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  1. I'm sorry to hear there's been such a loss, Alex. Take the time you need.
  2. Maia - H: 140 / K: 70 Maia, definitely not wanting to be shot down on the spot, yips and scrambles for cover. She quickly comms to the rest of the group, <- "Three Seekers just above the ground! They're looking for something, take cover!" -> Her claws scramble over fallen metal and stone as she dives into the nearest hidey-hole, pulling her wings tight as to fit. Curling around, she faces the outside of the hole and deactivates her wing-leathers, hoping to seem as small and dark as she possibly can. Please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me .... OOC Maia will take cover in the nearest hole that fits and attempt to hide from the ground crew. Initiative roll to follow.  
  3. MAIA H: 140 / K: 70 Art by Perigrinecella   _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________   Words, words, words .... "Talking, talking, talking .... " <- "Talking via radio, radio, radio .... " -> Thinking, thinking, thinking ....
  4. @Eric It's still not showing for me. I've refreshed the page, made sure no extensions are interfering, etc. Maybe it's something to do with the lack of posts on my account?
  5. I don't have Google Authenticator, but I do have the second option switched on. Online settings are still not showing up for me.
  6.   I'm wondering that too. I've switched on one set so far.
  7.   I checked there, and so far all I see are options for security verification (Google Authenticator and Security Questions).
  8. Is there an option yet to hide one's online status, like there was on the old site?
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