live with himself after being de-powered is another story. When all of his supernatural strength is gone, that's when he'd get melancholic. That's when he'd start to question whether or not he, as Calvin, will ever amount to anything more than a normal guy in a 9 to 5 job.

    • How does Earworm play into Verse's life? What made him decide to stop trusting Earworm? Does he have a plan to defeat it? What can Earworm do to threaten him before their destined confrontation?

    Earworm is the literal voice inside Verse's head. It's always there. It makes him and breaks him, temping him with dangerously awesome power at the cost of his doom. It offers skewed commentary and advice about himself and the world around him. It's part evil genie, part conscience, and part jinchuriki from Naruto, threatening to take him over at any given moment. Right now, all Earworm can do is talk to Verse, but as the game progresses, it gains more control over his body.

    Verse's current plan to defeat is to distract himself with noise and try his best not to listen. This is very difficult because it's like having a record on repeat. Even when Earworm isn't communicating with Verse directly, that same old song is stuck in his head. Once he sings the whole song out loud, the binding is undone. Earworm is free. Otherwise, he's heavily banking on Gray to help him find a sustainable solution.

    Verse stopped listening to Earworm because when he finally did something big, he got his first doomsign. At first, Verse openly told his friends, Luke and Rina, about everything that happened to him. They combined their knowledge of video games, manga, and pop culture in an effort to solve this puzzle on their own. This led Verse to opening his mind to the Song (Dark Visions doomsign), scanning the lyrics for anything about how to stop Earworm without dying. The release of energy sent out a shockwave that destroyed Rina's room, severely injuring her and Luke. No one remembers anything because memory manipulation is one of Verse's superpowers.

    In the aftermath, Verse realized that his Dark Vision did show him something after all. Maybe he could use his memory manipulation on himself to forget all about the Song and Earworm. Now the questions is: How can he do this without erasing everything else about himself in the process? It would be the same as if he'd died because he technically wouldn't exist anymore.

    • Why does Verse think talking about their doom openly will bring them closer to it? Why does Verse think confronting danger alone brings him towards his doom?

    Verse's doom is audible. The Song wants to be sung and Earworm is always talking to him. Verse is afraid that talking about it openly might trigger it somehow, or otherwise give Earworm and edge. It's like that Depeche Mode song, Enjoy the Silence. Words bring pain.

    Song Lyrics

    Words like violence
    Break the silence
    Come crashing in
    Into my little world
    Painful to me
    Pierce right through me
    Can't you understand
    Oh, my little girl

    All I ever wanted
    All I ever needed
    Is here in my arms
    Words are very unnecessary
    They can only do harm

    Vows are spoken
    To be broken
    Feelings are intense
    Words are trivial
    Pleasures remain
    So does the pain
    Words are meaningless
    And forgettable

    All I ever wanted
    All I ever needed
    Is here in my arms
    Words are very unnecessary
    They can only do harm.

    Confronting danger alone makes Verse nervous because he doesn't have anyone to distract him or keep himself in check. He would be alone with his thoughts, alone with the Song and with Earworm. He might slip, get desperate, and unleash another doomsign. 

    • What kind of hero does Gray want Verse to be? What does she do to push him toward that ideal?

    I imagine Gray to be like Galadriel from Lord of the Rings when she's in her dark mode, fighting back Sauron with Elrond and Saruman. She was once a kind and powerful being whose majesty faded after millennia of unrest. The last of the Grays sacrificed themselves to bind Earworm to the center of their gravesite. Gray herself was also bound as an eternal caretaker, but somehow, Earworm wriggled away from her grasp. She remains bound, and has become very world-weary, but she unshakably upholds her duty with the last ounces of her strength.

    Gray wants Verse to grow up. She expects him to be mature, responsible, and of impeccable moral fiber. She pushes him toward her ideal by being a strict teacher and mentor. She puts him through training exercises to make him strong, gives him lessons to make him wise, and otherwise guides him on best practices for honing his dark powers.

    • Optional NPC info?

    Luke Mitchell: Former bully, one of Calvin's best friends. Luke was an all-star jock that liked to pick on Calvin for being nerdy. He lost the use of his legs in a football game. Luke still loves sprots, but it's not as fun watching his former friends play while he sets on the sidelines in a wheelchair. He found himself gravitating more toward people like Calvin, who introduced him to nerdy culture. Luke has really warmed up to him and tries to make up for years of mistreatment. Even though he's in a wheelchair, he's still as strong as ever, and does what he can to protect his new friends.

    Rina Kokonoe: Best friend since childhood. Rina is a nerd just like Calvin, but she's also much more of a tomboy than he is. Her father owns a tai chi dojo. She wants to follow in his footsteps to give normies a way to protect themselves without needing superpowers. Rina and Calvin briefly tried dating before they realized that they were better off as friends. They've been through almost everything together and are as close as two people can be without being creepy.

