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spacer.png                       Meryelle "Mery" Keryndon

                         Level 4 Half-Elf Sage College of Lore Bard

AC: 13 (Leather Armor) | HP: 30/30 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses:  Darkvision 60 ft; Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11, Passive Investigation 14
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 18 (+6)
Languages:  Common, Elven, Solamnic, Kharolian, and Draconic
Spell-casting: +6 or DC 141st 4/4 2nd 3/3 | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4

 “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions


At the Folketh Barony

Mery steps up next to the 'representative' farmer and pulls him to the side, a short way away from where Modri and the Cap are fighting. Hands empty and manner relaxed, she says, "All the questions you ask are more than reasonable, but the whole thing is kind of a long story. Let me give you the highlights, then let's let Modri and your Cappy fight, then afterward, I'll try and answer whatever additional questions you might have."

"About 3 years ago, Lord Michael and Michelle were forced to join this army of Takhisis that showed up where they were living in exile, and then promptly separated into different fighting groups. A year or so ago, Lord Michael passed away when his group was sent to invade Elven lands. The group that Lady Michelle was in currently has plans to invade Kalaman, and in fact, if it weren't for my group - Modri, the Sea Elf here with us, 4 others inside the city, and me - interfering with their plans for a small fishing village called Vogler about 30 miles up the Vingaard River from here, that army would be invading Kalaman as we speak. All we managed to do was buy some time - they still have their sights set on invading this city. During our time in Vogler, the army judged Lady Michelle as worthy of death due to her unwillingness to compromise her honor and she is currently with two of my group in the city warning the city's leaders of that army's plans for Kalaman. I believe she will be sharing what she knows of them from her time serving them, and this need to help start the defense of the city is why she's not here right now."

"As for proof, we know that Lord Michael hid proof of the family's identity within the city, and Lady Michelle has charged me personally with retrieving it - I just haven't done so yet due to the need to start on another task she authorized - the one that has brought us here beyond just telling you about her return. If you mean proof that what I am saying is true, then I don't have anything like that, but I expect we can probably arrange something that will satisfy you."

"There's a bit more to this story and why we're here, but this is a beginning."

She turns to take a look at how the fight is going. "Show them who you are, Modri!" she calls encouragingly to the Dwarf barbarian, feeling a little shy about calling out, but wanting him to know she believes in him.




Bonus Action:



Object Interaction:

Mount Action:


Actions & Resources


   Shortbow (simple, ranged, ammunition, two-handed). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target.
                                                                                   Hit:  (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 

   Dagger (light, ranged or melee). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/80 ft., one target.
                                                   Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
                                                                   Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

                                                  Hit: (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions:

   Healing Word

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

  Bardic Inspiration (3 per long rest, for 1d6)

As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

  Heat Metal

Until the spell ends (up to 1 minute), you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage (1d8 fire damage for each level the spell is cast at, minimum 2nd level) again.


   14 arrows in quiver, 0 arrow bundles in backpack.


   Mery is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells available for spontaneous casting: 

  • Cantrips (3/3 slots): prestidigitation, vicious mockery, message
  • 1st level (4/4 slots): healing word, hideous laughter, cure wounds, unseen servant
  • 2nd (3/3 slots): invisibility, heat metal, enhance ability

Class Features:

  • 3/3 Bardic Inspiration, recovered after a long rest
  • Song of Rest (Use on any short rest - anyone who hears her performance and chooses to regain a hit die gains an extra 1d6 of HP.)
  • Jack of All Trades (add 1/2 proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.)
  • Bardic College = College of Lore. Gain expertise in 2 skills you already have proficiency in, and proficiency in 3 new skills. (Choosing Persuasion and Deception for Expertise, adding Nature, Stealth, and Religion for Proficiency.)


OOC comments, if I have them, go here.



spacer.png                       Meryelle "Mery" Keryndon

                         Level 4 Half-Elf Sage College of Lore Bard

AC: 13 (Leather Armor) | HP: 30/30 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses:  Darkvision 60 ft; Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11, Passive Investigation 14
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 18 (+6)
Languages:  Common, Elven, Solamnic, Kharolian, and Draconic
Spell-casting: +6 or DC 141st 4/4 2nd 3/3 | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4

 “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions


At the Folketh Barony

Mery steps up next to the 'representative' farmer and pulls him to the side, a short way away from where Modri and the Cap are fighting. Hands empty and manner relaxed, she says, "All the questions you ask are more than reasonable, but the whole thing is kind of a long story. Let me give you the highlights, then let's let Modri and your Cappy fight, then afterward, I'll try and answer whatever additional questions you might have."

