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There is a near-manic glint in the Adriens eye. "You disapprove, but at least call it as it is...Bold." He moves from the Troll and seemingly calms. When he next addresses Farhvan is in an almost indifferent tone he points at Kaelan. "We will run in circles for maybe a year. Say 4 months to do a full sequencing, then present the results for the review. Then giving motion for testing on animals, then waiting, then testing on animals, then (if all goes right) sending approval for testing on Humans and METAs, then waiting. Waiting, waiting, waiting!!! Now is the time for action and yes, to be bold."

Adrien raises their head in what is supposed to be a dignified pose "Do not fear every contribution your friend made is cataloged and sent with a report. It's the only right thing to do, cover my ass if this backfires that is. But with the new research I unearthed I doubt that will be needed." He returns back to his seat "I don't see why all discontent, just a few minutes ago Kaelan said that we are not fit to make decisions for such multitudes, so I sent it to someone who is. If our good doctor does not have confidence in the benevolence of our employers, she is free to go and say so. They will take it well, no doubt."




There is a near-manic glint in the Adriens eye. "You disapprove, but at least call it as it is...Bold." He moves from the Troll and seemingly calms. When he next addresses Farhvan is in an almost indifferent tone he points at Kaelan. "We will run in circles for maybe a year. Say 4 months to do a full sequencing, then present the results for the review. Then giving motion for testing on animals, then waiting, then testing on animals, then (if all goes right) sending approval for testing on Humans and METAs, then waiting. Waiting, waiting, waiting!!! Now is the time for action and yes, to be bold."

Adrien raises their head in what is supposed to be a dignified pose "Do not fear every contribution your friend made is cataloged and sent with a report. It's the only right thing to do, cover my ass if this backfires that is. But with the new research I unearthed I doubt that will be needed." He returns back to his seat "I don't see why all discontent, just a few minutes ago Kaelan said that we are not fit to make decisions for such multitudes, so I sent it to someone who is. If our good doctor does not have confidence in the benevolence of our employers, she is free to go and say so. They will take it well, no doubt."

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