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  1. Really hoping on this one. Couldn't quite get the spoons together to finish my character for the last game.
  2. I'm still trying to get used to it as well. Sometimes it feels like a version of microsoft word that hates me more.
  3. I was considering martial initiator but the ability to have one of my spheres concepts was too tempting  
  4. All these people wanting to change builds and I'm just glad to get mine done, lol.
  5. If you check the "caster" box on the experimental PF1e sheet, it'll give you a page of lines for a spell list. Its usually how i deal with spheres characters.
  6. So with the watch spread thin, would it be reasonable for there a 'mob' presence? Basically running practical protection rackets in their territories? Also, what kind of tone are you looking for with this game?
  7. Will there likely be enough time/resources to craft items in game or would that likely not be a wise choice?
  8. Eh, i wasn't gonna touch combos anyway so we good now. 
  9. Oh ok, so if i take recipe expert, i just don't get to play with combos, that's completely fine then
  10. Ok so let me get this straight, spherecasters have to use one of the traditions provided, but all three of which provide brutal restrictions on casting time?
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