"About 3 years ago, Lord Michael and Michelle were forced to join this army of Takhisis that showed up where they were living in exile, and then promptly separated into different fighting groups. A year or so ago, Lord Michael passed away when his group was sent to invade Elven lands. The group that Lady Michelle was in currently has plans to invade Kalaman, and in fact, if it weren't for my group - Modri, the Sea Elf here with us, 4 others inside the city, and me - interfering with their plans for a small fishing village called Vogler about 30 miles up the Vingaard River from here, that army would be invading Kalaman as we speak. All we managed to do was buy some time - they still have their sights set on invading this city. During our time in Vogler, the army judged Lady Michelle as worthy of death due to her unwillingness to compromise her honor and she is currently with two of my group in the city warning the city's leaders of that army's plans for Kalaman. I believe she will be sharing what she knows of them from her time serving them, and this need to help start the defense of the city is why she's not here right now."

"As for proof, we know that Lord Michael hid proof of the family's identity within the city, and Lady Michelle has charged me personally with retrieving it - I just haven't done so yet due to the need to start on another task she authorized - the one that has brought us here beyond just telling you about her return. If you mean proof that what I am saying is true, then I don't have anything like that, but I expect we can probably arrange something that will satisfy you."

"There's a bit more to this story and why we're here, but this is a beginning."

She turns to take a look at how the fight is going. "Show them who you are, Modri!" she calls encouragingly to the Dwarf barbarian, feeling a little shy about calling out, but wanting him to know she believes in him.




Bonus Action:



Object Interaction:

Mount Action:


Actions & Resources


   Shortbow (simple, ranged, ammunition, two-handed). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target.
                                                                                   Hit:  (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 

   Dagger (light, ranged or melee). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/80 ft., one target.
                                                   Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
                                                                   Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

                                                  Hit: (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions:

   Healing Word

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

  Bardic Inspiration (3 per long rest, for 1d6)

As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

  Heat Metal

Until the spell ends (up to 1 minute), you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage (1d8 fire damage for each level the spell is cast at, minimum 2nd level) again.


   14 arrows in quiver, 0 arrow bundles in backpack.


   Mery is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells available for spontaneous casting: 

  • Cantrips (3/3 slots): prestidigitation, vicious mockery, message
  • 1st level (4/4 slots): healing word, hideous laughter, cure wounds, unseen servant
  • 2nd (3/3 slots): invisibility, heat metal, enhance ability

Class Features:

  • 3/3 Bardic Inspiration, recovered after a long rest
  • Song of Rest (Use on any short rest - anyone who hears her performance and chooses to regain a hit die gains an extra 1d6 of HP.)
  • Jack of All Trades (add 1/2 proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.)
  • Bardic College = College of Lore. Gain expertise in 2 skills you already have proficiency in, and proficiency in 3 new skills. (Choosing Persuasion and Deception for Expertise, adding Nature, Stealth, and Religion for Proficiency.)


OOC comments, if I have them, go here.



spacer.png                       Meryelle "Mery" Keryndon

                         Level 4 Half-Elf Sage College of Lore Bard

AC: 13 (Leather Armor) | HP: 30/30 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses:  Darkvision 60 ft; Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11, Passive Investigation 14
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 18 (+6)
Languages:  Common, Elven, Solamnic, Kharolian, and Draconic
Spell-casting: +6 or DC 141st 4/4 2nd 3/3 | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4

 “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions


At the Folketh Barony

Mery steps up next to the 'representative' farmer and pulls him to the side, a short way away from where Modri and the Cap are fighting. Hands empty and manner relaxed, she says, "All the questions you ask are more than reasonable, but the whole thing is kind of a long story. Let me give you the highlights, then let's let Modri and your Cappy fight, then afterward, I'll try and answer whatever additional questions you might have."

