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On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn


Nearing Kalaman

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

On the Shores of the River Vingaard

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

   Nearby, Tiergan and Handsome neigh and snort, tied to said tree. Darrett’s precious crate sits atop some sticks—makeshift spacers to keep it off the dirt, grass, and mud.

Refugees at the Shore

   As the survivors of Vogler pull their ships ashore, the reality of their situation sets in, and minor troubles begin confounding the refugees.

Survivor Camp Hardships

Trouble Landing

   Youngsters struggle to land their boat. The boat is 20 feet from the shore and drifting away. A character who swims to the boat can pilot it in by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check.

Sprained Ankle

   An older refugee slipped in the shallow water and sprained an ankle. A character can provide relief by succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check, expending one use of a healer’s kit, or using any magic that restores hit points.


   A couple sits shivering beside an unlit stack of firewood, staring off in the direction of Vogler. Lighting the fire through any means calms the couple and earns a wordless nod of thanks.

Naughty Looters!

   Two rowdy youths take advantage of the chaos to try to rob a disliked neighbor. A character can stop them with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check.

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lady Michelle Folketh

Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn


Nearing Kalaman

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

On the Shores of the River Vingaard

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

   Nearby, Tiergan and Handsome neigh and snort, tied to said tree. Darrett’s precious crate sits atop some sticks—makeshift spacers to keep it off the dirt, grass, and mud.

Refugees at the Shore

   As the survivors of Vogler pull their ships ashore, the reality of their situation sets in, and minor troubles begin confounding the refugees.

Survivor Camp Hardships

Trouble Landing

   Youngsters struggle to land their boat. The boat is 20 feet from the shore and drifting away. A character who swims to the boat can pilot it in by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check.

Sprained Ankle

   An older refugee slipped in the shallow water and sprained an ankle. A character can provide relief by succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check, expending one use of a healer’s kit, or using any magic that restores hit points.


   A couple sits shivering beside an unlit stack of firewood, staring off in the direction of Vogler. Lighting the fire through any means calms the couple and earns a wordless nod of thanks.

Naughty Looters!

   Two rowdy youths take advantage of the chaos to try to rob a disliked neighbor. A character can stop them with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check.

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lady Michelle Folketh

Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn


Nearing Kalaman

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

On the Shores of the River Vingaard

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

   Nearby, Tiergan and Handsome neigh and snort, tied to said tree. Darrett’s precious crate sits atop some sticks—makeshift spacers to keep it off the dirt, grass, and mud.

Refugees at the Shore

   As the survivors of Vogler pull their ships ashore, the reality of their situation sets in, and minor troubles begin confounding the refugees.

Survivor Camp Hardships

Trouble Landing

   Youngsters struggle to land their boat. The boat is 20 feet from the shore and drifting away. A character who swims to the boat can pilot it in by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check.

Sprained Ankle

   An older refugee slipped in the shallow water and sprained an ankle. A character can provide relief by succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check, expending one use of a healer’s kit, or using any magic that restores hit points.


   A couple sits shivering beside an unlit stack of firewood, staring off in the direction of Vogler. Lighting the fire through any means calms the couple and earns a wordless nod of thanks.

Naughty Looters!

   Two rowdy youths take advantage of the chaos to try to rob a disliked neighbor. A character can stop them with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check.

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lady Michelle Folketh

Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn


Nearing Kalaman

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

On the Shores of the River Vingaard

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

   Nearby, Tiergan and Handsome neigh and snort, tied to said tree. Darrett’s precious crate sits atop some sticks—makeshift spacers to keep it off the dirt, grass, and mud.

Refugees at the Shore

   As the survivors of Vogler pull their ships ashore, the reality of their situation sets in, and minor troubles begin confounding the refugees.

Survivor Camp Hardships

Trouble Landing

   Youngsters struggle to land their boat. The boat is 20 feet from the shore and drifting away. A character who swims to the boat can pilot it in by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check.

