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  1. Steve Harwell, lead singer of Smash Mouth has passed at 56 Looks like the world finally rolled him
  2. The Brotherhood set up a small semi-circle, putting the party between themselves and the infernal canines. Zhon would motion for any non-combatants to hurry behind their protective wall as all of them readied to be a last line of defense.   Wyn, let out a sigh as the canine's mind was able to ward off her power. Still holding her sword in her right hand, her left came up to grasp the badge she wore around her neck. She whispered Valor as a hint of magic began to carry in her voice. She needn't have spoken, but she used that as a focus to begin her performance. She took a deep breath, then as loudly and boldly as she could, she shouted, "I am amongst you at this time, not for my recreation nor sport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all; to lay down, for my God, and for my people, my honor, my blood, my life." Her words seemed to carry power as she performed her oration.   Mechanics Immediate action: Activate Badge of Valor, increasing the bonus for Inspire Courage by an additional +1 Standard Action: Activate Inspire Courage, boosted by Badge of Valor; An affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. Allies include all party members, The Brotherhood, and all non-combatants that have traveled with us  
  3. Was just coming to do that one Remember to have your pet spayed or neutered
  4. I make a damned good chili In fact, I need to put that on the menu again week after next.
  5. Mirowyn had been distracted by the Brotherhood, and had missed the initial commotion with the infernal dogs. Finally coming to notice the scene before her, she focused herself on the situation. One of the canines appeared to at least be interested in the Tiefling's attempts to calm it, while the other was taking a much more feral approach. That made things easier, she knew which one to target. She took a deep breath as she drew her Longsword. She then shouted over her shoulder, "Ware the dogs, guard our backs!"   She then closed her eyes and let her mind briefly enter a separate place. She peered with her mind's eye through the astral seeking the seed that was the infernal canine's mind. Once she found it, it was as if a soft thud impacted from the canine's mind. Whether it worked or not, she glared eye to eye with the devilish creature, and very firmly commanded, "Sit."   Mechanics Move Action: Draw Weapon Standard Action: Spend 3PP, manifest Psionic Charm, enhanced to effect  animal, fey, giant, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid. DC 16 Will save negates  
  6. the no potatoes is a medical thing. I ended up having to cook 5 different main dishes to cover everyone. I'm off to bed now
  7. It'll be Thursday or Friday before I'm in a mindset to post again. We've got a full hall of 50 guests tonight till Thursday morning 2 are Vegetarians 1 has Celiacs 1 is deathly allergic to onions and 2 can't eat potatoes.   It's been taking me an hour and a half, to 2 and a half hours extra per meal to sort all that out
  8. Mirowyn nodded to Viktor with a faint smile that seemed a facade to hide her own revulsion over the situation, than one worn genuinely. "Your concern is noted good ser, but danger has been my only constant companion for nearly as long as I can remember. Some call me Mirowyn, I prefer Wyn." She offered her right hand, not even attempting to hide the signet ring she wore, almost as if wearing it in mockery. , she said, speaking the Infernal tongue in more of a hush than she would a more common language. She tried to choose her words carefully enough to sound more like an extended clearing of her throat, than the language of the Hells. She'd been about to add more when the proclaimed mother made her open pleas for help. The mention of angels, along with this demon walking so openly, Wyn was bright enough to see some presumed connection, that others would likely use to blame an individual with or without cause. The demonkin seemed to be genuinely interested in helping, Wyn would see to it that someone would advocate for the demonkin should it be necessary. She finally turned her attention to the mother, as Red and Zhon started brawling amongst themselves in the Brotherhood's dark corner of the tavern. Tom simply let out a sigh, while Poppy cashed in on some bet with Eruk, and giggled all the while. Wyn took a deep breath before composing herself to ask a question. The Brotherhood could certainly be trying at times, but despite their many flaws, they were decent people and she could count on them to always do the right thing if nothing else. Finally, she let out her deep breath to ask Aisha, "Did she say who the angels claimed were watching her? Can you tell us anything of her nightmares beyond her being abducted within them?"
  9. Oh, I can tell you stories. I have a pretty cushy job, as far as being a chef goes. It just sucks those few weeks out of the year when we're booked solid and I'm still the only chef.