"About 3 years ago, Lord Michael and Michelle were forced to join this army of Takhisis that showed up where they were living in exile, and then promptly separated into different fighting groups. A year or so ago, Lord Michael passed away when his group was sent to invade Elven lands. The group that Lady Michelle was in currently has plans to invade Kalaman, and in fact, if it weren't for my group - Modri, the Sea Elf here with us, 4 others inside the city, and me - interfering with their plans for a small fishing village called Vogler about 30 miles up the Vingaard River from here, that army would be invading Kalaman as we speak. All we managed to do was buy some time - they still have their sights set on invading this city. During our time in Vogler, the army judged Lady Michelle as worthy of death due to her unwillingness to compromise her honor and she is currently with two of my group in the city warning the city's leaders of that army's plans for Kalaman. I believe she will be sharing what she knows of them from her time serving them, and this need to ready the city's defenses is why she's not here right now."

"As for proof, we know that Lord Michael hid proof of the family's identity within the city, and Lady Michelle has charged me personally with retrieving it - I just haven't done so yet due to the need to start on another task she authorized - the one that has brought us here beyond just telling you about her return. If you mean proof that what I am saying is true, then I don't have anything like that, but I expect we can probably arrange something that will satisfy you."

"There's a bit more to this story and why we're here, but this is a beginning."

She turns to take a look at how the fight is going. "Show them who you are, Modri!" she calls encouragingly to the Dwarf barbarian, feeling a little shy about calling out, but wanting him to know she believes in him.




Bonus Action:



Object Interaction:

Mount Action:


Actions & Resources


   Shortbow (simple, ranged, ammunition, two-handed). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target.
                                                                                   Hit:  (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 

   Dagger (light, ranged or melee). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/80 ft., one target.
                                                   Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
                                                                   Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

                                                  Hit: (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions:

   Healing Word

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

  Bardic Inspiration (3 per long rest, for 1d6)

As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

  Heat Metal

Until the spell ends (up to 1 minute), you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage (1d8 fire damage for each level the spell is cast at, minimum 2nd level) again.


   14 arrows in quiver, 0 arrow bundles in backpack.


   Mery is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells available for spontaneous casting: 

  • Cantrips (3/3 slots): prestidigitation, vicious mockery, message
  • 1st level (4/4 slots): healing word, hideous laughter, cure wounds, unseen servant
  • 2nd (3/3 slots): invisibility, heat metal, enhance ability

Class Features:

  • 3/3 Bardic Inspiration, recovered after a long rest
  • Song of Rest (Use on any short rest - anyone who hears her performance and chooses to regain a hit die gains an extra 1d6 of HP.)
  • Jack of All Trades (add 1/2 proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.)
  • Bardic College = College of Lore. Gain expertise in 2 skills you already have proficiency in, and proficiency in 3 new skills. (Choosing Persuasion and Deception for Expertise, adding Nature, Stealth, and Religion for Proficiency.)


OOC comments, if I have them, go here.



spacer.png                       Meryelle "Mery" Keryndon

                         Level 4 Half-Elf Sage College of Lore Bard

AC: 13 (Leather Armor) | HP: 30/30 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses:  Darkvision 60 ft; Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11, Passive Investigation 14
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 18 (+6)
Languages:  Common, Elven, Solamnic, Kharolian, and Draconic
Spell-casting: +6 or DC 141st 4/4 2nd 3/3 | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4

 “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions


At the Folketh Barony

Mery steps up next to the 'representative' farmer and pulls him to the side, a short way away from where Modri and the Cap are fighting. She says, "All the questions you ask are more than reasonable, but the whole thing is kind of a long story. Let me give you the highlights, then let's let Modri and your Cappy fight, then afterward, I'll try and answer whatever additional questions you might have."

"About 3 years ago, Lord Michael and Michelle were forced to join this army of Takhisis that showed up where they were living in exile, and then promptly separated into different fighting groups. A year or so ago, Lord Michael passed away when his group was sent to invade Elven lands. The group that Lady Michelle was in currently has plans to invade Kalaman, and in fact, if it weren't for my group - Modri, the Sea Elf here with us, 4 others inside the city, and me - interfering with their plans for a small fishing village called Vogler about 30 miles up the Vingaard River from here, that army would be invading Kalaman as we speak. All we managed to do was buy some time - they still have their sights set on invading this city. During our time in Vogler, the army judged Lady Michelle as worthy of death due to her unwillingness to compromise her honor and she is currently with two of my group in the city warning the city's leaders of that army's plans for Kalaman. I believe she will be sharing what she knows of them from her time serving them, and this need to ready the city's defenses is why she's not here right now."