Sprained Ankle

   An older refugee slipped in the shallow water and sprained an ankle. A character can provide relief by succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check, expending one use of a healer’s kit, or using any magic that restores hit points.


   A couple sits shivering beside an unlit stack of firewood, staring off in the direction of Vogler. Lighting the fire through any means calms the couple and earns a wordless nod of thanks.

Naughty Looters!

   Two rowdy youths take advantage of the chaos to try to rob a disliked neighbor. A character can stop them with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check.

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lady Michelle Folketh

Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn


Nearing Kalaman

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

On the Shores of the River Vingaard

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

   Nearby, Tiergan and Handsome neigh and snort, tied to said tree. Darrett’s precious crate sits atop some sticks—makeshift spacers to keep it off the dirt, grass, and mud.

Refugees at the Shore

   As the survivors of Vogler pull their ships ashore, the reality of their situation sets in, and minor troubles begin confounding the refugees.

Survivor Camp Hardships

Trouble Landing

   Youngsters struggle to land their boat. The boat is 20 feet from the shore and drifting away. A character who swims to the boat can pilot it in by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check.

Sprained Ankle

   An older refugee slipped in the shallow water and sprained an ankle. A character can provide relief by succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check, expending one use of a healer’s kit, or using any magic that restores hit points.


   A couple sits shivering beside an unlit stack of firewood, staring off in the direction of Vogler. Lighting the fire through any means calms the couple and earns a wordless nod of thanks.

Naughty Looters!

   Two rowdy youths take advantage of the chaos to try to rob a disliked neighbor. A character can stop them with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check.

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lady Michelle Folketh

Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn


Nearing Kalaman

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

On the Shores of the River Vingaard

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

   Nearby, Tiergan and Handsome neigh and snort, tied to said tree. Darrett’s precious crate sits atop some sticks—makeshift spacers to keep it off the dirt, grass, and mud.

Refugees at the Shore

   As the survivors of Vogler pull their ships ashore, the reality of their situation sets in, and minor troubles begin confounding the refugees.

Survivor Camp Hardships

Trouble Landing

   Youngsters struggle to land their boat. The boat is 20 feet from the shore and drifting away. A character who swims to the boat can pilot it in by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check.

Sprained Ankle

   An older refugee slipped in the shallow water and sprained an ankle. A character can provide relief by succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check, expending one use of a healer’s kit, or using any magic that restores hit points.


   A couple sits shivering beside an unlit stack of firewood, staring off in the direction of Vogler. Lighting the fire through any means calms the couple and earns a wordless nod of thanks.

Naughty Looters!

   Two rowdy youths take advantage of the chaos to try to rob a disliked neighbor. A character can stop them with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check.

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lady Michelle Folketh

Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn


Nearing Kalaman

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

On the Shores of the River Vingaard

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

   Nearby, Tiergan and Handsome neigh and snort, tied to said tree. Darrett’s precious crate sits atop some sticks—makeshift spacers to keep it off the dirt, grass, and mud.

Refugees at the Shore

   As the survivors of Vogler pull their ships ashore, the reality of their situation sets in, and minor troubles begin confounding the refugees.

Survivor Camp Hardships

Trouble Landing

   Youngsters struggle to land their boat. The boat is 20 feet from the shore and drifting away. A character who swims to the boat can pilot it in by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check.

Sprained Ankle

   An older refugee slipped in the shallow water and sprained an ankle. A character can provide relief by succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check, expending one use of a healer’s kit, or using any magic that restores hit points.


   A couple sits shivering beside an unlit stack of firewood, staring off in the direction of Vogler. Lighting the fire through any means calms the couple and earns a wordless nod of thanks.

Naughty Looters!

   Two rowdy youths take advantage of the chaos to try to rob a disliked neighbor. A character can stop them with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check.

