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  1. George George continues his mobile combat, taking a 5' step but staying engaged to keep up his defenses, he was narrowly missed by the last attack, these foes aren't to be underestimated. Vital statistics AC 24(21 +1 haste +2 outslug weave) FF 19 Tch 18, HP: 58/58, Saves: 7/6/5 Conditions: Haste: +1 ac, reflex saves and attack, +30' movement speed. Sickened: -2 to attack, damage, saves, as well as ability and skill checks
  2. George Feeling sickened from the stench George steps away from his felled opponent and further in-line to the undead staring at Yuki. He attempts to fight through his sickness and attacks. Stats %5BURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2896187%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DGeorge%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AMale%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20Haste%3A%20%2B1%20ac%2C%20reflex%20saves%20and%20attack%2C%20%2B30'%20movement%20speed.%0ASickened%3A%20-2%20to%20attack%2C%20damage%2C%20saves%2C%20as%20well%20as%20ability%20and%20skill%20checks%20%20 Male LG Human Brawler(Hinyasi/Steel-Breaker), Level 6, Init 3, HP 58/58, Speed AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, CMD 24, Fort 9, Ref 8, Will 7, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 6 Too Rusty (Pitchfork) (5s?) 15 (1d8+6, ) Safety in Reach (10' pole) (5s) 15 (1d8+6, ) Leather Lamellar Armor +1 (1060) (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect) Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Condition Haste: +1 ac, reflex saves and attack, +30' movement speed. Sickened: -2 to attack, damage, saves, as well as ability and skill checks
  3. %5BURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2896187%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DGeorge%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AMale%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20Haste%3A%20%2B1%20ac%2C%20reflex%20saves%20and%20attack%2C%20%2B30'%20movement%20speed.%20 Male LG Human Brawler(Hinyasi/Steel-Breaker), Level 6, Init 3, HP 58/58, Speed AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, CMD 24, Fort 9, Ref 8, Will 7, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 6 Too Rusty (Pitchfork) (5s?) 15 (1d8+6, ) Safety in Reach (10' pole) (5s) 15 (1d8+6, ) Leather Lamellar Armor +1 (1060) (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect) Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Condition Haste: +1 ac, reflex saves and attack, +30' movement speed. Seeing the enemy engaging Yuki George will 5'step to put them and his current enemy in reach. Starting with the suave speaker he'll unleash a pitched fury of forking attacks, 2 for each target in range. Actions taken Swift action: use martial flexibility to pick up feat. Full-round action: 5' step and use brawlers flurry to get three attacks +1 from haste. Rule variationsNot sure about how to handle my accuracy. Brawlers flurry gives me two-weapon fighting with any weapon I wield as long as it's part of close weapon group (improvised are in that due to hinyasi class features) but nothing changes rules on light weapon in off hand. Monk flurry would be at -2/-2 but Rules as Written I think I have to deal with -4/-4, I'll roll with the worst option and let you make a ruling here. First attack on 1 Second attack 1 First attack 3a Second attack 3a
  4. George Suddenly empowered George will move to protect the others. Seeing the enemy attacking Mizzi he moves to engage them first. If possible, moving so that other enemies would have to endanger themselves to move past him. With haste: AC:22, 60' speed, +9 reflex saves %5BURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2896187%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DGeorge%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AMale%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20Haste%3A%20%2B1%20ac%2C%20reflex%20saves%20and%20attack%2C%20%2B30'%20movement%20speed. Male LG Human Brawler(Hinyasi/Steel-Breaker), Level 6, Init 3, HP 58/58, Speed AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, CMD 24, Fort 9, Ref 8, Will 7, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 6 Too Rusty (Pitchfork) (5s?) 15 (1d8+6, ) Safety in Reach (10' pole) (5s) 15 (1d8+6, ) Leather Lamellar Armor +1 (1060) (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect) Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Condition Haste: +1 ac, reflex saves and attack, +30' movement speed. Power attack on 1Free Hamstring if hit Power AoO(if needed)
  5. George Sitting by the fire George was enjoying the simple pleasure of a rest and being just a bit cozy. He and a couple others had been playing a game of cards. Unsurprisingly, then, someone interrupted. George is kind to others but it's been days since he had a good scrap. "it's about time" George grabs his pitchfork, hefts it and looks at the lone invader, "I hope you brought friends" then considers his words again "allies?" looking around he continues in a less confident tone: "I hope there's more of you." Stats URL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2896187%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DGeorg%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AMale%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20None%20 URL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2896187%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DGeorg%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AMale%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20None%20 %5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DGeorg%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AMale%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20None%20 URL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2896187%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DGeorg%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%0AMale%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20None%20 URL=http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2896187]Georg Male LG Human Brawler(Hinyasi/Steel-Breaker), Level 6, Init 3, HP 58/58, Speed AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, CMD 24, Fort 9, Ref 8, Will 7, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 6 Too Rusty (Pitchfork) (5s?) 15 (1d8+6, ) Safety in Reach (10' pole) (5s) 15 (1d8+6, ) Leather Lamellar Armor +1 (1060) (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect) Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Condition None Initiative
  6. George Taking a few moments to weigh Rands words, and take a couple sips, George responds. "According to our priests nature doesn't make the undead, but my problem with ghouls is simple." "They're like people, they once were people, but while they still have the memories and capabilities they once did, they no longer are capable of acting as friends or family." Thinking on it a bit George tells a story: "Down south I was hired as a guard and we passed a property being attacked, we intervened of course to discover the ghastly scene. The monsters had killed 2 before they were noticed and managed another 3 before we arrived. We were able to help prevent much further casualties but lost one of our own as well. On asking how they got past the guard, we learned the ghouls were led by the owners third son, an adventurer who'd been missing. It led the assault on a target it knew, against it's own." going quieter and holding tighter to the water skin George continues, "We later had to put down Bertrand, he's already died, but, well, ghouls... I suppose it's not ghouls I hate, it's knowing that could be me, I could be a danger to my loved ones and my community, and I wouldn't even be me enough to care. I'll happily take death given that choice".
  7. George After being initially spooked, George helped where he could during the event, and helped Nyll up to access the loft space. Upon them finding the other dead he helps bring them to Rand who appears to be performing burial rights. George works soundlessly out of respect for the dead, taking note of the loot but doing the more important task first (besides, the boots look nice but otherwise not for him) George will look around outside to use some of the extra energy, and, honestly, keep an eye out for ghouls. offering up a prayer to Erastil, George returns to a vigil, a quiet, "I really hate ghouls" being stated. When everyone's ready to head out George will be thankful, this was good shelter, but ghosts mean it's time to move along.
  8. Howdy all, if you can't tell by periodic formatting issues I'm pretty new to myth weavers so constructive criticism is welcome! I, also, wasted my first nat 20, but perception always eats a decent percentage of those 😊.
  9. George pulls out some rations for dinner before looking at his hand and remembering the new ring, then turns to Mizzi "These rings sustain us, right? well, how does that work? If I eat a full meal and am also being sustained do I need to worry about... blockage? Do I even need to worry about eating?" to the rest of the party George suggests "We've got 8 by my count, how does everyone feel about 3 watches? I'll volunteer for first watch, no sure I could sleep yet anyways and second gets the bulk because it's the worst time to be surprised?" Potential Watch Order: 1st watch: George, Mizzi, Aiden 2nd watch: Nyll, Tanith, Baran 3rd watch: Yuki, Rand Stats %5BURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2896187%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DGeorg%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AMale%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20None%20 Male LG Human Brawler(Hinyasi/Steel-Breaker), Level 6, Init 3, HP 58/58, Speed AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, CMD 24, Fort 9, Ref 8, Will 7, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 6 Too Rusty (Pitchfork) (5s?) 15 (1d8+6, ) Safety in Reach (10' pole) (5s) 15 (1d8+6, ) Leather Lamellar Armor +1 (1060) (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect) Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Condition None
  10. George George was very surprised by the fireball, and joined Baran in his vigil, with no interest in the current loot. Still, listening to the others has distracted him temporarily from the desolation of their surroundings. He wasn't sure what worshippers of the drunken god would have to offer, but entertainment might as well be gold out here. He smiles at their antics as he assists with establishing shelter, trying to maintain some watch all the while. (perception Perception