"As for proof, we know that Lord Michael hid proof of the family's identity within the city, and Lady Michelle has charged me personally with retrieving it - I just haven't done so yet due to the need to start on another task she authorized - the one that has brought us here beyond just telling you about her return. If you mean proof that what I am saying is true, then I don't have anything like that, but I expect we can probably arrange something that will satisfy you."

"There's a bit more to this story and why we're here, but this is a beginning."

She turns to take a look at how the fight is going. "Show them who you are, Modri!" she calls encouragingly to the Dwarf barbarian, feeling a little shy about calling out, but wanting him to know she believes in him.




Bonus Action:



Object Interaction:

Mount Action:


Actions & Resources


   Shortbow (simple, ranged, ammunition, two-handed). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target.
                                                                                   Hit:  (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 

   Dagger (light, ranged or melee). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/80 ft., one target.
                                                   Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
                                                                   Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

                                                  Hit: (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions:

   Healing Word

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

  Bardic Inspiration (3 per long rest, for 1d6)

As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

  Heat Metal

Until the spell ends (up to 1 minute), you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage (1d8 fire damage for each level the spell is cast at, minimum 2nd level) again.


   14 arrows in quiver, 0 arrow bundles in backpack.


   Mery is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells available for spontaneous casting: 

  • Cantrips (3/3 slots): prestidigitation, vicious mockery, message
  • 1st level (4/4 slots): healing word, hideous laughter, cure wounds, unseen servant
  • 2nd (3/3 slots): invisibility, heat metal, enhance ability

Class Features:

  • 3/3 Bardic Inspiration, recovered after a long rest
  • Song of Rest (Use on any short rest - anyone who hears her performance and chooses to regain a hit die gains an extra 1d6 of HP.)
  • Jack of All Trades (add 1/2 proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.)
  • Bardic College = College of Lore. Gain expertise in 2 skills you already have proficiency in, and proficiency in 3 new skills. (Choosing Persuasion and Deception for Expertise, adding Nature, Stealth, and Religion for Proficiency.)


OOC comments, if I have them, go here.



spacer.png                       Meryelle "Mery" Keryndon

                         Level 4 Half-Elf Sage College of Lore Bard

AC: 13 (Leather Armor) | HP: 30/30 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses:  Darkvision 60 ft; Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11, Passive Investigation 14
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 18 (+6)
Languages:  Common, Elven, Solamnic, Kharolian, and Draconic
Spell-casting: +6 or DC 141st 4/4 2nd 3/3 | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4

 “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions


At the Folketh Barony

Mery steps up next to the 'representative' farmer and pulls him to the side, a short way away from where Modri and the Cap are fighting. She says, "All the questions you ask are more than reasonable, but the whole thing is kind of a long story. Let me give you the highlights, then let's let Modri and your Cappy fight, then afterward, I'll try and answer whatever additional questions you might have."

"About 3 years ago, Lord Michael and Michelle were forced to join this army of Takhisis that showed up where they were living in exile, and then promptly separated into different fighting groups. A year or so ago, Lord Michael passed away when his group was sent to invade Elven lands. The group that Lady Michelle was in currently has plans to invade Kalaman, and in fact, if it weren't for my group - Modri, the Sea Elf here with us, 4 others inside the city, and me - interfering with their plans for a small fishing village called Vogler about 30 miles up the Vingaard River from here - that army would be invading Kalaman as we speak. All we managed to do was buy some time - they still have their sights set on invading this city. During our time in Vogler, the army judged Lady Michelle as worthy of death due to her unwillingness to compromise her honor and she is currently with two of my group in the city warning the city's leaders of that army's plans for Kalaman. I believe she will be sharing what she knows of them from her time serving them, and this need to ready the city's defenses is why she's not here right now."

"As for proof, we know that Lord Michael hid proof of the family's identity within the city, and Lady Michelle has charged me personally with retrieving it - I just haven't done so yet due to the need to start on another task she authorized - the one that has brought us here beyond just telling you about her return. If you mean proof that what I am saying is true, then I don't have anything like that, but I expect we can probably arrange something that will satisfy you."

"There's a bit more to this story and why we're here, but this is a beginning."

She turns to take a look at how the fight is going. "Show them who you are, Modri!" she calls encouragingly to the Dwarf barbarian, feeling a little shy about calling out, but wanting him to know she believes in him.




