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Everything posted by Senkusha

  1. As somebody who really gets into writing, I've found that I favor the first person perspective when writing. My gaming is no exception, as I like to really get into my character's head and body. I've found that it helps with generating character action that other players can latch onto. What are your thoughts on writing in this perspective? Also, which Point of View do you prefer when gaming PbP?
  2. I recently stumbled onto the Game Master's Apprentice, which is a deck of cards filled with random bits of information.... die rolls, character names, senses detected in a scene, random encounters, etc. Has anybody used anything like this to help them in a PbP environment?
  3. I'm sure we've all had that favorite character that was blast to play. Who what he/she? For me, I had a ton of fun with a ShadowRun character. Hikari was an uncouth unholy terror who suffered from Neoteny and had bi-polar disorder. She loved her heavy weapons and stalked the crappier parts of Seattle looking for "fun" (people to terrorize). She also had an obsession with leaving her "signature" card (a rainbow business card) behind at every "run" she participated in. I'd love to bring her back, she was so much fun!
  4. Yes! I believe we have chatted on Discord. Thank you for the warm welcome!
  5. Thank you! I'm looking at the Without Number series of games you've suggested. Looks pretty interesting! I may be up to running a game eventually, but I'm looking for a punky galactic setting, I guess I haven't decided between cyberpunk and space opera. LOL. I'd like to get my feet wet as a player before attempting to Master a game though. :)
  6. Good Afternoon! I'm following up from a Facebook thread to try a place for forum based gaming, so I thought I'd give Myth Weavers a try! I've been a GM for a number of years, and have successfully a few anime based games. However, I'm looking to try other gaming systems that work well with a modern or science fiction setting. I specifically play as anime characters (I do like creating my own characters as well), but, I still prefer to stay within the anime tropes. Um, My favorite systems so far are Shadow Run (4e) and Big Eyes Small Mouth (2, 3, and [hopefully] 4e). So, anyway, um, Hi!
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