    Yuxi Zheng: Calvin's older sister. Yuxi is a holistic doctor with a kind, patient, and curious heart. She wants to advance healthcare by studying alternative medicine. She operates her own clinic and provides services such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage, homeopathy, and naturopathy. Yuxi knows as much as Calvin knows about Earworm. She tries to help him without drawing too much attention to herself.

  10. spacer.pngCALVIN ZHENG AKA "Verse"


    HERO NAME: Verse
    REAL NAME: Calvin Zheng
    LOOK: Male, Asian, steely eyes, casual clothing, cheap costume.
    ABILITIES: Superhuman strength & speed, vitality absorption, memory manipulation.


    Earworm, a being trapped in an unsung song that slipped through the Tangee timequake. 


    +1 +2 +1 -1 0


        AFRAID -2 to Directly Engage a Threat
      ANGRY -2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask
      GUILTY -2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation
      HOPELESS -2 to Unleash Your Powers
      INSECURE -2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence



    • When did you first learn of your doom?

    Ever had a song stuck in your head? It's kinda like that... if the song was a supernova. You wanna scream the words as loud as you can before your brain explodes. Except you don't, cause you'd probably die while releasing some cosmic horror into the world. Yeah. It's kinda like that. I call it Earworm because it will not stop wiggling around in there.

    Look. I don't like talking about this because it sounds so dumb, like some X-Files episode from the 1800's, okay? I was just a normal kid. I snuck out of my bedroom after curfew one Thursday night because I needed a break from school. My parents wanted me to be a doctor, or a lawyer, but I just wanted to make manga. I was on my way to hang out with my friends, Luke and Rina, at the 24-hour diner. Next thing I know, I see an object in the sky, a bright light, and then I'm surrounded by Beaks.

    They must have got the wrong guy. I was just a normie. I didn't have any stupid powers. I barely got straight A's in school! If my mom found out about that one A-, she'd flip. I don't remember what they did, or if they even did anything. Hell, maybe I did something. All the sudden, I was back on the street, alone. I went to the diner. Everything was fine. Except, I started to understand things on a whole new level.

    These words just kept coming to me. I would see them everywhere, in everything. I couldn't stop thinking about them. One day, I was bored, I said one out loud... and that was a big mistake.

    Long story short: I think I was accidentally abducted and experimented on by Beaks. Now, I can understand things no one in their right mind should know. Earworm talks to me, keeps me safe, and makes me jacked with superpowers. I realize now that Earworm is probably just making sure I'm strong enough to say this damn song out loud in this horrible language. It feels like reality is coming undone in my mouth just thinking about it.

    • Where did you get your sanctuary?

    Earworm told me about it. I know, I know! I shouldn't listen to something I just told you was dangerous. You think it's so easy? Try it! Lemme know how that works out. Anyway... Earworm led me to a graveyard. Guess it crawled straight outta hell, huh? It's not like the city graveyard, it's some rando place in the woods. Filled with junk. It honestly looks like my room, if I was a crusty, old, zombie wizard. Books, scrolls, maps... Paper everywhere. All these weird offerings and artifacts in-between the tombstones. Sometimes inside of the graves. There's even a crypt that I haven't fully explored yet. I'm not that stupid.

    • Why do you oppose your nemesis?

    Oh, I dunno. Guess I don't want to DIE? Sorry, not sorry to disappoint, if you're a hater. Besides, who likes being told what to do? Not about that life. I'm not about to sing and dance just because I can't get a song out of my head. These are hard times, y'know? I don't wanna be the guy that couldn't keep it together. I don't wanna start the timequake, destroy everything and everyone I know. I mean, yeah, I'd die first, but I don't need that kinda grief. That's why I went to the sanctuary.

    It's like Weiss Ophidius, the main character of my manga, Gentle Darkening. Everything that ever happens in Duskveil is cursed. Every person, object, and place has at least one curse on them. Some people learn to use to use their advantage. I just gotta find a way to do that with mine. Otherwise, I'd just be a villain, right? Feels bad, man! I never asked for this crap.

    • Who, outside of the team, is crucial to defeating your nemesis?

    So, the sanctuary isn't all bad. I got my own Maiden in Gray! Y'know, like in those super hard Devil's Spirits games? She's my personal occult guide, power-up station, and guardian type. That's what I tell myself, anyway. She's bound to the sanctuary and knows everything about it and Earworm. I think she's some immortal crypt keeper who was supposed keep these dangerous toys buried... but here I am. Now, she helps me master my powers without getting too many black scrawls over my body. See? This one covers my left leg.