  11. George walks around largely in his own head. This was once beautiful land, cultivated and worked by his family and many others. To see it this desolate is a painful reminder of the failures of leadership and the terrors of the undead and fiends. As he goes he keeps an eye peeled, standing close to the front of the main party, both keeping Nyll in view and checking to see if anything gets too close. To Tanith, "No worries, we'll get plenty to kill, Unfortunately, this land won't be healed by more death if it can ever be healed at all." Periodically, when the party rests, George will pull a goblet out along with a couple of seeds and try planting and watering them. Not very hopeful for success but the land won't regrow without at least a little bit of help. George is almost surprised when Mizzi pipes up, pulling him out of his musings, it seems especially loud with the absolute silence of their terrain. He nods along with Tanith and Baran and when he speaks it's quieter than it usually would be "Any shelter is probably fine, whether it be haunts, scavengers or ambushers I suspect there to be trouble around any corner we look out here". In response to the continued talk of ghosts, he says a bit louder "In my experience my old pitchfork can find purchase in just about anything, corporeality be damned". He swings his pitchfork about a bit as if showing it, and his prowess, off. Stats %5BURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2896187%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DGeorg%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AMale%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20None%20 Male LG Human Brawler(Hinyasi/Steel-Breaker), Level 6, Init 3, HP 58/58, Speed AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, CMD 24, Fort 9, Ref 8, Will 7, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 6 Too Rusty (Pitchfork) (5s?) 15 (1d8+6, ) Safety in Reach (10' pole) (5s) 15 (1d8+6, ) Leather Lamellar Armor +1 (1060) (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect) Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Condition None
  12. George Stats Male%20LG%20Human%20Brawler(Hinyasi%2FSteel-Breaker)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%203%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2058%2F58%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%20%20%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2021%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2017%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2024%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%209%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%208%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%207%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B11%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%206%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Too%20Rusty%20(Pitchfork)%20(5s%3F)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Safety%20in%20Reach%20(10'%20pole)%20(5s)%20%5B%2FB%5D%2015%20(1d8%2B6%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5D%20%20Leather%20Lamellar%20Armor%20%2B1%20(1060)%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B5%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex%2C%20%2B1%20Natural%2C%20%2B1%20Deflect)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2016%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2016%2C%20Int%2010%2C%20Wis%2014%2C%20Cha%208%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20None%20 Male LG Human Brawler(Hinyasi/Steel-Breaker), Level 6, Init 3, HP 58/58, Speed AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, CMD 24, Fort 9, Ref 8, Will 7, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 6 Too Rusty (Pitchfork) (5s?) 15 (1d8+6, ) Safety in Reach (10' pole) (5s) 15 (1d8+6, ) Leather Lamellar Armor +1 (1060) (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect) Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Condition None George can't help but snort at Baran's crude humor. "It sounds like we don't really have a best approach yet, but we have options". Acknowledging Rand he continues "I like the sewer plan, a lot harder to be surrounded and with bait we might manage an ambush". To Nyll "Agreed that we can't know the best path yet, probably best to ensure we're as prepared as possible and get moving, this is a race after all". With that he starts looking through his pack to make sure he has his climbing gear and general items prepared. "The ruined area might be worth taking a look at as well, depending on how it got ruined there might be some access options, even if treacherous".
  13. George George is a relatively unassuming man, his appearance is well-worn yet mostly hygienic. George has been content to remain while the others deliberate on approach, it sounds like he has a fairly competent group to work with this time around, and even someone who might be able to heal. Upon Mizzi's entrance however George stands at attention to give her appropriate respect. Upon receipt of a ring that will sustain him his eyebrows raise and he has a hint of a smile "I had worried we'd need to learn how demons taste, this will be of great assistance". To the captain he asks "If you know which route puts the least demons and undead in our path I'll be for that one. Pitting our enemies against each other sounds great, but I think kicking the nest might be better after stealth fails"
  14. I was always un-sure about feat retraining rules, but it appears you're correct, feels weird to replace a level 5 feat slot with a level 6 feat but it's well within the rules and benefits me more. Thanks for the help!
  15. Correcting now, I simply hadn't noticed that lunge had a BAB 6 pre-req... I don't get a free feat retraining again until 8 (unless there's something else that gives me that) so will replace lunge/outslug weave with other, appropriate feats that I'd been wanting. Martials always need more feats. I've added prices for equipment and will flesh out mundane gear now, I'm glad you liked the concept :) I greatly enjoyed the idea of playing off their need to sort through every bumpkin with a pitchfork.
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