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  1. Sorry my posting rate has slowed down, this week I'm in a class that I'm spending alot of time studying for. I should be back to my usual rate next week. Just in case any of you were wondering why I was taking a little longer .
  2. I keep track of it on my own but, putting it in your post helps other people maybe use there turns to render assistance.
  3. The Tunnel it is lets move.  Says Hamhock  as he gives one resounding nod to his fellows, well have to try and make quick work, I'm sure the overlord will crash down on us once he notices we are in his home.  Hamhock takes a torch from Cassie has her light it and says Follow me, as he heads down the tunnel.  In his head he is thinking  some dwarves,  a young squire and a Halfling vs the might of the overlord. And an orc, maybe.  It matters not, Well win the day and stop him.   "I know the overlord's armies are vast but I'm sure if we don't give up and travel on we can do this."   Confirming Interest I'm going to start making my posts about every two days, Im just confirming who is still playing if you are, Lets continue on. At some point well find more players at a good point but lets do this. The story is very free form right now so feel free to write anything you want.  I'am going to maybe do an attack on you guys so we can see combat as well.    
  4. The building trembles from the battle,  Furnace you can hear or feel Maxmillion trying to get your attention.   " Hey!,  stop for a sec,"  Mars explains that. Cyber Knight has cut him off from his own tech, so he has put it on the people in the building to give them some protection. Maxmillion also explains that the energy that powers the tech is limited you don't have long I imagine before the battery dies.   Mars would also tell you to go help the others.  He is going to head to one of his safe rooms.   Heroes and Villains are duking it out all over the campus of the building as you would all look up your all in different places on the Marstech Campus. In the destroyed remains of the Mars office,  Cannon and Erasiu  are fighting each other.  Cannon is teleporting around Erasiu as he releases sonic cannons from his fore arms. As the two of you are fighting he is talking to you. " Just another poor SOB, these corporations don't know how to stop!!! They promise you everything but in the end your body is just a Brain bucket",   ERASIU you'd get the feeling that he is talking more about himself than you.    Lab Rat Time Master flickers before he is walking behind you " That hurt you ignaramus,  as he shakes his hand,  He then checks his belt,  " my tech accounts for all angles,  through trial and error I know exactly what I can get away with, besides you should be helping us!   It'd be very easy for me to go back in time and stop you from ever becoming a monster?  says Time Master with an evil smile. Gigantor is looking, through various windows looking for Maxmillion Mars, " he Bellows that he can't find him, as his huge hand tears into a wall like a jenga piece to look deeper into the building.   Cyber Knight is looking at her tech pad, he has changed his tech signature. Says Cyber knight, she shifts through her visor.  "Smart boy putting your tech on everyone youve made a Screen but, you didn't account for my suit being able to tell the difference. " Cyber Knight gives Gigantor exact instructions on Maxmillion Mars's locations " he is heading for a Safe Room!!!"   Stygia your spectral Minions begin to chase after INk but being made out of liquid it is easier said than done as the Ghosts chase Ink.   " Cyber Knight, you didn't say they have magic!?" The Building shakes a second time. structural integrity loss by 10%    Show this You have 9 rounds left this was round 1 and round 2 is starting   3-Green 4-Yellow 3-Red Ink drops to a D8 Other Villains are d10 Gigantor has a Health pool.  
  5. Minions when hit will roll there die against the damage if they fail they die If they succeed there save they live and drop a die size. Lieutenants when hit will roll  there die against the damage if they fail the drop a die size if they succeed they don't drop a size at all.
  6. Yeah that is my bad, i forgot how low you were I shouldve waited for you to get a minion out before I did my turn. But you have very strong red powers. yeah you can heal yourself and then put the damage on Minions with your reaction.  Also you have resurection in case you do drop.
  7. Cyber Knight flying in the sky, the camera feed on her helmet sending her lots of data.  Mainly she is in the extensive camera system at mars tech, It would be difficult for a pro hacker but Squire her Ai assistant makes easy work of the buildings defences, Mar's personal protection seems to be quite superior,  As Cyber Knight and Squire work, she eventually finds a way in,  On Coms she is getting ready to order  her team to Take Mars, but as soon as his personal protection is taken down, he is gone, With no evidence that he had been there.  Cyber Knight scans information,  before activating her com link with the others. " We have an Unknown on the field, my info says there are two people here were not tracking, Gigantor bring it down" Gigantor from outside the building nods, as he sends a fist the size of an automobile hurtling through the office building, as it tears apart walls and destroys almost one whole level of the large building you all are standing in.  As his fist hurtles through you would all notice Maxmillion Mars's personal shield tech, activates on the waiters and support staff who are almost caught in the attack. Cyber Knight sees this and says.  "Maxmillian's tech  he has it focused on his employees,  find him now!" Pic of Mars tech campus and the villain's location   Show this Gigantor deals 7 damage to everybody but  Furnace since he has left the room with Maxmillian Mars.  
