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Mack Cartwright - Charming, Gunslingin' Jack of All Trades


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Basic Information

Name: Mack Cartwright
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Class: Gunslinger (Scatter Gunner) 1/Brawler (Winding Path Renegade) 1/Investigator (Sleuth) 1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Role: Ranged combat, social skills, jack of all trades


Rhett Butler, Han Solo, Bret Maverick


Mack is going to be very flexible (morally, physically, and role wise). Overall focused on gun fighting and being a skill monkey (esp. social skills). I intend to go crazy with multiclassing. Picking up levels in Gunslinger, Swashbuckler, Rogue, Investigator, maybe Bard and more. He's the type to have a girl in every port.


Mack is quick on the draw and quick with a joke. Charming and easy going, he gets antsy if he stays in one place too long. Fiercely independent, he isn't much for rules or authority and prefers to make his own way in the world. He has a strong live and let live ethos, and doesn't judge anyone for their background or choices they've made. He feels more at home in the River Kingdoms than back in Brevoy and supports the Six River Freedoms.

In addition to his libertarian political beliefs he is a libertine at heart. He has a taste for fast living and loose women. He is fun to have at parties, but isn't the guy you want to trust with anything serious. While most don't see past his fun-time demeanor, he has a certain detached wisdom about the world. He sees himself above the propaganda and patriotism that motivate others, and knows that leaders, kingdoms and gods come and go and there is no point getting too worked up about it. Despite the line people give about fighting for a cause or a nation, he sees them as fundamentally self-interested. He is too, and makes no pretensions otherwise.

He isn't particularly brave, he figures life is too short to go dying for silly reasons. He isn't one to stick his neck out for others. He is attractive and often carries a dashing smirk on his face. He is popular with the ladies, but ain't the marrying type.


Greed - Mack isn't here for any ideals more noble than his personal enrichment and funding his many vices.
Enemy - Mack has crossed paths with lots of people and thus has made many friends... and many enemies. His four chief enemies are: Midra Huryan, Finian Aldori, Snake Duggan and Rufus Hassan. Details on them below.


Born into a wealthy mining family in House Garess, Mack (originally Bret Garess) grew up in Highdelve. He never fit in with his family well. They cared about tradition and about doing honor to the family. Mack wanted to have a good time and hated the rules and structure his family put on him. Instead of following his family into the mining trade, he wanted to get away from home. Angering his father, Mack traveled to Restov and on a lark enrolled in the Aldori Academy.

He performed well at the school and was widely recognized for his great natural talent and latent leadership skills. Unfortunately for his teachers, he devoted his leadership skills to organizing underground card games after hours. He also was able to secure a steady supply of bachelor snuff, felwil and other narcotics for anyone who asked. The last straw came when it was discovered he was sleeping with the wife of professor Finian Aldori. This was one bit of trouble he couldn't talk himself out of. He was kicked out of the school and Finian challenged him to a duel. Knowing he wouldn't have a chance against the skilled duelist, Mack skipped town and headed south into the riverlands, changing his name to Mack Cartwright.

Mack bounced around the River Kingdoms for a number of years, surviving on his wits and charm. He bounced between one get rich scheme to the next, but got to know most of the bars, whore houses and black market channels in the area. He hired himself out for various jobs. He was quick on the draw so could always find work providing protection for folks on either side of the law. He even took on more than a few contracts as a private investigator tracking down criminals. While not a very studious or hard working detective, he'd usually catch a lucky break or have a flash of inspiration that found his man. The easiest jobs to come by were as a hired gun protecting various shipments making their way across the river lands. He made some extra coin by smuggling in a few valuable trinkets or drugs for less reputable merchants piggybacking off of his employer's caravan. Eventually he learned the business well enough to start trading on his own.

From Pitax to Gralton, Daggermark to Nowoboro, Gristmill to Avendale, Liberthane to Restov, he got to know the rivers and the peoples of this land. He dealt with bandits and kings, elves and farmers, and was always able to scrape by. The real lucrative trades involved leaving the River Kingdoms though. Bringing in illicit drugs to New Stetven, rare furs to Cassomir or poisons to Isarn, Mack could turn a fair profit for smuggling goods in under the noses of the authorities. However, despite his success it was often short lived. He'd gamble away his earnings, or invest in some poorly thought out scheme, or just blow it on booze and girls. Despite all this, he was growing his net worth bit by bit. While not a goal he sacrifices much for, Mack seeks to prove himself to his family, less to get back in their good graces and more to show them up. He figures acquiring a fortune is the best way to do that.

