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Boogie Woogie Wookiee

Boogie Woogie Wookiee

All right, I think I have most of his sheet done. I've pepper his backstory through various things (such as his traditions, introduction post, and a few feats/special abilities), but I'll be spending the rest of the time working on his fluff proper in the first post.

In addition the questions in the previous post, I also need to go back and recalculate some of his stats in the Core Statistics section of his sheet, as well as add in some more OOC tags so I/we can keep track of where the numbers are coming from. But he's mostly done, certainly enough for judging when the time comes. And yes, I know you're more interested in the fluff, but I had to finish the crunch first as there were several ideas I had floating around that I just couldn't make work mechanically and thus need to adjust them. And it's certainly a lot easier to adjust the fluff than the mechanics. For me anyway. 😊

As an aside, have I added enough OCCs/links for your liking in his sheet? I don't know if it was too much or not enough, but I think it should do the trick especially once I finish the Core Statistics section.

Boogie Woogie Wookiee

Boogie Woogie Wookiee

All right, I think I have most of his sheet done. I've pepper his backstory through various things (such as his traditions, introduction post, and a few feats/special abilities), but I'll be spending the rest of the time working on his fluff proper in the first post.

I do need to go back and recalculate some of his stats in the Core Statistics section of his sheet, as well as add in some OOCs so I/we can keep track of where the numbers are coming from. But he's mostly done, certainly enough for judging when the time comes. And yes, I know you're more interested in the fluff, but I had to finish the crunch first as there were several ideas I had floating around that I just couldn't make work mechanically and thus need to adjust them. And it's certainly a lot easier to adjust the fluff than the mechanics. For me anyway. 😊

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