    Sometimes, I feel so powerful, like I could legit do anything! I tried it once when I was stupid, and this happened to me after. Gray says I gotta be more careful. This is like some binding contract that slowly gives control of my body to Earworm. Whoops! A few more of these, and I'm done for. My bad. Gray is usually monotone, but sometimes, I think she'd kill me for being dumb if she could get away with not triggering Earworm's endgame. She'll warm up to me, though. They always do.

    It's cool, though. With Gray being my Samwise Gamgee, I'll find a way to throw Earworm into Mount Doom. Wait... Do you think Gray's helping me because she wants to help Earworm instead!? Oh man... Now I gotta re-think my whole life!

    • Why does the team matter to you?

    Gotta justify everything I do now, huh? Gotta make sure I'm a good guy with good feelings? Whatever. I care about the team because they don't ask dumb questions. Just cause something evil is hitching a ride in my body, doesn't mean I'm evil, too. Of course I care about the team. They're my friends... they're the only ones who know what I'm going through. It's not like Luke and Rina. They're normies. I can't tell them about Earworm or get them wrapped up in super stuff. If I can't hang with a team... I gotta do this all on my own. I don't think I can.


    We paid a high cost for victory. When we fought Vultros, Calvin unleashed his first Doomsign (whether intentionally or not) and became wounded in a Doomed fit. The team helped him recover from an otherwise dangerous situation, but Vultros and the Beaks attempted to capture Calvin in his weakened state. Having witnessed Earworm's potential first hand, Max, the team's strongman, made a snap decision to prevent that from happening by sacrificing his vitality and getting captured instead. Calvin has survivors remorse.


    You told Ben all about your doom and the trouble you're in.

    Calvin sees a kindred spirit in Ben because they both have evil stigmas attached to their image (Calvin for Earworm, Ben for his dad). He opened up to Ben to make him know that he's not alone, and get some advice from him about how he deals with the bad rap.

    You'd love to kiss Temperance before your doom comes.

    Both Temperance and Calvin seem like geeks; they like video / card games. Neither of them asked for the responsibility of a hero, but they accepted it. They both have to deal with the loss of ancient societies (Noctis / The Grays). Calvin hopes they can go on a PG-13 date before he maybe sorta dies.

    These people matter for what you need to do. Give Influence to two of your Teammates: (Temperance and Charlie)

    Verse has Influence over...

    • Charlie
    • Temperance (2)

    Verse is Influenced by...

    • Temperance
    • Charlie


    You're doomed. Your powers may be killing you, or maybe you're hunted ruthlessly, or maybe you embody an apocalypse. But one way or another, your future is grim. What brings you closer to your doom?

    • Talking about it openly.
    • Facing danger alone.

    Whenever you bring your doom closer, mark one box on your doom track. 



    When your doom track fills, clear it and take one of your doomsigns.



    ◼️ Dark Visions: Mark your doom track to have a vision about the situation at hand. Afterward, ask the GM a question: they will answer it honestly.
     Infinite Powers: Mark your doom track to use any ability from any playbook, one time.
     Portal: Mark your doom track to appear in a scene with anyone you want.
     Burning Bright: Mark your doom track to ignore one of the GM's requirements when you call upon the resources of your sanctuary.
     Bolstered: Mark your doom track to use an Adult Move one time.
     Your Doom Arrives: confront it and perish.



    You have a place where you can rest, recover, and reflect upon your powers. Choose three features:

    ◼️ A library of valuable tomes.
    ◼️ A scattering of ancient relics.
    ◼️ An assistant or aide.

    Choose two downsides of your sanctuary:

    ◼️ Draws dangerous attention.
    ◼️ Tied intricately to your doom.

    When you call upon the resources of your sanctuary to solve a problem, say what you want to do. The GM will give you one to four conditions you must fulfill to complete your solution:

      First you must ____________.
      You'll need help from ____________.
      You and your team will risk danger from ____________.
      You'll have to obtain ____________.
      The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited.
      You'll need to mark one box on your doom track.


    • What kind of player are you?

    I'm a collaborator that tries to make sure everyone feels psychologically safe and empowered to have fun and tell great stories. I like a mix of intrigue, action, and drama.

    • Why are you excited for this game?

    I love the Powered by the Apocalypse system and most of the games under its umbrella. For MASKS specifically, I enjoy the idea of young heroes coming-of-age together. The Doomed playbook enables me to explore the "power at a price" theme. It's more about the consequences of having and wanting to use power, rather than being powerful in and of itself. How far are you willing to go to do what needs to be done? How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice for others?

    • What are your expectations for this game?

    To be challenged and confronted with choices that don't always lead to a happy outcome. Leaving the drama to the characters rather than the players. Teamwork in and out of the game. A good post cadence with understanding that life happens (and communication if it does).

    • Why do you think you would be a good fit for the game?

    I'm easy going, empathic, insightful, and creative. I'm invested in the narrative and everyone's well-being. I like to share the spotlight.

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