Bonus Action:



Object Interaction:

Mount Action:


Actions & Resources


   Shortbow (simple, ranged, ammunition, two-handed). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target.
                                                                                   Hit:  (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 

   Dagger (light, ranged or melee). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/80 ft., one target.
                                                   Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
                                                                   Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

                                                  Hit: (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions:

   Healing Word

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

  Bardic Inspiration (3 per long rest, for 1d6)

As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

  Heat Metal

Until the spell ends (up to 1 minute), you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage (1d8 fire damage for each level the spell is cast at, minimum 2nd level) again.


   14 arrows in quiver, 0 arrow bundles in backpack.


   Mery is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells available for spontaneous casting: 

  • Cantrips (3/3 slots): prestidigitation, vicious mockery, message
  • 1st level (4/4 slots): healing word, hideous laughter, cure wounds, unseen servant
  • 2nd (3/3 slots): invisibility, heat metal, enhance ability

Class Features:

  • 3/3 Bardic Inspiration, recovered after a long rest
  • Song of Rest (Use on any short rest - anyone who hears her performance and chooses to regain a hit die gains an extra 1d6 of HP.)
  • Jack of All Trades (add 1/2 proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.)
  • Bardic College = College of Lore. Gain expertise in 2 skills you already have proficiency in, and proficiency in 3 new skills. (Choosing Persuasion and Deception for Expertise, adding Nature, Stealth, and Religion for Proficiency.)


OOC comments, if I have them, go here.



spacer.png                       Meryelle "Mery" Keryndon

                         Level 4 Half-Elf Sage College of Lore Bard

AC: 13 (Leather Armor) | HP: 30/30 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses:  Darkvision 60 ft; Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11, Passive Investigation 14
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 18 (+6)
Languages:  Common, Elven, Solamnic, Kharolian, and Draconic
Spell-casting: +6 or DC 141st 4/4 2nd 3/3 | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4

 “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions


At the Folketh Barony

Mery steps up next to the 'representative' farmer and pulls him to side, a short way away from where Modri and the Cap are fighting. She says, "All the questions you ask are more than reasonable, but the whole thing is kind of a long story. Let me give you the highlights, then let's let Modri and your Cappy fight, then afterward, I'll try and answer whatever additional questions you might have."

"About 3 years ago, Lord Michael and Michelle were forced to join this army of Takhisis that showed up where they were living in exile, and then promptly separated into different fighting groups. A year or so ago, Lord Michael passed away when his group was sent to invade Elven lands. The group that Lady Michelle was in currently has plans to invade Kalaman, and in fact, if it weren't for my group - Modri, the Sea Elf here with us, 4 others inside the city, and me - interfering with their plans for a small fishing village called Vogler about 30 miles up the Vingaard River from here - that army would be invading Kalaman as we speak. All we managed to do was buy some time - they still have their sights set on invading this city. During our time in Vogler, the army judged Lady Michelle as worthy of death due to her unwillingness to compromise her honor and she is currently with two of my group in the city warning the city's leaders of that army's plans for Kalaman. I believe she will be sharing what she knows of them from her time serving them, and this need to ready the city's defenses is why she's not here right now."

"As for proof, we know that Lord Michael hid proof of the family's identity within the city, and Lady Michelle has charged me personally with retrieving it - I just haven't done so yet due to the need to start on another task she authorized - the one that has brought us here beyond just telling you about her return. If you mean proof that what I am saying is true, then I don't have anything like that, but I expect we can probably arrange something that will satisfy you."

"There's a bit more to this story and why we're here, but this is a beginning."

She turns to take a look at how the fight is going. "Show them who you are, Modri!" she calls encouragingly to the Dwarf barbarian, feeling a little shy about calling out, but wanting him to know she believes in him.




Bonus Action:



Object Interaction:

Mount Action:


Actions & Resources


   Shortbow (simple, ranged, ammunition, two-handed). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target.
                                                                                   Hit:  (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 

   Dagger (light, ranged or melee). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/80 ft., one target.
                                                   Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
                                                                   Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

                                                  Hit: (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions:

   Healing Word

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

  Bardic Inspiration (3 per long rest, for 1d6)

As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

  Heat Metal

Until the spell ends (up to 1 minute), you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage (1d8 fire damage for each level the spell is cast at, minimum 2nd level) again.


   14 arrows in quiver, 0 arrow bundles in backpack.