  10. Just wanted to say my week has been hellish. (6-day a week schedule, roughly 6-9 hours per day) We've been booked solid, which means I'm cooking for 45-60 per night.   Wasn't ignoring your post Laz, it just hit at the same time I was posting mine
  11. The melancholy of the tavern was apparent in all but one corner, where a young woman, openly wearing a signet ring of House Hillmont, sat with a rather ragtag bunch including 3 other humans (2 male, one female), an elf, a dwarf, and a gnome. Most in the tavern were giving the dwarf a wide berth, as the smell coming off of him was more akin to an Otyugh's toilet than anything a humanoid could produce. The rest of the group around the dwarf seemed completely unphased, or uninterested, as they went about with their usual levity and atmosphere, despite the mood around them. The young woman bearing the ring was the only one that seemed lost in the atmosphere of the tavern, more than the party that her companions seemed to be having. As new arrivals entered, or came down stairs, she would let her eyes wander to each in turn. First her attention was grabbed by the foresty looking woman who had ordered hot water. Hearing her mention Lefia, the woman's eyes went to her companions. They had all come from Lefia as well, following her. She had no idea why any of them followed, well, except for Zhon. Zhon had known her the longest of anyone. Some of her first memories were of Zhon still in his diapers. They had grown up together, they were friends, and she'd shot him down as a lover on numerous occasions. But he was still dedicated, and there at her side, despite that really odd decade or so she was just coming off of. Then entered a man who appeared as, and likely was, a paladin of sorts. She had never really much cared for Paladins, at least in the typical sense. They seemed too stuffy, stuck up, and straight laced. They often came across as more dedicated to the law, than what was right. She'd butted heads with numerous of that type over the year, and they'd always rubbed her wrong, even if they were genuinely good people. Finally, she turned her eyes to the elder gentleman among her group and said, "Tom, Keep everyone out of trouble while I ask a few questions. Some interesting people seem to be gathering." "Right then, by your leave Miro." The gentleman gave a nod, and a bit of a lecherous leer before he turned his attention back to the other 5 to babysit. Mirowyn then stood up slowly, stretched her arms and back, and gave an exaggerated yawn, before she wheeled around on her heels and moved to find an empty seat at the bar near enough to Faelwen to catch her voice if the fae woman spoke. She ocasionally would eye the paladin as well, though if he ever noticed, she'd give a polite smile, and a friendly wave. Eventually, she'd call over the barmaiden, and order a mug of black coffee. Once she had her coffee, she took a sip, then turned her gaze back to the Paladin upon hearing his words. A kidnapped child. That brought back memories, and none of them pleasant. It had been what, eight or nine years since that incident? She let out a sigh. "Scared would be an understatement, ser. If there are details to be known, I would help all that I can."
  12. Can I get a ruling on the Unusual Associates upgrading to full leadership at 6th? For now, I'm gonna go with the followers route. I imagine, and especially given the part of the world, that I'd have a ragtag bunch of loveable bandits, or non-elfy elves as followers.
  13. Swapping from half elf to human, gonna need the feat and skills for this build. Regarding feats - From the Quintessential Aristocrat Charismatic - +1 to 4 different Cha based skills (thinking Diplomacy, Bluff, Perform, and UMD) Unusual Associates - You may pick a group, race, or culture that is normally not associated with your family, church, guild or government. This group now becomes a trusted, if slightly out-of-place, ally of yours. For example, I was thinking the Thieves and Outcasts of Lefia would be this particular group associated with this feat.   In addition - At 4 th level you gain access to either followers or a subordinate as though you had gained the requisite feats (Followers or Subordinate, player’s choice). The followers or subordinate gained through use of this feat must belong to the group, race or culture identified as your uncommon associate. Would I be able to upgrade this feat to leadership at 6th level, by basically adding in either the followers or subordinate that I didn't take at 4th level?   I'll go ahead and swap the bard spells to psionics as I suggested: Remove the bard's spellcasting progression, and replace with the power points and powers known progression of the psychic warrior. The psionic bard can select any clairsentience, psychoportation, and/or telepathy schools as a power known from the psychic warrior, psion/wilder, and telepath power lists. Psionic bardic manifesting is Charisma based.   The only other change I'll make is to figure out some method for boosting save DCs of Bardic performances by spending Power points.
  14. How do Psionics interact with magic? a: Are we treating psionics and magic as entirely separate? Honestly, one of my prefered methods b: Are psionics treated as a 3rd type of magic alongside Arcane and Divine, and thus affected by spell resistance and the like? c : Are we doing some combination of the 2 where there is some interaction between psionics and magic, but with diminished or altered affects?
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