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  1. Yous must read The Summer Tree! All of yous must read The Summer Tree, The Wandering Fire and The Darkest Road. Do it now...
  2. And when do we get to do your baroque version of Yorkers?


    *mumbles something about it still being a travesty*

  3. I've actually had an account for like a year and a half, just never did anything with it untill recently.


    Also, hi.

  4. BWA? How did YOU get here? And how long have you BEEN here?


    ...I mean, hi!

  5. Well hello thar! Good to see you joining our ranks!
  6. HI THERE! I see that we somehow convinced you to join us! NE has informed me that he already thought of a game of ours you could join, which is awesome because it's the exact same one I was thinking of too, so yeah. Welcome!
  7. Hey, I posed this question to your male part, but I thought I'd bug you too.

    A) You should add me as a friend ;)

    B) You should help me! I have no idea what game to join, but I think it'd be fun to join something. Any ideas/suggestions?

  8. Oh well done, then!
  9. Ah, hey, glad you like it! Yeah, it's not from anything to my knowledge. Just something I came up with.
  10. Heya, Ryan! What does Kalhandre mean/where is it from/if you made it up, kudos?
  11. Hallo, sister o' mine! Just thought I would prove that I do indeed acknowledge your existence here. It is good to have you on the boards!
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