   Mery is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells available for spontaneous casting: 

  • Cantrips (3/3 slots): prestidigitation, vicious mockery, message
  • 1st level (4/4 slots): healing word, hideous laughter, cure wounds, unseen servant
  • 2nd (3/3 slots): invisibility, heat metal, enhance ability

Class Features:

  • 3/3 Bardic Inspiration, recovered after a long rest
  • Song of Rest (Use on any short rest - anyone who hears her performance and chooses to regain a hit die gains an extra 1d6 of HP.)
  • Jack of All Trades (add 1/2 proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.)
  • Bardic College = College of Lore. Gain expertise in 2 skills you already have proficiency in, and proficiency in 3 new skills. (Choosing Persuasion and Deception for Expertise, adding Nature, Stealth, and Religion for Proficiency.)


OOC comments, if I have them, go here.



spacer.png                       Meryelle "Mery" Keryndon

                         Level 4 Half-Elf Sage College of Lore Bard

AC: 13 (Leather Armor) | HP: 30/30 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses:  Darkvision 60 ft; Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11, Passive Investigation 14
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 18 (+6)
Languages:  Common, Elven, Solamnic, Kharolian, and Draconic
Spell-casting: +6 or DC 141st 4/4 2nd 3/3 | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4

 “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions


At the Folketh Barony

Mery steps up next to the 'representative' farmer and pulls him to side, a short way away from where Modri and the Cap are fighting. She says, "All the questions you ask are more than reasonable, but the whole thing is kind of a long story. Let me give you the highlights, then let's let Modri and your Cappy fight, then afterward, I'll try and answer whatever additional questions you might have."

"About 3 years ago, Lord Michael and Michelle were forced to join this army of Takhisis that showed up where they were living in exile, and then promptly separated into different fighting groups. A year or so ago, Lord Michael passed away when his group was sent to invade Elven lands. The group that Lady Michelle was in currently has plans to invade Kalaman, and in fact, if it weren't for my group - Modri, the Sea Elf here with us, 4 others inside the city, and me - interfering with their plans for a small fishing village called Vogler about 30 miles up the Vingaard River from here - that army would be invading Kalaman as we speak. All we managed to do was buy some time - they still have their sights set on invading this city. During our time in Vogler, the army judged Lady Michelle as worthy of death due to her unwillingness to compromise her honor and she is currently with two of my group in the city warning the city's leaders of that army's plans for Kalaman. I believe she will be sharing what she knows of them from her time serving them, and that's why she's not here right now."

"As for proof, we know that Lord Michael hid proof of the family's identity within the city, and Lady Michelle has charged me personally with retrieving it - I just haven't done so yet due to the need to start on another task she authorized - the one that has brought us here beyond just telling you about Lady Michelle's return. If you mean proof that what I am saying is true, then I don't have anything like that, but I expect we can probably arrange something that will satisfy you."

"There's a bit more to this story and why we're here, but this is a beginning."

She turns to take a look at how the fight is going. "Show them who you are, Modri!" she calls encouragingly to the Dwarf barbarian, feeling a little shy about calling out, but wanting him to know she believes in him.




Bonus Action:



Object Interaction:

Mount Action:


Actions & Resources


   Shortbow (simple, ranged, ammunition, two-handed). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target.
                                                                                   Hit:  (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 

   Dagger (light, ranged or melee). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/80 ft., one target.
                                                   Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
                                                                   Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

                                                  Hit: (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions:

   Healing Word

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

  Bardic Inspiration (3 per long rest, for 1d6)

As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

  Heat Metal

Until the spell ends (up to 1 minute), you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage (1d8 fire damage for each level the spell is cast at, minimum 2nd level) again.


   14 arrows in quiver, 0 arrow bundles in backpack.


   Mery is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells available for spontaneous casting: 

  • Cantrips (3/3 slots): prestidigitation, vicious mockery, message
  • 1st level (4/4 slots): healing word, hideous laughter, cure wounds, unseen servant
  • 2nd (3/3 slots): invisibility, heat metal, enhance ability

Class Features:

  • 3/3 Bardic Inspiration, recovered after a long rest
  • Song of Rest (Use on any short rest - anyone who hears her performance and chooses to regain a hit die gains an extra 1d6 of HP.)
  • Jack of All Trades (add 1/2 proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.)
  • Bardic College = College of Lore. Gain expertise in 2 skills you already have proficiency in, and proficiency in 3 new skills. (Choosing Persuasion and Deception for Expertise, adding Nature, Stealth, and Religion for Proficiency.)


OOC comments, if I have them, go here.

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