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  1. Invites have been sent out. It took me longer than I thought it would to look through everyone.
  2. Tomorrow, the 20th, is the last day to get an application in. Sheet doesn't have to be fully complete but the concept should be. As a side note I have a friend from my live game joining. She is locked out until they sync the sites again so will probably be joining after game start. This does not affect applicants. She said she will pick race/class after I have chosen the other players so that she doesn't step on any toes.
  3.   11/20 is when I had the advertisement marked. 11/21 will probably be the day unless the date comes around and a lot of people are still working on their character.      Usually in those cases I allow taking a feat in the same category. In this case a combat feat.     @EDTA - Knacks are fine. I just didn't want champion classes/archetypes that freely give access to both power and might with no restraint, other than the amount talents one has. I've allowed them in my live games before and those particular players seemed to outshine the others. That could have been the players themselves (more experienced, more of a minmaxer, etc) but I thought it better to just leave them out.  
  4. @Ryfte -  1. Sure. Flight isn't actually all too hard to counter if it becomes an issue, and not always even feasible (underground or indoors). 2. Feats allowed if you meet the requirements, but Vestigial Wings alternate racial would not count as the feat of the same name.   @madMonk - Ability Focus is fine, though it wouldn't be (Hex) as in applying to all hexes you have. You would have to choose a specific Hex for the feat to apply to. Advanced Talents can be used.  
  5. @Ryfte  1: Monkey Goblin would be fine. 2: Non-human tieflings are just as common so I don't see why you couldn't. Other than the difference between a small and medium race there are no stat differences. The variant heritages are allowed. 3: Hard to say. PBP is pretty slow. I would like to get as far as possible for as long as there is interest.  4: There is about zero sailing/aquatic/seafaring involved, other than the fact that you were on board a ship just prior to game start. I would read the player's guide if you haven't already. You are on the island for only the first book of the adventure, about level 1-4.
  6. @Toptomcat - Combat Talents gained via class options or by consuming feats are fine. It's more the actual champion classes and archetypes that turn other classes into champions that aren't being allowed. I think most, if not all, champion options have a bright green title.
  7.   I'm okay with Oaths, though I would say no more than two at start.     @Llyarden - I am okay with the Ultimate Kineticist Compendium. I haven't read the whole thing but do have access to it.
  8.   Yes, drawbacks are fine.     The animal companion itself taking SoM feats I am fine with.      I am usually open to 3rd-party materials that I am familiar with. What were you looking at specifically?
  9.   That would be fine.     Do you have a specific example? Typically from what I have seen SoP classes use the creation sphere for companions and the SoM classes use the beastmastery sphere. 
  10.   No pre-game crafting at level one. Gold is your choice but you can't go changing your mind after you roll.
  11.   It is in addition to, not instead of. I'm relatively familiar with the rules and a few of my players from the in-person games enjoy using them, so I thought I would allow it here.
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