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Boogie Woogie Wookiee

Boogie Woogie Wookiee

I do believe I've settled on my martial and casting traditions, both of which need to be OKed. I also think I mostly have his Origins and Oaths down pat as I try to approximate his true fey-ness. Do they look all right?

I was originally going to go with Tiny as well, using the Sizeshifter trait so he could appear more "normal" sized for others, but I realized you had to burn the full talents to do that rather than the auxilary/utility ones. Though I'm not 100% sure if that's correct, as you also stress that we could go Diminutive as well, but it would cost more talents than we have available. So, lol, I guess I'm looking for clarification on that, too!

I went back through and marked the stuff that needs your attention most with a bright red "Requires GM Attention" marker.

Boogie Woogie Wookiee

Boogie Woogie Wookiee

I do believe I've settled on my martial and casting traditions, both of which need to be OKed. I also think I mostly have his Origins and Oaths down pat as I try to approximate his true fey-ness. Do they look all right?

I was originally going to go with Tiny as well, using the Sizeshifter trait so he could appear more "normal" sized for others, but I realized you had to burn the full talents to do that rather than the auxilary/utility ones. Though I'm not 100% sure if that's correct, as you also stress that we could go Diminutive as well, but it would cost more talents than we have available. So, lol, I guess I'm looking for clarification on that, too!

Boogie Woogie Wookiee

Boogie Woogie Wookiee

I do believe I've settled on my martial and casting traditions, both of which need to be OKed. I also think I mostly have his Origins and Oaths down pat as I try to approximate his true fey-ness.

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