  8. With a full blown battle happening,  Her Cyber Shield floats between ERASIU's attack and the group of Villains, as a Hardlight shield appears and blocks the shots. Cyber Knight quickly takes command of her side.  "Cannon blast a hole in that window so Gigantor can move, I don't want him fighting in here.  Gigantor get outside and be a distraction, Ink and I will focus on Maxmillian Mars retrieval.   Cannon deal with the bot"     As the lasers hit Cannon he chuckles the lasers energy is being disseminated and stored in his own battery.   It's nice to see the latest model says Cannon ,  As he reveals under his lip a product code.  To bad I know everything you can do, before even you do, says Cannon as he points the palm of his hand at the window, a sonic energy pulse goes out and the window shatters.  Cannon smiles wickedly at Captain Robot, hey this one is Mine!! he yells to the others, none of them acknowledge his comment but there notice of you drops significantly.   Gigantor drops from the window, as his body begins to grow larger his skin is shifting as he begins to grow large patches of hair quickly as he grows into an almost 150-foot large Gorilla.  He beats his chest, in defiance.  Cyber Knight flies by the Gorilla and says don't grow any larger, we need you to maintain control !!" Gigantor Nods before he begins to wind up one large Monkey sized FIST. Ink slides around the bottom of the floor of the room making his way to Maxmillion mars as he gets close to Stygia he explodes like paint hitting concrete and, turns himself into a whirling black ball of hardened Inky Blades like razors as he moves toward her. The last member of their team turns to face Lab Rat, I see you do quite well for yourself in the future I wonder if that's true for the PAST as Time bends around you Labrat you scream before you wind up in  Transylvania in the 1800s , over the course of 2 months you are running and hiding from the citizens of Transylvania as they form multiple mobs with fire and pitchfork to get you, at one point you even team up with Van Helsing and  fight Dracula it all takes place in a moment, during this excursion that you, at the time don't know it but you have a run in with Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley, The writer of Frankenstein the book is never written and instead she writes about a large Rat monster in Transylvania, This has long term effects for the Horror genre,  Labrat would land in a slump not far from Time master on your return trip sort of like reverse Amnesia you remember everything that happened before you left for 2 months in time.,  I wonder when you'll end up next he gives a very weird laugh before fiddling with his time belt. Cyber Knight as she is flying around outside will be trying to hack into Maxmillion Mars's tech. Maxmillian Mars looks upset but not scared at all.   What happend The Villains are all just doing attacks. Time Master Hits Lab Rat for 5 Damage Cyber Knight is overcoming Mar's  Tech Ink is attacking Stygia for 8 Damage  
  9. Homelander didn't replace the mall he in fact moved it to a land fill somewhere,   The city is turning that plot into a park
  10. As furnace you leave to look around  Temporal Portal tears itslef into the meeting.   Music starts to come out of the background and all around you.  As individuals begin to  Pull themself free. The Cyber Knight,  A  woman wearing an advanced suit of armor, She is wielding a Lance as a Shield  with like jet packs fly around her. She looks supremely serious as she looks at the party in the reception area.  Behind her is a second man he is dressed in a track suit on the back of the track suit it says Cannon with a Target Reticle as his symbol, he gives you all a pretty mean mug, as he steps in line behind cyber knight. " I thought you said no one was going to be here?"  asks the man as he clearly sees the heroes and Maxmillion mars standing together. Across the room.  A man dressed in military fatigues and standing like a giant about 8ft tall with a 5 o clock shadows from not shaving steps in behind the two of them.   He looks very unimpressed with everyone in the room. " Even the Boss can't account for everything all he said was, the Campus is empty and Mars is there this is a good time to ask the Boss's questions.   Cyber Knight tells them to shut up! The fourth to slide into the room is a creature that seems to be made of Black ink, it smells to high heaven, Everything this black ink touches is stained, Its talk comes out like a loud Raspy whisper,  FOOLS that's the EMerald City Monsters !!! They are Heroes,  we should kill them, while we have the chaannnnncee..  Says the black liquid from on the ground.  Finally stepping from the portal is a weird looking older man who is wearing a top hat and colorful clothing  like its from the 70s but he is wearing a cape and cowl like  he was walking around Victorian England. " Cyber Knight time displacement was succesful travel, the syncrospics are good, I believe that this is... The man stops when he hears mention of Heroes.    As the  5 of them stand across the Room from the Heroes the situation gets tense, they know your heroes and from there conversation they are clearly super villains.    Maxmillion Mars ever the Diplomat attempts to get ahead of this. As he moves toward them .  Cyber Knight orders her team to take Mars!!!     The man in the Track suit explodes in a small blue cloud, before teleporting next to  Mars but as he attempts to lay hands on him.  some sort of energy pushes him off of Mars. Cyber Knight looks at the Heroes scanning them before saying. " stay our of this....." you don't want any part of this.  