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lady Michelle Folketh

Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn


Nearing Kalaman

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

On the Shores of the River Vingaard

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

   Nearby, Tiergan and Handsome neigh and snort, tied to said tree. Darrett’s precious crate sits atop some sticks—makeshift spacers to keep it off the dirt, grass, and mud.

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lady Michelle Folketh

Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lady Michelle Folketh

Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Early Early Morning

In the Women’s Quarters

   Mery doesn’t let Michelle get away with self-pityingly sulking and shares her ideas.

   Michelle concurs that they’re all good points but cautions that she is in fact a prisoner and agrees with Artanis. Even if she is a baroness, she is, right now, first and foremost, a prisoner of war—an officer no less, even if she is at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. She suggests that Mery go find the objects mentioned in her father’s encoded note.

   As for the estate itself, she can only remember it being big enough that a trip into ‘the big city’ often necessitated a stay at one of the inns as just going or coming back was a long trip in itself—a few hours by horse-drawn wagon.

   Eventually, exhaustion catches up with them and they sleep for at least an hour or so.


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Dawn

   By dawn the morning after evacuating from Vogler, the characters and Vogler’s surviving villagers arrive within sight of Kalaman.

   The walled city of Kalaman rises in the distance, spreading across the southern shore of a wide bay. Ships sail to and from the city’s walled harbor, their courses lit by a pair of towering beacons.

   On the shore ahead, where the Vingaard River meets Kalaman Bay, dozens of survivors from Vogler have pulled their mismatched boats ashore and begun making camp.

   Various sailing boats and larger, rowed vessels of the city’s military are moving to and fro in the river, directing the boats from Vogler. Many guards ashore are also directing refugees on land.

   You all are among the last to arrive from Vogler.

   One rowed and intimidating longship pulls up alongside your ship and Raven uth Vogler, former mayor of Vogler, shouts at the commander of the longship. They argue and eventually, her crew berth the sailboat in about as shallow water as they can manage without running aground, and small dinghies ferry you ashore.

   When you all reach the survivors’ camp, you find villagers organizing to assess their numbers, reunite separated families, and build fires to prepare meals.

   “The city guard is out in full force. They’re not letting an entire town’s worth of people ‘invade’ their city without being processed individually. The whole city is on lockdown. All boats from upriver are to be redirected,” she explains.

   Michelle approaches Darrett and Mayor Raven, unmindful of the eyes upon her—especially the narrowed eyes of Raven.

   Here, she drops to her knees and places her forehead into the dirty, muddy sand at the Vingaard’s shore. “When we came to Vogler, this was to be a standard operation. Occupy the town, fight their militia into compliance if resistance was offered, quarter, move onto the next town. Fight battles as needed. This time turned out quite different. I can’t apologize enough for the part I have played in this. I can only—if my captors see fit—work every day for the rest of my life to rectify what I have helped wrought.”

   After looking down at her for some time, and regaining her composure, Raven says, “Well . . . I believe you demanded we quarter your army. So unless you happen to own a piece of land that the people of Vogler can waltz right into and make their new home—at least until your dragon army friends can kindly **** off to the deepest pits of hell, then I don’t see a good reason not to hang you from this tree right next to us.”

   “As it happens . . .” Lady Michelle says, “I remember this area—we should be able to go straight southwest of here for about . . . two miles? Gods, it’s been so long . . . could be five. The fields are probably still pretty low right now—maybe just planted? The Folketh manor house stood at the center of all the fields. Even one of the fields near the manor house ought to be enough room to set up tents—if we can procure them—and house the entire population of Vogler.”

   At this point, Mayor Raven raises an eyebrow. “Darrett? Ser Artanis? Can someone tell me what this dragon army scum is rambling about?”

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh Darrett Highwater Raven uth Vogler

Lieutenant Dame Michelle Folketh,
a. k. a. “Lieutenant”,
“Lieutenant Folketh”,
“Dame Michelle”,
“Ser Michelle”
“Lady Michelle”

Raven uth Vogler


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