Finally, he invested everything he had into a really big deal that he expected to make him a bundle. He bought some exotic spices in Oppara and had a buyer lined up in Restov. It was a long trip, but for this kind of money it was worth it. He brought on an old friend of his, Midra Huryan, as his partner and together with some protection and a ship they set sail up the Sellen. They had a few scrapes along the way, but successfully made it to the Stolen Lands. While only a few days from Restov, it was here the voyage went awry. Midra had cut a separate deal with a local bandit gang, the Chacon Gang. As Mack slept, she guided the ship to a quiet riverbank where the gang ambushed them. Several of the hired guns were killed and they made off with everything.

Mack was left alive, but completely cleaned out. He had a hundred gold note pinned inside his coat, but that was all he had to his name. He was able to make his way back to Restov, and there he heard about the call for adventurers. With his trading schemes ruined and without much money to his name, he figured it would be worth a shot. He called in a few small debts to outfit him for the journey and then he set out.

Plot Hooks & Cast of Characters

Lord Sylvester and Lady Anne of House Garess - Mack's parents. Not major figures in the house, but wealthy none the less. They are severely disappointed and embarrassed by Mack and haven't been in touch with him for 12 years.

Beau Garess - Mack's eldest brother. Heir to the family fortune and believer in tradition. He shares his parents' disdain at Mack's carefree life.

Lord Bentley - Mack's uncle. He is more tolerant of Mack's renegade behavior. They exchange letters sometime, but hasn't seen Mack since he was last in Grayhaven.

Midra Huryan (Enemy) - His partner who double crossed him. He knew her for years and knew she was shady, but figured she was "the right kind of shady" and wouldn't betray him like that. He would certainly like to get even with her at some point.

Modesty Blaine - Despite her name, Modesty is the madam in a bordello in Pitax that Mack has frequented. Worldly and smart, she shares Mack's world view and has taken a shine to the man.

Garrett Stiles - A drinking and gambling companion of Mack's in Pitax. He owes Mack a favor or two.

Cindy Lou Darby - A beautiful con woman that Mack has crossed paths with on multiple occasions. They have been part of and victims of each other's scams and schemes over the years.

Finian Aldori (Enemy) - Still sore at Mack over sleeping with his wife and then ducking out on their duel. Mack has been evading him ever since.

Snake Duggan (Enemy) - Dealmaker and drug lord from Daggermark, had hired Mack on several jobs and had invested in his most recent spice trade. Will be pretty upset when he finds out that the cargo was lost..

Gallar Porswan - An ex-military officer of Galt, he has been working on outfitting and training an army in Gralton to reconquer Galt from the revolutionaries. Mack delivered some shipments of guns to him on a few occasions. They are on good terms.

Burt Alvord - Leader of the Alvord-Stiles Gang operating out of the Stolen Lands. Mack has bought and fenced some 'acquired' property for Alvord and sold him guns in return. They get along well and enjoy a good drink and card game. Mack would also sell him information on any hapless travelers or crusader bands that might make good marks.

Colbert Canles - Classmate of Mack's at the academy. Member of the Restov guard, owes Mack some funds from previous deals. Mack collected some of the funds to support the expedition, but he still owes more. Restless with Mayor Sellemius.

Tendra Risant - Gambler & trader in New Stetven. She has good connections with merchants of various reputableness in the city. Often Mack's point of contact in the town.

Rufus Hassan (Enemy) - Member of Technic League, Mack contracted with him to quietly transport some house slaves to a wealthy family who purchased them in New Stetven. Mack took the funds but then set the slaves free. Hassan was not happy to learn the slaves never arrived.

Doc Bowdre - Prominent member of Mivon's League of Merchants. Another good drinking buddy of his. Mack has helped him out of a few jams and he owes Mack a favor.


Edited by OzzyKP (see edit history)
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