  11. Maxmillian Mars Smiles, I'm glad you all are for it.  Mars waves his hand, and a presentation shows the locations of the Freedom League a team devoted to helping the world.  and the Freedom Five a team also invested in the world but. a team that is meant for more US govt. focused.   Both teams are on the east coast, Newyork and Washington DC respectfully, they work closely with one another to the point they are easily mistaken for one another.  While I'm sure if some world ending threat arrived here in emerald city, I'm sure they would come but, there are certain perks having your own separate team in the city, especially one like Emerald City.  I just want to make it clear for those of you still on the wall deciding, I want you to know, I truly want the best for this city.   If you let me, I want to help you as much as I can.  Mars Tech has considerable resources that.... (Mars explains the many assets he can bring to the table if you let him fund the team.) Captain Robot and  Lab Rat you get text messages from Swarm on the communicators.  "Don't trust Max" is all he say's as you finish reading the communication.   The bars on your com devices start to go down.  The lights in the large room start to dim. Maxmillian looks up confused.    
  12. The lights grow dim in the room about 5 min after everyone arrives. you can hear cameras hum to lifes as, a large Hologram appears in crystal clear realism, though a little brighter and more colorful because of the room.  One window is left open for the dragon. Welcome to  when we first arrived, Emerald City went through a long economic slump as the local paper and forestry industries cut back on their operations and closed mills, while at the same time the fishing industry declined. Emerald City’s white knight appeared in the form of Maximilian Mars, the founder and CEO of MarsTech, which set up shop on the outskirts of Emerald City, where office and industrial space was relatively cheap.  Mars turned a “garage industry” of personal computers, software, and peripheral devices into a multi-billion dollar corporation and one of Emerald City’s largest employers. The success of MarsTech attracted other high-tech businesses to the area and they, in turn, brought in businesses to serve the needs of their growing number of employees: highly educated, skilled, and typically well paid. Ever since the success of MarsTech, Max Mars has been a fixture of Emerald City civic life, supporting local causes and giving generously to charity. His company has provided resources for schools, libraries, and civic centers, and everyone says Mars would be a sure bet for mayor, if he ever decided to give up that much power and prestige! Like the rest of the country, the tech-sector in Emerald City saw tremendous growth in the last part of the 20th century with the boom in Internet-related businesses and startups, followed by the bursting of the Internet bubble and the collapse of a great many of those same startups. MarsTech endured, too large to fall victim to such shifts in the market, and well positioned to buy up some of those failing companies to expand its portfolio. In more recent years, with the growth of mobile computing technology, tech is on the rise in Emerald City once more, and MarsTech is blazing the way. The lights come back on, as the Receptionist leads you to a Premium executive elevator,  Furnace you'd hear what sounds like an automatic Garage, you see a large window opening, that leads into a huge Reception area,  with plenty of space for you to be comfortably inside.  There are about 5 Mars Tech catering staff cooking food and preparing drinks for any one that is interested in that. Famous Chef Taka Nowi  who is a highly rated chef, who runs one of the most popular restaurant's and night clubs in the city.  In the Back of the reception area there are two large doors, they would open in a some what slow but regal way to reveal the man himself Maxmillian Mars. "Welcome to Marstech Maxmillian says, as he sees you all.  I'm sure your going to have alot of questions, and there'll be plenty of time to answer everything. Says Mars, but First I have to ask, Have you all considered, forming a New Freedom League?" The Freedom League for those who have lived under a rock are the Justice league, they are the cream of the super hero crop, defending earth from all manner of Threats and have saved the world from the brink of destruction, they defeated a cosmic ender of reality.    
  13. Sir Hamhock grits his teeth before stepping down from the cave mouth, he lets out a whistle to get everyone's attention. He would gather the fellowship around a some what flat stalagmite.  He pulls out the map you have all been making since you arrived. and lays it out.  You all know why we are here, to gather information and return The gold Knights Sword.  Hamhock places a gold piece on the table to represent the party.  We need a plan to assault the castle without one would be madness.   The way I see it we have maybe 3 options we could go in from above or below, as Hamhock hooks a thumb to the tunnel in the back of the Cave.   Seeing as we have some Orks in our Party perhaps They might know something, that can get us in"  Szarka you'd get the sense of a little resentment . There are no bad idea's or plans.  Says Hamhock Finally as he looks at the fellowship, seeing as I have the compass right now tell me your plans and Ill  pick one.  
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